in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

Back in 1975 a band was formed in England that would change the face of music. I'm not talking here about The Sex Pistols or The Clash. I mean Throbbing Gristle.

They didn't invent punk, heavy metal, or ska. They invented performance tampon. (officially they are credited with inventing Industrial Music, but nobody knows what that means)

"Wikipedia defines industrial music as “a style of experimental music that draws on transgressive and provocative themes,” which could mean a number of things, save for the fact that we know that the slogan “Industrial Music for Industrial People” was coined for the band Throbbing Gristle’s Industrial Records label, and for that Throbbing Gristle should be considered the original industrial band"

  • Abrasive, aggressive, and antagonistic, Britain's Throbbing Gristle pioneered industrial music; exploring death, mutilation, fascism, and degradation amid a thunderous cacophony of mechanical noise, tape loops, extremist anti-melodies, and bludgeoning beats, the group's cultural terrorism - the "wreckers of civilization," one tabloid called them - raised the stakes of artistic confrontation to new heights, combating all notions of commerciality and good taste with a maniacal fervor.

  • Formed in London in the autumn of 1975, Throbbing Gristle consisted of vocalist/ringleader Genesis P-Orridge, his then-lover, guitarist Cosey Fanni Tutti, tape manipulator Peter "Sleazy" Christopherson, and keyboardist Chris Carter. A performance art troupe as much as a band, their early live shows - each starting with a punch clock and running exactly 60 minutes before the power to the stage was cut - threatened obscenity laws; during their notorious premiere gig, P-Orridge even mounted an art exhibit consisting entirely of used tampons and soiled diapers.*

Although I've never listened to a whole one of their albums because I'm too softcore, their creative ethic shapes every post I do on Steemit.

Sometimes I have ideas for performances in the shower. Today I thought up "Parrot reverse death drop" which would start with the screeching from a flock of parrots put through a white noise filter while a man in a straight jacket, his mouth filled with used tampons, screams "Insertion" through a drainpipe and another man urinates on his head. After four minutes there would be a loud bang and a parrot would screech "Polly" followed by two minutes of silence

  • Throbbing Gristle's confrontational live performances and use of often disturbing imagery, including pornography and photographs of Nazi concentration camps, gave the group a notorious reputation. However, the group always maintained that their mission was to challenge and explore the darker and obsessive sides of the human condition rather than to make attractive music. Throbbing Gristle made extensive use of pre-recorded tape-based samples and special effects to produce a distinctive, highly distorted background, usually accompanied by lyrics or spoken-word performances by Cosey Fanni Tutti or Genesis P-Orridge. Though they asserted they wanted to provoke their audience into thinking for themselves rather than pushing any specific agenda (as evidenced by the song "Don't Do As You're Told, Do As You Think" on Heathen Earth), Throbbing Gristle also frequently associated with the anarchist punk scene.

One of my favourite things about the band is their album covers - hell they were funny:

Ready to hear some now?

Throbbing Gristle - What A Day

"I honestly believe this is the single greatest piece of industrial music ever produced"

"You can twerk to this"

"For those who don't know, the cover shows the band at Beachy Head, a high cliff and a notorious suicide spot"

"I like the cover, it's subtlety uncomfortable, like, you don't see anything bad to begin with, but your subconscious knows something is wrong"

"The 1st time I heard this was after my 1st trip on magic scared the hell out of me :)"

"Every single time I have an overwhelming day, without fucking fail, this song pops into my head"

"I wake up each day and toss on a Throbbing Gristle record. Hell of a way to start a day"

What has come over you? - feel free to to comment, and don't be afraid to threaten obscenity laws!

PS. Throbbing Gristle have reformed (warning – do not watch this video if you can’t handle the jandle)

Every gender studies professor in England is raving about this and saying you don’t have to let being born a man prevent you from becoming the woman you were meant to be. (I know I occasionally make things up, but not this time)



I need some good quality dope to get through these performances.

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LOL, that was one of the oddest things I've ever watched or listened to. Ever. Haha! You should sell them your shower idea, I have no trouble imagining them performing it ;)

I hope you listened to the whole thing - I have had some complaints :)

LOL "I just wasted 4:38 minutes of my life listening to this industrial crap"

No doubt this is best quality blog post i have ever read.

I think we can all safely assume you didn't read a word of it. Either that or it's the only blog post you have ever read. Though you did upvote, which shows good manners.

Deb - that is a real person posting a comment and you are being fucking rude...

Probably residual influence of that hideous noise from last night.

Dont mind her shes just a cholesterol deficient vegan.

I'm sure you're right. There is nowhere near enough cholesterol in beef, chicken drumsticks, chicken livers, egg yolks and goat feta. I need some raw cows brains, or maybe I need to go back to the Carnivore, No Plant diet.

(I haven't got a good enough handle on your sense of humour yet to be sure, but am assuming you're trolling, and don't really think I'm vegan.)

I was jsut yankin yer chain

I wonder if milkjars are edible? :)

glass is inert and edible. just make sure you chew until it is totally sand before swallowing so it doesnt cut your insides. Its a common bar trick

That could be a performance - "chewglass":

Thanks - this is the best quality comment I've ever had!

This is the best quality reply i've ever seen!

This is the best quality follow-up on a reply I've ever seen!

OMG this is the best quality reply to a reply to a reply i have ever seen!

I think they need some discipline

Or something...

I jsut wasted 4:38 minutes of my life listening to this industrial crap.
Now, if you tell me you are British, I am going to change my entire opinion of you.
Oh wait, I remember you are Kiwi!
The only thing that I save of them is their outfit. Fucking brilliant.

Make sure you listen to the discipline one as well - it's brilliant and you will thank me later

"Entertainment through pain"

I suspect the gender stuff might be performance art

nevermind, im wrong

im a bit shocked that this is what happened to throbbing gristle. although I shouldnt be

he says he worked with timothy leary for a few years. hmmm....

Even Throbbing Gristle can take so much acid they go to the dark side!

Lovely uplifting post. I think I saw Throbbing Gristle reading fairy tales to the kids in my local primary school.

"Parrot reverse death drop" which would start with the screeching from a flock of parrots put through a white noise filter while a man in a straight jacket, his mouth filled with used tampons, screams "Insertion" through a drainpipe and another man urinates on his head. After four minutes there would be a loud bang and a parrot would screech "Polly" followed by two minutes of silence

That would be very special indeed.

i am not entirely unsure i haven't seen a porno by the same name.

Now i think it will pop up in my head all day long

It's been in my head for days now...


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