in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)


Anarchy is not the answer to ending war.

I say that because there will always be mercenaries willing to swear fealty to other men who pay them to use force and extort our property to pay for their wars.

Rallying against government isn't the answer and is as pointless as Larken Rose points out in this video.

But Anarchy is not a real solution because it requires a NAP (Non Aggression Principle) and without codified defenses it's an open invitation to Non Aggression Principle based organized crime to completely take over again or even cause the creation of another so-called monarchy.

Anarchy is the de-evolution of government but the NAP is basically outlined in our Bill of Rights. The basis for regulating our interaction with each other.

The government atrocities presented in the next video are just that. Atrocities of people using force to overcome a perceived enemy.

These same types of people who created these wars aren't going away because a few anarchists adopted the NAP. To believe that everyone agrees with the NAP on a personal level is probably true, yet these atrocities continue to happen.

We have to band together to defund the MIC. How do we do this? Again, Rallying against government isn't the answer. There will always be mercenaries willing to swear fealty to other men who pay them to use force and extort our property to pay for their wars.

We have to take control of those leaders, who would make money on war, through a political process.

The attached links outline ideas to do it without creating another civil war to end war.

We ARE currently prisoners of the special interests. The 1% has the middle class surrounded with entitlement addicts effectively insulating themselves from the tribulations of the poor and our voices are so weak and diluted the 435 people in charge of defending our freedom cannot hear us and are eagerly working against our interests for the special interests.

That Highimpactflix dude, Ida Foxy Queen, Larkin Rose, Adam Kokesh, Marc Anti - Traffic Ticket Stevens, and others, can't seem to escape the antisocial Middle School mentality of jousting windmills and actively seek to tear it all down. But yes, because they know something is wrong with the system and needs to be fixed but are resigned to convincing people simply to not pay taxes and resist authority; which isn't the answer either if you want to avoid the revenue mercenaries.

Lots of people claim to be enlightened to the fact that laws are fictional. Yes, they are. Laws are Fictional. But they are meant to regulate (civilize) human interaction.

Ethics cannot exist outside of the framework of law and law must be enforced by the people who created the fictional ethics.

Have laws been used nefariously? Yes, but we need work to eliminate those nefarious laws, not destroy our whole system of self-government. Instead of giving up Larken use your talents to empower the people through the mechanism designed to control the budgets.

Destruction of our current basic system is an open invitation for unethical organized crime to completely take over, again, as in the creation of another so-called monarchy. Which is also the de-evolution of government; where men swear fealty to other men rather than to NAP ethics and healthy morals.

If You're someone who was a statist but now thinks he's free because you say so is delusional; Just Because you woke up to the fiction? NAY - No one is free. That's just the first step to working beyond denial and towards eliminating the MIC.

Swearing fealty to our Bill of Rights regulates how we interact. It is the framework of our NAP ethics. Without it and them we would all be actual slaves like the hopeless dormitories of Iphone assemblers in China.

Or slaves of the real Anarcho Capitalists (Globalists) who operate outside of the law in any given country (like Apple does); waiting and chomping at the bit to enslave more humans to consumerism.

But there is a fix to our self-government and it's about getting back to basics NOT eliminating the source of the protection for minority rights.

We need to empower the House of Representatives by increasing our representation back to the constitutional levels of 1:30,000.

It's time close ranks and cast the special interests aside and work to increase the number of seats in the house to levels that its too expensive to be controlled by special interest funding. And take back our Congress back.

A bigger house isn't bigger Government - Bigger Government is hiring unelected employees to expand the executive branch's reach into our personal lives.

The cost of increasing Seats in the House pales in comparison to the amount of money we'll save when a strong Congress cuts the balls of the MIC because it's what the people want.

The Tea Party wasn't about taxes it was about adequate representation!

*If you agree - Please copy and share.

@highimpactflix @adamkokesh @larkenrose @marcstevens

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