Ron Paul Interviews Quinn Eaker After Appalling BLACK OPS SWAT Raid

in #quinneaker8 years ago

                                Greetings Steemit Community!

I want to take this quick opportunity to again say how thrilled I am to be here with you all, as I have found no platform with more potential for a Revolution than this one!

The world is truly corrupt and broken (unless you are one of the 0.1%, then it’s working perfectly!)

I will give everything I have to offer to this community in hopes to forge a glorious new future!

The sustainable community The Garden of Eden I founded in 2007 was raided by a fully armed BLACK OPS SWAT team in August 2013. I won't get into the story of this horrifically dishonorable event as that is what the video is for. I am choosing to share this particular video (of the many) because it is exceptionally special. Ron Paul is a hero to many--especially in a community like this--so he holds a special place, and this is also a behind the scenes video NOT available ANYWHERE. The "official" version is only available to PAID subscribers to his show, and even that would be an edited cut version. This is the uncut, behind the scenes version. I am grateful for all that Ron Paul has done for this world, more importantly the people he has influenced and that he cared enough about me to have me on the show after this ludicrous waste of hard working tax payer dollars.

Lastly I would also like to take this opportunity to say (as I do whenever possible) Taxation is theft!



This is part one of the interview. If people like this one I will curate a post with the behind the scenes end of interview on The Ron Paul Show and chit chat after. 



I voted for Ron Paul back during when he was running for president (I wrote him in - not that my vote counted, looking back). I felt like he was the only hope for change - bringing up issues that no other politician would even breathe about. I even still have the 'I Support Ron Paul' pin I bought from the local group I was a part of. However, everyone there kind of tapered off and we ended up never channeling our energy into something else after the election... Quinn, thank you for inspiring me to join Steemit. This might be our last chance to reach people and start some real change. :-)

For a politician Ron Paul is the best I have seen. Though the whole system is broken and that is why either, most likely #1 He won't ever win nor would anyone saying what he says. #2 If he did it would not change and or he would be assented and things wouldn't change. It is a dark and "sad truth" yet it is a far more accurate truth than "your vote matters and the system is NOT corrupt" yea right.
So I have taken it upon my self to create a NEW life which for me and those in my life is a NEW WORLD. We live it together and its real. I believe many lives could be improved building upon what we have built. The question is who will? Sorta like here on Steemit...There is GREAT opportunity for us to BUILD upon what the platform that Steemit is. The question is what will WE do with it? Will you keep posting to Fascistbook and other sites who give you NOTHING for your contributions? Who sensor your perspective? Or will you go somewhere you have free speech and are compensated for your contributions?
The choice seems obvious yet look how many people are on FB and how many are on Steemit? So we will see what happens but I believe the more people that comprehend what Steemit IS the more will get on board.
As I believe that the more that comprehend what I am doing will also be inspired and upgrade their own lives~*~

You know you're doing something right when such drastic measures are taken to knock you down. You've already gotten world wide acclaim for standing in honor, even and especially when they've stacked the odds against you. Your unwavering ability to stand in truth is inspiring. I have high hopes that those here on Steemit will recognize the magnificence of your journey in sharing powerful realities with the world.

I am so grateful to have your support and that you are dedicated to evolution. We together are participating in something truly revolutionary~
What exciting times!

What does it mean when government agencies try to stop evolution? To attempt to harm those who wish to be free and live peacefully. Although this was the physical manifestation, it has me wondering, what are they so afraid of? Why not embrace people like Quinn who are trying to bring life back to the planet. I believe that the consciousness of humanity is changing. People are waking up and there is nothing they can do about it. Its crazy and just plain ridiculous that the raid happened. The authorities knew they were committing a crime. Our community knew it. Now, by putting this story out there, the world can know the truth as well. Thank you for dealing with what you have to deal with in order to assist with the great shift of consciousness.

I agree~
Thank you for being a part of the New Paradigm!
I appreciate your support and part of why I am so excited about Steemit is that you, me, WE have the opportunity to create a NEW value system. It may not change EVERYONE but it can change OUR lives and as many others who truly participate!
Blessings and hope we help each other more and more!

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