Sepasang habitat pada daun //A pair of habitats on the leaves (bilingual)

in #animalphotography6 years ago


Hello steemian

A bright morning made my passion to make a post while working very excited, because yesterday I had a photo that I wanted to post with a steemian friend, the circumstances are very unique in getting this animal situation.


The state of this animal is found among the green trees in the garden of the house, when this incident, so easy to take pictures, because it is not disturbed, this animal berselfie in front of my camera.


The original name of this animal I do not know, but the call on the fly, the animal features are many kinds, there are red eyes, there are blue, some are black, I get photography is red eye, six legs, color black faded, and equipped with the yellow color of the back.

thank you very much for votes @jhoni and do not forget follow, successful and happy for all of you.

(Bahasa indonesia)

halo steemian


Pagi yang cemerlang membuat hasrat saya untuk membuat suatu pistingan sambilan bekerja begitu semangat, karena kemaren saya sudah mendapatkan photo yang sangat saya ingin posting dengan teman steemians, keadaannya sangat unik dalam mendapatkan situasi binatang yang seperti ini keadaannya.


Keadaan binatang ini dalam keadaan berpasangan di antara pohon yang hijau di taman rumah, saat kejadian ini, begitu gampang mengambil gambar karena tidak merasa terganggu dengan indahnya binatang ini berselfie di depan kamera saya.


Nama asli binatang ini saya tidak tau, tetapi panggilan di panggil lalat, ciri-ciri binatang ini banyak sekali jenisnya, ada mata merah, ada warna biru, ada juga yang warna hitam, yang saya dapatkan photography adalah mata berwarna merah, berkaki enam, warna hitam pudar, dan dilengkapi warna kuning bagian belakang.

Kontent asli ini hasil koleksi dari smartphone, terima kasih telah votes dan jangan lupa follow @jhoni, sukses dan bahagia untuk kalian semuanya.


hati2 dalam memposting brow, entar kena UU IT.

😊😊 ok terima kasih sudah berkunjung.

haha how did you take these photos?! 😃
are you always looking for specific moments?

if there is a chance I always look for a certain moment, to be able to share with steemians. Thank for visiting, @roundbeargames. 😊

You got a 22.19% upvote from @oceanwhale With 35+ Bonus Upvotes courtesy of @jhoni! Delegate us Steem Power & get 100%daily rewards Payout! 20 SP, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 300, 500,1000 or Fill in any amount of SP Earn 1.25 SBD Per 1000 SP | Discord server

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You just received 4.98% upvote from @onlyprofitbot courtesy of @jhoni!

Great idea! I like your thought behind it. Check my post as well

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