Anarchy is Rising, With or Without You

in #anarchism8 years ago (edited)

Anarchy art

I love that anarchists are so far ahead of the curve.

Most anarchists recognize the following truths: they understand that government is just a Mafia, and they do not sugarcoat that fact and pretend government is necessary. They acknowledge that taxation is straight up robbery. They recognize that fiat currency is just printed monopoly money with enforced value.

Anarchists also realize that the drug war is just modern-day witch hunting. They know that culture is poisonous because it reinforces stone age dogma and violence. They admit that the family teaches people that violence is an acceptable form of solving problems. Above all, they realize the importance of individual rights over governmental systems of coercion.

They have withdrawn their consent and support of the current social paradigm, and they fight for the greatest positive change humanity has seen; greater even than the abolition of slavery or recognition that the earth is round and circles the sun.

Compassionate anarchists and voluntaryists have entered the fold and fight for a whole new epoch in the forward march of human evolution. The question remains: will you choose be on the right side of history, or will you genuflect before all things evil and antiquated?

Anarchy is rising, with or without you.

"Anarchism is founded on the observation that since few men are wise enough to rule themselves, even fewer are wise enough to rule others."


My name is Sterlin. Follow me @ Psychologic-Anarchist. I also run the Psychologic-Anarchist Facebook page and produce many YouTube videos. My interests lie in the intersection of counseling psychology and anarchism. I write about the depredations of psychiatry, and also the new philosophy of compassionate anarchism. We have a large community devoted to discussing psychology and relational voluntaryism.

sterlin good


I agree with what you're saying here. But I think the strength of the anarchist movement is dependent on the misuse of power. In America you have the world's largest army, the world's largest prison population per capita, widescale police oppression.

In Europe - yeah the system needs changing a bit. But the governments tend to be a bit more benevolent. There are unemployment benefits. There is state-funded healthcare - the NHS is Britain is excellent. There are state pensions. Politicians are corrupt and on the take... but on the whole the system muddles along and the majority of people are alright with it.

You're right. The more controlling and oppressive governments and banksters become - the more the anarchists will rise up. But also remember there are other places in the world where the culture is less oppressive, where there is less need for anarchy.

Any thoughts on European Union economy with Deutsche Bank failing, all Italian banks failing and Greece dealing with the pullback of services?

alexc I think you give most of Europe a free pass there. Most Anarchists also believe that taxation is theft. Europe by in large are kings at taxation. Mostly socialist, almost opposite of Anarchism. You talk about health care and all this stuff that governments gather up from stolen money. There is no free market over there or over here. Hasn't been in a long time. A lot of Europe believes that you shouldn't be able to own firearms for protection. Another anti freedom measure.

Very interesting. I have always been fascinated by anarchism, and I believe that it is what actually underlies all political thought (I might actually write an in-depth post about those ideas... Right now, sleep is calling)

Absolutely. Thank you for reading. I have a few in depth posts myself. Check out my official blog and other Steemit posts. I will check out your Steemit as well.

great article as always brotha!

I agree, and enjoy your posts. My strategy for anarchy is to treat government like a crazy girlfriend, don't stay with her, don't beat her up, don't try to save her, just walk away and become independent of her.

Nice metaphor, Tee-em. I think that is a clever way to look at the situation. We just need to give up and leave. The show is over. Thanks for posting here, up voting, and keeping up with the community. Let me know when you post and I will read and provide an up vote!

Taxation is not "robbery" it is a bribe. Paying your taxes with "monopoly money" is a choice. By paying the "bribe" you don't get put in prison by the "mafia". it's always a better option to pay if you can. anarchy is meant to bring peace. It is a modern fallacy that anarchy = chaos when infact it is the other way around. Chaos & Violence both feed the hiarchy and the capitalist system by way of law, $£€¥ and rule/s... Its heartbreaking most still just want to see the safety in hiarchy (and not it's need to be a control/destroy/profit loop) these people will continue to beg for rule/s. It's not until the majority feel the chaos of rule/s that people will understand the real oppression and fear they live in.... it is our right and nature as anarchists to self govern and empower ourselves through the knowledge of these things. Peacefully when possible as the only natural law I know is not to trespass in another's mind, home, or heart.

Well, the issue is that if you don't pay taxes they will come and put you in a cage. I agree that you are right that it is best to pay. I do it for survival purposes, and I agree with your sentiment toward peace.

Fantastic, as always. Thanks for your work.

Welcome, friend. I am just glad for Steemit. This platform has encouraged me to diversify my work and get even more creative. A lot of incentive here. I almost feel like I am overdoing it.

Thanks a lot, Vlad. I appreciate the support. I love that this platform can work to inform new people about anarchism, plus demonstrate that our philosophy works well with blockchain technologies. It comes as no surprise that anarchism would be one of the first discussed topics here.

Let me know when you post, brother. I will check out your content.

Some posts I wish I could upvote twice

Truth. Only criticism is that I'd replace "culture" with cultism or even religion. Not all culture is inherently bad. Culture, to me, is just the society in which we're brought up. Some cultures raise their children well with good morals and some don't. More often it is the family that drops the ball, but yeah, I guess I'm seeing what you mean now... LOL I guess the problem lies in what defines the culture in which we're raised. Is it Statism and religion? Then your theory is correct.

If I may, the definition of culture that I like is something like; "The accumulated knowledge of a particular group that is perceived to enhance survival." I think I got that from one of Matt Ridley's books. This definition makes sense to me because it accommodates​ what has and is emergent within human societies - including religions and their extreme versions in cults.

true, the word itself is most often associated with complete chaos. I'd way rather have no ruler than have this GINORMOUS U.S. EMPIRE to live under.

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