Time Travel Adventures Of Future Anarchists - Episode 2

in #anarchy6 years ago (edited)

Voluntarists from the future travel back in time to witness the horrid history of statism.

Year:  2600

The people of earth live in a voluntary society.

Scene – At a history tourism center, people go in a time machine to witness history first hand.  The historical guide for the next tour is meeting a small group of tourists and prepping them for the journey.  They are in a large, vaulted atrium.    

Guide:  Welcome to the tour, everyone.  My name is Miles.  You’ve all chosen to witness early 21st century mind control and slavery.  Are there any questions before we begin?

Cheery Child:  Yeah, is it true that back then people in uniforms would use coercion to stop people from selling lemonade?
Miles:  Yes, amazingly, that’s true.  (looks to ground, notices cat that just waltzed up) May I ask who’s with the cat, or who the cat is with, rather?

Everyone shrugs.

Cheery Child:  I dunno, mister, but can we bring the cat with us?
Miles (sighs):  Well, I suppose, as long as nobody else objects.    

Vibrant Woman:  I’m so excited! I’ve never been in a time machine before! So where is this fancy thing?
Spry Old Guy:  Let’s get this show on the road.  I’ve got a marathon later today.

Miles:  Yes, very well.  Control panel, please.   

A transparent control panel appears before him and he punches a few buttons.  The high, steely-colored double doors that were before them fizzle away.  The time machine, shaped like a 21 foot tall penguin, is revealed.

Cheery Child:  Wow! That penguin is bigger than the ones they have on planet Pi-3 in the Y quadrant!
Miles:  Yes, indeed. But those are real penguins, mind you.  Now, if everyone will kindly step into the penguin, we’ll be on our way to 21st century earth.    

They all board the enormous penguin-shaped time machine and a kaleidoscope envelops them.  They flash out, then into a gargantuan urban park.

Miles (slightly perturbed):  Oh, dear.
Spry Old Guy:  I can only imagine.

Miles:  I forgot to cloak the penguin before we left.  (punches a few buttons) There, now the ship is invisible.  Hopefully nobody noticed.
Cheery Child (sarcastic):  Yeah, I’m sure nobody noticed a colossal penguin appearing out of nowhere! 

Miles:  Actually, during this time period, large scale attempts at weather control were underway, and barely anyone noticed.    
Vibrant Woman:  So where are we? And when?

Miles:  We’re in a place called San Diego, California.  In Balboa Park, to be exact, in the year 2018.
Vibrant Woman:  Why are we here?

Miles:  Let’s exit and walk while we talk, please.

They all step out into the glorious southern California sun and Miles leads the way.

Miles:  Just a short walk from here is a brainwashing prison for young people.  They used to call it school.    
Spry Old Guy:  Yeah, I remember reading about those.  They were funded by extortion, right?

Miles:  Yes, that’s right.    

They walk a few minutes and arrive at San Diego High School.  Young people are muddling around in various hallways while on a 5 minute transition between “classes”.  Many are zoning out on their phones, while others declare shenanigans.    

Miles:  So, as you can see, there are hundreds of young people here.  In a few moments, a loud, obnoxious bell will sound, and most of them will scurry into one of the rooms you see all around.    

Vibrant Woman:  Why will they scurry?
Miles:  Because they’ll be in a hurry.

Cheery Child:  But why the hurry, mister? Can I ask one of them?
Miles:  Oh, I’d love to say yes, but it would be rather risky to the fabric of space-time.    

Cheery Child:  Aw, shucks.    

The bell rings and most of the young people hurry away.

Miles:  They hurry out of fear.  They come here due to compulsion from various others.  Sometimes their parents, but ultimately, the compulsion comes from a gang called “government”.  Members of the gang might use the threat of violence to break the family up if the young people don’t comply.    

Spry Old Guy (motions to one of the classrooms):  What went on in there?

Miles (energetic):  Well, if everyone is ready, we can see for ourselves! (starts handing out baseball caps) If you’ll kindly wear one of these cloaking caps, we may enter and have a first-hand look at the lies and authoritarian propaganda these young people endured.

Cheery Child:  Hey, what about the cat? 

