Transgenderism is being forced upon humanity

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)


As you delve deeper down the rabbit hole it is quite clear that there is a blatant war going on both the sexes to confuse and create division, to muddy the lines so as genders we don’t even know what our roles are in the World anymore, there is as I have discussed, an inversion on both the masculine and feminine energies, with men acting more like women and visa versa. Men have lost their balls when it comes to issues at hand, but how has this come to pass? The manipulation on not only the mind but on the physical bodies of men is extremely disturbing when you shine a light on the subject. For example the female hormone oestrogen is rampant in our food and water supplies, particularly bottled water, the question is WHY would this need to be added at all?? Oestrogen lowers the testosterone levels in men and makes them more passive and lets be honest, literally more feminine. This isn’t just affecting children and grown men either, studies have shown that a pregnant woman could be carrying a baby boy and if she is ingesting a lot of bisphenol A (an oestrogenic endocrine disruptor) the sex related genes can be switched on and off, in effect possibly causing the male baby to develop a female brain!


I want to make it clear at this point I have no problem with gay or transgender people, this isn’t about that and its certainly not an attack on them, there has always been a percentage of these people and that’s their choice, what I am talking about is an all out assault to take the masculine energy out of society. Where else do we see oestrogen in abundance? You guessed it in alcohol, meat, and dairy, so its bad news for men sitting down the pub with their mates eating steak! Not only is it in the steak its in your beer too! If it wasn’t so tragic it would be funny, all the guys being all ‘blokey’ down the pub consuming things that are making them more feminine!

Its not just in the food though just look at the constant garbage on the TV, just the fashion shows men wearing dresses etc Its all being completely normalized and propagated through media outlets, drip feeding it into our minds. The media is consistently talking about ‘what does it actually mean to be a man?’ or ‘What constitutes being a woman?’ I read somewhere that in a school there was a tick box for men, woman, and neither! Just the other week I was on the BBC website where it asked me to fill in a form where the gender options were man, woman, or other!Where has all this sprung from all of a sudden? In nightclubs now there are mixed toilets, its all going on both overtly and covertly, and it explains why, at least in part men don’t act like men anymore, because physically and mentally they are being changed, chemically and through mind control.


The divine feminine energy is also under heavy assault, that energy of care, creativity, and nurture. The very energy that is needed to change the World. If people care about things then it’s a lot harder for others to dominate. Instead females are increasingly being turned aggressive and competitive, they are completely operating from their masculine in this capitalist society. Instead of being in their innate feminine qualities they are being turned into ruthless ‘winner takes all’ robots. This has not come to pass by coincidence I might add, it came with the rise of feminism and the feminist movement in general, which if you do the research was actually created and funded by the Rockerfeller foundation because they wanted to tax the other half of the population which they were missing out on. It was also to start the break up of the family unit so the children would be spending more time with the State at school and less time with the parents. Obviously I am not saying here that women should not have rights, not at all. The way women have been viewed as less than men, bastardised, and abused throughout history is one of the biggest crimes ever committed by humanity. Im saying this was done to create a new type of female, to take women further away from their inherent qualities that they are born with.

Now we have a situation where both parents are out at work all the time partly because they cannot afford not to be either. The traditional roles have been perverted with women also encouraged to be promiscuous, as I say the lines have been muddied. The World desperately needs women to regain their femininity, their love, and their care. The Planet is stuck in an overtly male dominated, left brained, mindset and there has to be balance. The male energy should be there to protect the female energy, soon we will be living in a World where neither energy exists. No care or love, and nobody to protect.

Again Im not suggesting women stay at home all day and don’t have careers but anyone with half a brain who has observed the societal decline in recent decades should be able to see where I am coming from. Men used to stand up and protect and women used to hold things together like glue with their love and care.


Could this also be why so many relationships fail? In one sense I feel its because of the ‘convenience’ factor again? When things go wrong people quickly look for somebody else to feel the void in their own hearts, normally this is down to a lack of self love, but I also think that a huge part of it is that men and women are acting so abnormally these days due to these new constructs that turns the other partner off? I hear a lot from women these days who complain that men no longer act like men. But at the same time I know men, and Ive felt this myself, that women no longer act like women either. Men are indoctrinated by all these movies where the guy is all soppy and needy and the women eventually falls in love. Im not saying that there is no need for a feminine side in men Im just explaining the constant bombardment of how these energies are being manipulated on different levels.

The World is getting crazier now trangender, trans-neutral now where a person doesnt identify with neither a man or a woman, I have even seen people coming out and saying they now identify with certain animals! I mean if this is the case we can just be anything we want right? I can now wake up in the morning and say that Im a dolphin! Sorry not sorry, if youre born with a penis you're a male, if youre born with a vagina you're a female. Try broaching this subject though and you are classed as a bigot, or a homophobe! I am not saying that there isnt a small percentage of tortured souls who are born and genuinely feel that they may have been born into the wrong body, there has always been a tiny percentage of these people. What I am talking about is this, what has now become at least, a fashion trend where everyone wants to be something that theyre not. This 'movement' if thats what you want to call it seems to be a place where damaged people can go and instead of genuinely trying to heal themselves and whatever issues they have, they run to this because it gives them a sense of belonging, a way to channel their anger at the World and stay in victim consciousness, Its nothing more than a trend pushed out by those that understand the energy dynamics of both males and females and want to stamp it out. A confused population without these energies at the core is a walkover, the lines are being muddied and they're being muddied on purpose.

Tony Sayers
Love, care, courage

Author of the book 'Are you Living or just Existing?'
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I'm glad you commented on one of my posts:) so here i am, out of curiosity;) and i really enjoy the content! good job :)

Thanks Kasia for the feedback, yeah my views can be quite challenging but glad you gained value. Thanks for the upvote :)


Brilliant read there, Ive thought the same for a long time. Any way they can divide us they will. That way we can fight each other and not fight the true cause of it all.

Divide and conquer.

I didnt see Sex being bought into though this is a new low for the elite!

Yes its just sprung up from nowhere in the last few years, its turned into a fashion to be transgender. Social conditioning at its finest!

I've been seeing kids shows on tv with the star a drag queen and that for me was a defining moment. How the fuck am I meant to bring kids into such a broken world. Do i want to be responsible for that? Fuck no! I want to move to Madagascar, self teach and bring up kids that can grow for themselves without having to battle with ridiculous social norms/abnorms, which ever you'd like to call it. Makes me glad to be born in the 90's and awoken just in time to see this happening and not have to be much of a part of it. There's too much we all need to be out there learning about ourselves and our neighbours.

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