Ron Paul Interviews Quinn Eaker After Appalling BLACK OPS SWAT Raid Part 2 BEHIND THE SCENES VIDEO OF THE RON PAUL SHOW

in #anarchy8 years ago

Earlier this week, I published a post on my first interview with Ron Paul on "The Ron Paul Show" after the totally bogus and horrific BLACK OPS SWAT RAID on The Garden of Eden which is the renowned sustainable community I founded 7 years ago. If you didn't see it, then be sure to check out that post first as it has crucial information to the story as a whole. 

I am excited to share this final segment of my experience on The Ron Paul Show, as he is a hero to many and (as far as a politician goes) he is the most honest and transparent politician we have seen. He has done a lot for exposing dark truths of this world and supporting knowledge and freedom. 

This video and the first is particularly cool because the episode is only available via paid subscription besides my video linked at the end of this post. Also, this recordings is the behind-the-scenes video which has snippets edited out of the official show on The Ron Paul Channel. 

I hope you enjoy this even though it really is a gross story of POLICE STATE ABUSE OF POWER and a totally corrupt, bogus waste of Tax Payer dollars just to try and destroy a cutting edge community providing real solutions to real problems that challenge the global industrial complex. 



As I said in Part 1 of your interview with Ron Paul, he was the final presidential candidate that I voted for. In many ways, he was my last hope that the system as-it-is could be changed from within... And as you so eloquently put in your reply to me, he was either doomed for non-election or he would have been absorbed into the fold and been another good ol' boy... Still! If he's supporting the cause in the ways that he can, I must give credit where credit is due. :-)

But by far and large, my favorite part is the digital fist-pound at the end! :-D

Ron Paul jumped on this story following the raid on this peaceful sustainable community. It was refreshing to see a politician interested in the people and exposing the corrupt antics of the City of Arlington in Texas. Making change will take many and the more we are aware of that which we don't want will give rise to that which we do want. Sharing this information is crucial to awakening. Tyranny runs deep. Let's expose it for what it is.

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