Miles:  Ah, yes, I almost forgot.  (pulls out tiny cap and places on cat.  Picks cat up.  Cat’s poofy face shows mix of disinterestedness and slight annoyance) Now, to activate your cloak, tap the cap 3 times.
Spry Old Guy:  Will they be able to hear us?

Miles:  Great question.  No, your cloaking cap neutralizes sound as well.  Except for sneezes, of course.  Nobody’s figured out yet how to neutralize their energetic frequencies.  But you probably already knew that.    

Cheery Child:  Come on, mister.  I can’t wait!
Miles:  Very well.  Tap your caps at your pleasure.    

They all tap their caps 3 times and disappear.  Miles activates the transporter and they instantly arrive in a history class. Every young person is standing.  Each has right hand held over center of chest.  They’re droning on in what appears to be a strange ritual.    

Vibrant Woman:  What are they doing?
Cheery Child:  It’s so creepy!

Miles:  This was a religious ritual done every day in behavior training centers like this.  It’s what was called a “pledge of allegiance”.    

Cheery Child: Allegiance to what?

Miles:  A violently controlled collective called a "nation", "country", or "republic".  

Spry Old Guy:  Every day?
Miles:  Yes.  5 days a week, for 13 years, with the exception of the summer months.    

Vibrant Woman:  What the heck for?

Miles:  The main purpose was to help brainwash everyone into believing in external human authority, which would ultimately lead to subservience to a ruling minority.  The illusory authority in this case was a criminal syndicate with fancy titles called government.    

The young people sit down and the older person starts lecturing.  A few minutes into the lecture, something catches the attention of the time-traveling observers.

Spry Old Guy:  Did I hear that correctly?
Vibrant Woman:  That one man killed 6 million people?   

Miles:  Yes, this is a propaganda session about World War 2.  The indoctrinator was referring to a man called Hitler.    
Cheery Child:  But there’s no way one person killed that many! Especially not with their primitive weapons! Even I know that!

Miles:  Yes, but this was a very clever part of the myth of external human authority.  People were trained to believe that one evil man murdered millions.  Of course now we know this to be false, because it took many thousands of order-followers to carry out the evil actions.    

Cheery Child (astonished):  Golly-gee-wiz! They didn’t know that!?  That’s like knowing 2 plus 2 is 4!

Miles (amused):  Yes, but you must remember that the people of this time period did not have the knowledge of objective Moral Law.  They didn’t know the difference between right and wrong behavior.  They lived, like so many generations had for thousands of years before them, in a state of moral relativism.    

Young person raises hand.

Indoctrinator:  Yes, Johnny?
Johnny:  I need the bathroom.

Indoctrinator:  If you’re gone more than 5 minutes, I’ll consider it skipping, got it?
Johnny (repressed anger):  Yeah, yeah.

Cheery Child:  They had to ask permission just to release toxins from their body?   
Vibrant Woman:  How barbaric!

Spry Old Guy:  What did he mean by “skipping”?
Miles:  He meant that it would be considered violating compulsory attendance, which would be punished.  It was an implied threat.

Vibrant Woman:  So this was one of the core systems used in obedience training and behavior engineering, and it’s horrific enough, but I suppose that it didn’t stop here.   
Spry Old Guy:  Yeah, after all, once they reached a certain age, they got out of this cage, right?

Miles:  Glad you asked.  We’ll now move onto another facet that was so integral to the mind control of billions.  Shall we move on?

Everyone agrees.

Cheery Child:  But hey, where’s the cat?
Miles (gawking around nervously):  Oh, dear.  Sneaky little bugger.  Does anyone see the cat?

Vibrant Woman:  Oh, there it is, rubbing the leg of that boy on the back row.

Boy on back row has a bewildered look on face.  Starts to reach down to see what’s causing this odd sensation on his leg. Miles dashes over and grabs the cat just before the boy is about to accidentally pet the cat.  Miles sneezes loudly, which is audible to everyone in class.  Puzzled faces peer around.

Miles:  Ok, no time to waste! (activates transporter)

An instant later and they’re back in the penguin.  There are two order-followers in uniforms strutting around near the time machine, patting the invisible object with great befuddlement.    

Miles:  Oh, dear.    
Spry Old Guy:  Who are those guys in costumes?

Miles:  They are order-followers and rights-violators called “police”.  
Cheery Child (pointing out window):  What the heck!

