No, Steemit Is Not Anarchic - So What Is It?

in #anarchy8 years ago (edited)

Take a look at the front page of Steemit. 30 people tops, mostly bitcoin celebrities, rule the scene.

Hi I am X, upvote me because I bought bitcoin shekels back in the day.

Really, that’s all it takes to make thousands while you, the krill down the botton of the sea, tries to compose something meaningful for pennies. All minnows know what I am talking about. I know most people just post without a lot of thought but some of us spend hours composing quality content for every single post only to get pennies on the dollar for them. This post is not about fairness though. I don't believe in fairness. I just don't believe in bullshit rhetorics like "Steemit is Anarchic".

Steemit is inherited social media plutocracy. The ecosystem that was already set up had people higher up the pyramid. The architecture of Steemit makes sure that those on top are maintained on top and become ever stronger, much like aristocratic systems.

Sure, some dolphins might arise, much like with feudalism back in middle ages, but it is only after kissing up some higher ass or being lucky. Paris Hilton, under what most anarchists call “corporatist America”, is shaking her ass on TV to become even richer. Same thing applies to Steemit, (minus the tax collection and war). Consider for a second a scenario with a post-apocalyptic social media shakedown. All other social media die and everyone joins the “anarchic” Steemit. “Survivors” from the rest of social media bring their social capital along. Whales of Facebook, Reddit, Twitter bring massive followers while the not-so-popular commoners enter the scene with their dick in their hand.

Steemit is corporatism at all it’s glory, not anarchy. The already established big players dictate the game. If you don’t like it then leave. Just because Steemit is build on Bitcoin technology it doesn’t make it anarchic. In the same way, standing in a garage doesn’t make me a car. I know, fascinating realisations.


Ofcourse, you don’t pay taxes here in Steemit and it's “decentralised”. But, is it really? Where exactly do you see anarchy in here? Do you see anarchy with 10 whales, let’s call them “big corporations” dictating what is good content and what is not? Do you see anarchy in sucking-up-curation? Steemit is as "anarchic" as Facebook. Early adopters might get some dollars as an incentive to kick it in, but the wealth and reward gap is massive. It's even more massive than the 1% most people bitch and moan about.

The whales that already established themselves just need to press publish and the “anarchic sheeple” will rain upvotes and comments like “oh great work as always, slurp slurp”, “ thank you for this my master, master is my friend”, “you are so awesome great one, let me bear your offspring”.

Check the page of Kim Kardashian or some other celebrity and you will witness much the same degeneracy. Even if Kim posts her ass in the bathroom, it’s enough to gain more revenue than the entire New York Times publishing office. If this is your dream of anarchy then shoot yourself.
This system is called plutocracy. And the worst part? It creates the illusion both to the author and the mindless drone followers that they are actually somebody important. They think that what they say has value and that they are worthy of all those dollars and SP. Same exact thing happens today in corporatist America.
Steemit beta is a micrography of the outside corporatist world. People spend a lot of effort to create what actually makes Steemit run, while the fat whales have the midas touch and enjoy their earnings at will. There are posts praising Steemit that they are downright delusional but they still trend because people can make money out of them. It’s like watching the Gollum in LoTR saying all the time. “Yes master, Yes master.” It is pathetic and downright a suicidal move for Steemit’s future.

There, there petty villager, take some upvoting shekels

...Oooh thank you master, thank you, Please, oh please let me deepthroat your feet for your pleasure



I have nothing against Steemit. I enjoy free-market myself. Just don’t add anarchy in front of it. There are rulers in here and they are pretty fat as well.

I have to admit though. I have met a handful of people here in Steemit that actually do know what anarchy is. The rest are tinfoiled as fuck following morons and chasing “the bad government”. Most people forget that the blockchain is just a technology that can be used from everybody, including the government. Are people even checking the news? Many big corporations, like Tokyo-Mitsubishi Bank, Microsoft, Samsung and even governments like the ones of Sweden and U.S have already invested and start testing blockchain technologies. Steemit can pay you to post. That’s it. Everything else is much the same.
Steemit, so far in beta at least, offers nothing new other than a platform for people in the crypto community. Everything else is much the same as with the rest of social media. Heck with that flagging thing even censoring can become scarier than facebook. At least there you can get a warning about using “proper” language. In Steemit one person, one whale can fuck you up like there is no tomorrow for no reason. Oh and talking about “no tomorrow”. In Facebook you might have a chance for your personal info to be deleted. The Blockchain though is forever. Nothing can erase it. This is bit more food for thought about privacy, a thing so many anarchists cherish.

Instead of bitching and moaning about “The government" try to improve Steemit and actually make something anarchic that is untouchable to established economic and social norms. Sucking up on whales, offering no real advice, because you want to become a favorite, doesn't change the current socio-economic establishment.

