Raping the cows, and confronting the zookeepers about their unsavory ways.

in #animals6 years ago (edited)

I was hoping to be a #DtubeStar this morning, and upload my video from 2015 where I walk around the outskirts of the San Diego zoo.

Seems there isn't a way to upload directly to @dtube by just pasting over the YouTube link. (Or if there is, I don't know about it.) I imagine I could download and re-upload, but that's too much aggravation for what's still a replica of a thing I made in the past.

But I thought it would still be fun to share:

Dairy is sooooo messed up.

It's like 100x worse than hunting for food (which is barbaric and not necessary in most of today's environments, but even still it's incredibly less bad than dairy). You at least aren't stripping the animals of being able to live in their real environment, you aren't putting them thru chronic ongoing emotional suffering as the only life they ever get.

All so you can drink some terrible shit?

Dumbest thing ever. Another species' growth formula isn't something you want in your body.

The universe doesn't let you out of things easily. If you cause suffering and consume suffering, you suffer.

(Which isn't to blame people for getting in the habit. We all pick up bad things in an imperfect world. But it's on you to change as you become aware.)

I go for full value here and, while I'm at a zoo, decide to question the gate keeper before I leave.

It's actually way more exciting than what comes across on camera. I was polite and stopped filming as soon as she noticed/asked, but really wish I kept it rolling, or just put it in my pocket and left the sound on.

Basically she called for security right away and told me I need to delete what I filmed. I told her I wasn't going to of course, and we argued a little, and since security was on their way I hurried over to my bike and took off.

It was such a rush.

I remember I went to Starbucks after. Like in the off chance the cops were tailing me, I felt better about being in public than bringing them to my home.

weirdass policy of theirs

(For all I know it was just the gate keeper wishing there was a way to get me to delete it, but not actually the zoo's policy to do anything about it. My hunch was she was for real and security was actually coming. I'm not sure if they can hold you in custody like police can or if they just would have been bigger tougher versions of her and I would have just said no to them too.)

It seems perfectly legal to film in public. And of course it's okay to take picture and video at a zoo of all places. You can tell me to stop, and maybe have some sort of beef if I don't (or at least, are within your rights to tell me to leave). But you don't ever get to decide what I do with the data in my device. It just doesn't work like that.

Technically my situation isn't any different than someone filming a zebra, and then you tell them to delete it. Unless the idea is you just believe me if I say I've deleted it, then you're claiming you have the right to look at my personal data. Which is obviously absurd.

It could have been immediately uploaded to the cloud anyways. The only solution here is to not kidnap animals lol. If you do things that are wrong, some people will find a way to expose it.


If you do things that are wrong, some people will find a way to expose it.

Listening to you is making me consider to eat less and less meat. I’m already skipping few days with any meat on my plate. Perhaps I will add another meatless day. What you said about cows living in stress, being raped...you can say the same about pigs or chickens living in stress all the time just by taking the eggs from the chickens every single day. Pigs are being slaughtered while watching it, they are very smart animals. In my childhood my grandpa had domestic animals. We had pigs, sheep, chickens and about 20 cows. It was Actualy traditionion few decades ago. Every singe neighbor has some domestic animals. I remember this fresh milk from happily pregnant cow. Now there are only few having domestic animals. Europien eunion doesn’t allow it and in the US it’s not that simple either. I have the same opinion on ZOO animals as well. That’s why I don’t go there. I was surprised that lady spoke to you so openly. Even though she didn’t say anything bad, she was a cashier. $48.00 is a lot! If that was true about them keeping only injured animals not being able to survive in the wild I would be fine with it, but we all know that’s not the case.

Ya, she was really sweet and it was cool that she answered. She's in a tough spot of course, and imo did a fine job of answering from the zoo's perspective, like I'm sure those are the answers that they want her to give. So I wasn't worried about her getting in trouble or anything.

Still, ya, it's for sure not true that they're all injured. Which is what I kept going back to and where I was engaging her. (If you're also capturing some healthy animals, then the concern is still valid.) And she tries to bounce around that, eventually noticing the camera when she had nowhere else to turn 🙂

$48 ya!!! (I was genuinely like "wow, shit", I wasn't just trying to troll her.)

So nice to hear that you're considering eating less meat and dairy! It's really cool to be able to reconsider and take strides. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Some days without meat is literally saving animal lives and causing less stress etc.

