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RE: Anarchy is Rising, With or Without You

in #anarchism8 years ago

I agree with what you're saying here. But I think the strength of the anarchist movement is dependent on the misuse of power. In America you have the world's largest army, the world's largest prison population per capita, widescale police oppression.

In Europe - yeah the system needs changing a bit. But the governments tend to be a bit more benevolent. There are unemployment benefits. There is state-funded healthcare - the NHS is Britain is excellent. There are state pensions. Politicians are corrupt and on the take... but on the whole the system muddles along and the majority of people are alright with it.

You're right. The more controlling and oppressive governments and banksters become - the more the anarchists will rise up. But also remember there are other places in the world where the culture is less oppressive, where there is less need for anarchy.


Any thoughts on European Union economy with Deutsche Bank failing, all Italian banks failing and Greece dealing with the pullback of services?

alexc I think you give most of Europe a free pass there. Most Anarchists also believe that taxation is theft. Europe by in large are kings at taxation. Mostly socialist, almost opposite of Anarchism. You talk about health care and all this stuff that governments gather up from stolen money. There is no free market over there or over here. Hasn't been in a long time. A lot of Europe believes that you shouldn't be able to own firearms for protection. Another anti freedom measure.

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