I encourage people to join me in discussion and offer feedback on how to make Steemit better based on the ideas of freedom and privacy we all embrace.



If I see a post with $1, y upvote without question.
If the post has $ 100 and I like it, I upvote.
If the post has $ 500, I think a moment before I upvote.
If the post has more than $1000, I don't upvote.
The post most be really very good.

The new thing about steemit is that you can get paid for what you write. If I get a dollar for this reply that's a dollar more than I would make replying on facebook, twitter or reddit. This is why I joined steemit. Not for the money, exactly, but because I wanted to have an oprotunity of making money while writing, which I enjoy

I think Steemit is still establishing itself, in a way. Over the last month or so many writers from the field of Anarchy have arrived, so that is the popular thing at the moment. Maybe it will remain so, maybe not. Perhaps other "celebrities" will show up, with their followers and sway opinion.

I think the Blockchain nature of Steemit allowed for an easier transition of anarchist minded thinkers to settle in here. At least for those to had a familiarity with Bitcoin, or other cryptos. But, like you say, Steemit isn't anarchic by nature. There does appear to be a hierarchy, which is a de-facto from of rulership. Rulership lite, perhaps. Rulership via influence.

But I think it has a lot of potential. It does have the potential to be a far more "democratic" system than those we have dealt with before. Will it live up to that potential? I hope so.

It could get overrun with noise, it could get controlled by whales, or it could evolve, through human ingenuity as systems are developed to help Steemit evolve. That's what I think will occur.

The incentive so far @naquoya is to upvote content on will without even reading. If its a whale then you upvote and leave a bogus comment. This creates a psychological bias as well. Wait until avid bot programmers join the system and the situation will get very much like the investing in the S&P500 while most companies fade to oblivion.

Also don't forget. The blockchain is forever. This is something that most people need to get wrapped really well in their head.

You were able to explain exactly my thoughts and feelings about Steemit.
Great post, following you for more :)

Yeah, it sucks when that happens. A cult of personality popularity contest for wealth creation... and not at all the higher quality content that generates wealth like it SHOULD be... it's pretty lame for sure. Glad other people see that downside to how Steemit is currently working. Take care. Peace.

I think many of us have and have voiced these reservations - not quite in you inimitable way though. This made me chuckle!

There are posts praising Steemit that they are downright delusional but they still trend because people can make money out of them.

This system is called plutocracy. And the worst part? It creates the illusion both to the author and the mindless drone followers that they are actually somebody important.

Well, it was said that power distribution on Steemit have tendency to become more equal

The main problem @svamina is that the whales are powering down/cashing out while newcomes are expected to reinvest. Eventually profits will decline dramatically and I am not sure there would be any incentive to be in the platform, except if it reachers 1 billions users (or more).

It looks to me that there is some controversy in what you're saying.
If whales would indeed never stop powering down - that would make them disappear in two years -and many thousands of minnows would reinvest - wouldn't it actually be exactly what you want ?

But will they reinvest? This is the problem. It is very speculative, especially when it requires some crypto knowledge to go through the process.

That's of course no one knows for sure. But with all the data available it should be easy enough to spot tendencies. I would be very much interested to read a good analytical post about " who is powering up? "

BTW: If you don't think Steemit is a "corporate entity incapable of members that break the bylaws.", then I would simply say that it must be some kind of republic from your point of view...

" It creates the illusion both to the author and the mindless drone followers that they are actually somebody important. They think that what they say has value and that they are worthy of all those dollars and SP. " <-You think people are going to like such words? Just saying... Not trying to be a jerk or anything... I think I could upvote some of your other content though...


If I cared about what people like, I would be writing politically correct posts that suck-up to the current system. People should be upvoting what the like, not based on SP. This is the raw truth. People upvote mostly whales. Seconds after they publish something the post skyrockets. Most don't even read posts. It becomes quite easily a ponzi

Yes write good articles and upvote good articles. I'm still trying to figure this all out. My latest post got a lot of votes but little SD. Previous ones fewer votes more SD. I appreciate your opinion.

I saw another comment in which you said "if I cared what other people liked.." so its probably pointless for me to say, but I really lije your style of writing.
I'm a little too new to offer anything of much substance to the comments in regards to the how to make Steemit better as per your last sentence. I've decided though that rather then focus on what is or isn't bringing myself income, I'd enjoy the platform and money could be an extra unanticipated bonus. By looking and hoping for money, I feel I will be setting myself up for disappointment. With money as the driver, it may change what topic I'd choose to post on or what stories I'd read (and we all know there is great quality in content that isn't necessarily making money). Maybe thats not utilizing the platform to its fullest potential, but at least for now, not focusing on monies and rather content, ensures a much more pleasureable experience for myself vs a potentially disheartening one.

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