Owl attacks full size Raccoon

I was lucky enough to capture several shots of a Barred Owl defending its nest from a Raccoon. It was quite a shock to me, and I will show you the photos in the order in which I saw things happen.


The first thing I saw was this raccoon on a large tree, and it was approaching a hole in the trunk just above. It actually managed to get its head into the hole, but I have no photo of this because I heard a scream, and turned with the camera to see an owl swooping down through the tree branches.


This happened in a flash, and I just tried to keep the bird in view and clicked away as fast as I could.


The owl dives full speed at the raccoon


beating at it with its wings.


After making this first pass, the owl turned around and flew back up at the raccoon again


At this point, I was barely managing to keep the camera pointed at them, but you can see above that the raccoon is in motion, trying to get away, and I did not see it again after this...

I lost sight of both animals and scanned around through the trees... after a few moments I spotted the owl high in a nearby tree. I zoomed in as close as I good get... Just look at this bird. Don't you think he's saying "That's right, I'm the boss!"


The End


Talk about being at the right place at the right time.

The talons on that Own look absolutely vicious. I kinda feel sorry for that racoon, he mush have sustained some injuries from those talons.

Thanks a lot! Yes, that was a lucky occurrence for sure! My only regret with these shots is that I didn't catch the talons while the bird was in flight... you only see them in the final shot... but you're right, they look sharp!

I was thinking the same thing. Just one of those talons on the neck by accident could really do a lot of damage. I'm kind of surprised the owl didn't just fly away with the raccoon, or terret away from the tree to make it fall on the ground.
I really really really really really really hope you catch the rematch @keithboone

Yes! Rematch!! How cool would that be?

Epic shot! You have this sixth sense when you are photographing animals! This is so awesome and I cannot believe how you captured them right in the middle of it all.

Superb photography! Nobody captures them quite the way you do!
Much luck to you, Keith. Your work speaks so well of you.

Upped and Steemed Tip! Worthy!

Thanks so much for all your kindness and support Denise, I'm thrilled you dragged me here (kicking and screaming) haha! :)

Awesome shots! Not often would you see this kind of action. would not have wanted to be that raccoon...

Thank you! I guess the raccoon had to lick its wounds and lay low for a bit!

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Wow what an amazing series of shots

Thanks very much!

What do you envy me, always with these beautiful pictures, and the animals pose for you, happy Saturday

Thank you, my friend, have a great weekend!

It is a pleasure to contact you again and see your great works, greetings @keithboone

Thank you, and likewise! I've been enjoying your street photography!

Wow..you caught them in action, but love love the victorious owl's expression at the end!

I once witnessed a hawk and a squirrel in a fight at the squirrel's nest, but my pictures will make you dizzy looking at it :-) I couldn't keep still!

Thanks so much! Yes, I felt the owl looked rather smug after the fight! :)

OMG! How great captures! You are so lucky to see and photograph these animals!

Thank you, I appreciate the resteem & vote very much!!

Wow! Pretty amazing! And good shots too, one can really how the fight unfolded... Don't mess with the owls! haha

Thank you! Don't mess with them indeed! There is a local story, a legend perhaps, that says owls in this area like to steal hats from joggers. :) Never happened to me... I don't jog!

I'ts not a legend. Birds of prey are very territorial. My father, while jogging in France, got attacked by a falcon who clawed his head haah ^^ I guess it was during the nesting season and the falcon saw my father as a threat!

Interesting! So the stories are true :)

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