I got used to two meatless days very quickly. If everyone did the same, can you imagine the difference? Yea, I’m actually considering to add another meatless day after I read article from one of the steemiens recently.


ya, everyone doing that would make sooo much difference.

First, I think the cashier is saying bullshit!

There are a thousand ways to help injured animals without transporting them to a zoo. In fact, watching the video and listening to your thoughts, I'm beginning to have issues with zoos already. I can think of no justification for them right now except that they help to massage man's ego as the leading species on earth.

About milk, well, to be honest I haven't seen it that way. I mean, I know that we get milks from cows but I've never heard of the pregnancy part. I thought they were like chickens. You know, layers who just produce eggs and all (I love eggs)

I'm a bit pissed for watching the video though. I like milk and now I can't have a glass without thinking of what some cow went through to produce them. You know I learnt that they use electric pumps.


First, I think the cashier is saying bullshit!

There are a thousand ways to help injured animals without transporting them to a zoo. In fact, watching the video and listening to your thoughts, I'm beginning to have issues with zoos already. I can think of no justification for them right now except that they help to massage man's ego as the leading species on earth.


"doctor, why do you have people trapped in your basement" ... "oh, they sprained their ankles"


Even the few who truly couldn't return to the wild, if we want to help them, they should be at some place that's trying to be perfectly targeted to the kind of help they need, like pastures for them to roam on etc.. not on display at some exhibit.

(And I'm skeptical that there would even be a few, it's not like the animals at the zoo are known for looking hobbled. Most injuries can be recovered from, it's rare that you stay alive but can't return to normal form.)

About milk, well, to be honest I haven't seen it that way. I mean, I know that we get milks from cows but I've never heard of the pregnancy part.

Right, ya, it seems like it would just be a minor thing, but then it's like whoa.

And of course, it would be possible to let her roam and mate with a bull, it just wouldn't be economically viable. Milk would cost so much that no one would even think about it.

I'm a bit pissed for watching the video though. I like milk and now I can't have a glass without thinking of what some cow went through to produce them. You know I learnt that they use electric pumps.

Oh no! Sorry to ruin it for you. I think.. don't beat yourself up over it. Changing your diet is hard. And it's not your fault you were born in a world where this is happening and you got into the habit. Even just being aware will end up doing good things and making others aware.

Changing your diet is hard. And it's not your fault you were born in a world where this is happening and you got into the habit. Even just being aware will end up doing good things and making others aware.

I don't know man

I'm reading on the process of getting milk from cows and it doesn't look good, even for humans

Will this make me vegan? I don't know man

I just don't know

hehe, for sure. Once you see it it's hard to go back.

Your body and everything about you will thank you and be better for it. So it's good for you at the end of the day too.

(I just acknowledge that switching overnight isn't easy, and I don't think you should feel bad about what you did in the past or anything.)

super excited for you if you do start going down that path, and of course you know where to find me and just fire away if you have any questions or anything.

"Don't worry... beee happy" *whistle sound :D
You still can become a dtubestar!

Unfortunately I cannot help you out.

Lmfao, that part of the video with the "squirrel whisperers" hahahaha, I just died, way too unexpected.

Haha, and that interview at the end is hilarious as well.
"Are you recording me? You cannot record me, I'm sry."
"Oh okay."
You little brat. :D

Btw. I think you are not allowed to film a person if she does not want you to. Same with pictures and so. But it probably depends on the particular case.

Lastly, dairy really can be cruel... But there are less brutal ways to milk a cow; however probably most ways of milking are horrible as you said.
These cows who lose their children cry for days - understandable... ):


The answer to all of your problems, tried and tested, super easy, man.

holy smokes!! wow! that's absurd lol.

and hilarious demonstration vid, A+

maybe I'll repost it onto dtube now that I know how hehe.. or maybe a diff vid


I thought it might help, I couldn't believe how easy either - NICE shades bro!!!!!!

ahah thanks man.. I have to admit tho, it's a snapchat filter 😀 prob hard to tell in the thumbnail .. everything is digital these days anyways

I should fix it so my face fits in the thumbnail a little better

so cool video, thanks for sharing..

Very interesting to enjoyed content incredible. You write with the ability of extraordinary. I think a criticism very spicy and very reasonable. Thank you friend. Greetings!

Greetings to you as well, @seha76. Thanks for stopping by.

Your posts are very interesting especially for me

I actually make them especially for you, glad I'm doing it right


that super dtube bideo, thats a lovely

you're a lovely

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