The costumed rights-violators are shooting the time machine.  The bullets are bouncing harmlessly off the bullet-proof penguin.

Vibrant Woman:  So about that fabric of space-time……
Miles (nonchalant):  Oh, I’ve had worse incidents.  I’m sure it’ll be fine.    

Miles punches some buttons and the time machine flashes out, then reappears in a residential neighborhood later that night.  They get out and start gawking around.

Cheery Child:  What are all these machines out here in the street?
Miles:  Those were used for ground transportation, something called “cars”.    

Spry Old Guy:  Oh, I remember reading about those.  The energy source they used was petrol, right?
Miles:  That’s right.  A violently controlled monopoly on energy production methods was held by a tiny minority, and this didn’t change until the early 22nd century.    

Vibrant Woman:  So where is everybody?
Miles:  They’re all inside, probably trying to relax.  Most people probably worked all day, at a job they really didn’t enjoy.  Not only that, but half of their earnings get stolen by the government gang.

Cheery Child:  Geez, mister, why did they let that gang steal?
Miles:  Believe it or not, nearly everyone at this time didn’t think of it as stealing because they were under mind control. They were trained to believe that it wasn’t stealing, but a thing called “taxation”.    

Vibrant Woman (aghast):  How tragic!
Miles:  Now obviously, we can’t enter any of the houses because that would be a violation of privacy.  However, please note the blue flickering lights in the vast majority of windows.    

Cheery Child:  What’s going on? Laser tag?

Miles:  Nothing so active, I’m afraid.  They’re staring at a machine called a television, which was one of the most effective mind control technologies ever created.  The television broadcasted a mixture of audio and video from a central location.    

Cheery Child:  If they knew it was for mind control, then why did they watch it? 

Miles:  Well, that was the trick of it.  Only a tiny minority of people knew the true purpose of the transmissions.  The propaganda they broadcasted was in two basic forms.  The majority was complete fiction with entertaining characteristics. The other was a semi-fictional account of current events that passed for “news”.    

Spry Old Guy:  Semi-fictional?

Miles:  Yes, the news of the day was usually filled with half-truths.  Sometimes blatant lies would be used as well.  The reason for doing this was to lead the viewer to predetermined conclusions and beliefs, so as to bring about behavior that the psychopathic ruling class desired.    

Vibrant Woman:  To keep them ignorant and easy to manipulate, in other words.    
Miles:  Yes, well said.    

A dog comes dashing down the sidewalk.  The cat shrieks and frantically flees.    

Miles:  Oh, dear.  Why did I bring that cat?
Cheery Child:  Hey mister, can’t ya just cloak the cat?

Miles:  Yes, I suppose.
Vibrant Woman:  Hey, what about the fabric of space-time?

Miles:  Yes, I suppose it could forever alter the fate of the universe, but I doubt it.  It’s just one disappearing cat.    

Miles summons the control pad and cloaks the cat.  The dog stops cold, gives some baffled glances, then whimpers and runs away.    

Miles:  Well, that’s all the time we have for this tour.  We’ll be heading back now.  Any final questions or comments?
Cheery Child: Yeah, can we stop for ice cream?

Miles sighs.

Thanks for your time and attention!

Just say "NO" to slavery!

Top image is from maxpixel.net    


"History is made by minorities — or, more precisely, history is made by intellectual movements, which are created by minorities. Who belongs to these minorities? Anyone who is able and willing actively to concern himself with intellectual issues. Here, it is not quantity, but quality that counts (the quality — and consistency — of the ideas one is advocating)."

Ayn Rand, Philosophy: Who Needs It, 200

Interesting quote. Thanks

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Resteemed with pleasure, such an amazing story!

You have skills.

I hope that tou can buy yourself some icecream with the well earned money...

Loved it! If I only had 5 lives to write all I want... :D
Followed, upvoted, resteemed

I hope you don't mind if I use your popularity to spread some anarchy?


Fucking awesome man!! I love it. Love the way you referred to everyone for the voluntary society with happy adjectives. I really gotta start reading more of your stuff, I think you just always happen to post in the parts of my feed that I miss

Thanks! Wow, you caught my deliberate use of positive adjectives like that. I'm impressed. Cheers :)

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