The Tribal Identity - Paradigm for the Next Generation

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)


The Tribal Identity - Paradigm for the Next Generation.

By: StormCloudsGathering on

With Commentary from @adconner

The Author of the linked video has moved off the Grid but continues to provide his much needed insight into the world. It is greatly needed and appreciated.

The video link below is a genius response to the failures of large centralized government.

Despite all the calls from the Anarchists on the right aaaaand on the left, and Foreign Globalists stirring up the pot of insurrection.... The United States and it's MIC is still very much in charge.

The video linked below comes up with the genius idea of creating a tribal mentality out of localized arenas uniting multicultural identities under local umbrellas. The local multicultural tribe.

The narrator posits that the local level should be small enough to eliminate the carbon footprint but my vision of how public health care should be managed is at the County or large metropolitan area.

Check out the Video Maker's thoughts on social engineering separate tribal cultures within a large nationalized environment.

Ideas on localized healthcare can be found in the following post:

In summary Each County can self "insure" its citizens chronic health care through creating a County wide or High Density Metropolitan Area Payroll Tax earmarked for the local County Hospitals and Public Health Clinics. And allow insurance companies to continue to sell insurance for unplanned health emergencies. Because it's not Insurance if you plan to use it!

But! If we are to socially engineer our local components into Tribes within our existing government then we also need to increase the representative to resident ratio to 1:30,000 to bring the electorate back down to the local level.

This post is dedicated to @marcstevens


I think 1 vote per person without representatives would be best as long as we can prevent voting fraud. Somehow the slimy ones seem to end up slithering their way to being major representatives it seems.

Going from representatives who think they're monarchs of their principalities to direct democracy isn't working within the system we currently have.

Yes 1:1 would be ideal and fraud could be eliminated by open ballot (not secret) BUT most people are uninformed mindless drones too afraid and stupid to be entrusted with that ability. idiocracy must be tempered and filtered by a representative republic having a ratio of 1:30,000.

Thanks for reminding me of this video. I saw it pop up on my Youtube feed but I couldn't watch at the time.

Steem on!

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