2069 - Planet Earth - Subaquatic Blockchain City of Satoshian

in #anarchaforko6 years ago (edited)


After reading this post in the morning, Want to win a free ticket to Anarchaforko?, I was 3 hours writing in one go, to create a sci-fi blockchain post, not to win the tickets because I don't have a budget to go, just for the pleasure of writing a novel that was around my head when I was driving this afternoon.
At the same time, I've been writing a book on Steemit about The dialectics of Self-liberation, so I decided to write this sci-fi mini-novel to detox from the subject what I've been writing for a long time.

2069 - Planet Earth - Subaquatic Blockchain City

Jance is sitting in the "Atlanta Bar", in Subaquatic Blockchain city of Satoshian, the first experimental "off the grid" under the water of a decentralized society, in the sea of New Zealand, that he had chosen to the first place on the planet because it looked to him to be underwater would feel like space and near the island he was born.
The first successful decentralization communal experiments were made in the first colonies in Space, and for him, this was inside his skin and blood as an old habit, as a deep knowledge of survival.

The bar is owned by a leaderless community of enhanced sexual liberation, were members get free drinks by referral of new clients that buy the bar crypto, and for working units of maintenance, and they create value like members specialized in the takeaway service of cosmic sex, man-machine-sex, memory implants to change desire of in sex object (like hetero-gay or lesbian) and a couple of Sado-masochist real gaming.

He is thinking about the world he finds, after coming from a 25 year as the founder of the Mars colony and 15 years in deep space exploration, with a non-selfish involvement, that made him forget about money and earthly possessions.
Jance can't recognize the world around anymore, after living in space environments for so long, and he has a terrible aspect, with his face with all the blown in red and purple busted veins, as an effect the Doppler-Musk effect of Photon propulsion, where its high velocity made the veins sometimes to pop and obstruct, leaving horrible scars colored in purple and red.

He is drinking the last crypto of the card he received on arrival, given by the Intergalactic Association of Space Explorers, a decentralized community lobby, to defend the value and gifts of space exploration, and to find the almost disappearing volunteers to the hard life of space, because all the work, investigation, technological creativity and wealth is supplied back to Earth in abundance, making everybody "happily bored" with the lazy, lusting life in the Planet, doing nothing except the hunt for pleasure, with all the jobs made by robots. that is a symptom of a decaying society

Martice and Atany, with blue and green phosphorescent eye implants, that glow when they speak , a symbiotic pair of girls, are sitting at his table, with a common artificial bioship for mingling both experiences and memories, and Jance has read the news some years ago during his Jupiter mission, that these symbiotic women could give a man the triple pleasure of a one-to-one sexual encounter, and what seemed very unreal and unbelievably felt at the time, was now standing in his table, trying to sell him their erotic product to an old man, without future and money, in a strange world.
They were just explaining him the new cryptocurrencies after 40 years, surprised that an Earth citizen was not educated in the new with total decentralization and mining Power-of-User, with almost zero energy consumption, as he was trying to explain them Pow and Dpos mining without success, because they are very young to remember the initial technology, that was almost destroyed by Big stakeholders and mining lobbies of Bitcoin, and weakening forks for personal fortune.

That was before he received the news that he had been accepted as Commander of the first Elon Musk Spaceship to colonize Mars, and after the launch of the spaceship in the first months of acceleration, with nothing to do for 8 months, with the other members of the crew "sleeping" in cryptogenic conservation months, he started to write in a blockchain called Steemit he had subscribed, while he could still reach the Web.
Four hours later, with the dizziness of the "spaceshiplag" , Jance is completely drunk, dazzled and confused, after buying a bottle of amphetamine/rum/THC, a cocktail called "Cosmic Voyage", with the psychedelic potentiating psychic disorientation, and the "twined" ladies are much "higher" with their symbiotic shared experiences, .

After leaving Mars, he was informed of the distant far away change in the eco-social-political systems on Earth, that have started after the Fall of the Centralized Empires and territorial States, when he was living in Mars, and when he left to explore the possibilities of colonizing Jupiter. The wealth brought back to Earth by the space explorers, eliminated the need for Countries and Governs domination, using AI and robots and self-producing machines, with no need for workers and managers.
After the uprisings and riots of May 2058 in France and then Europe US and soon all over the world, that created a worldly global individual insight, about the harms of all centralized authoritarian structures.
Earthlings used the blockchain as the technology that made possible the practice of anarchism, that was never been possible before with the old systems of communication, that never permitted to put together a movement without leadership in collective ownership platforms and planetary governance with the participation of all individuals and communities, and brought peace with the politics of decentralization in a free economy with a more equal distribution of the value created by each person in an open global market.

The Fall of the Decentralized World happened because central governments copied the blockchain technologies and have created applications that were strangling and imprisoning peoples rights and freedom, with stronger taxation extortion, but one day finally there was a planetary individual insight that they could kill the monster, and everybody elected Julian Assange at the age of 82, as the Honorary Mentor of the Decentralized Governance of Spaceship Earth.

Jance was thinking about him and his friends, losing their lives in space to bring wealth to the actual new Cyberspace Anarchic Kingdom of Planet Earth, a population living in pleasure and super luxury, while he as one of the main contributors for the actual equality and almost cybernetic society
Then he remembered that after living Earth he was fixed in the emergence of a new revolution of Decentralism sponsored by the collective nature of the Blockchain technology, and how happy he was at the time mining bitcoins and extracting the value of his old Linux computer.

And all of a sudden he is explaining to them, that he had mined Bitcoins and Ether, and talking about his posts on Steemit that he made to fulfill is spaceship loneliness and the silence of his thoughts, on his way to Mars.

The "symb" ladies all of a sudden got out of their common limbo, and for the first time it seemed they had lost the limbic connection and shared thinking.
One saying - Bitcoin!!! , Mining? Pow - with big flashing eyes of surprise, and the other mumbling to herself -Ether?!! Ethereum, Steem, - and the girls seem to have forgotten about his busted face.
And then they get both an hysterical laugh attack, looking at him like he was a crazy man and on a bad trip, and trying to make him stop to drink more of that powerful drink.

The red eyed-one looks at him and says - he remembered that from school as a kind of distant dissonant myth, that only five million citizens in the world had bought all them to collect and actually representing 50 % of the monetary value of all the world of crypto, in the hand of people with collections of "Caddilac" coins.
And all of a sudden the "symb" twins are fascinated by this old busted astronaut, and they start saying they will give a free ride, to get planetary web celebrity and fame for sleeping one night, with one the world celebrities owning Bitcoin or other rare cryptos like Ether and Steem.
They kept going high, and his memories like an inverted tornado, was bringing him back to the days before leaving, and the small Raspberry Pi with all his data, he had buried in a vacuum box hidden in a mountain. He starts to see the girls with both faces joining in one and spiraling in a myriad of colors, he feels dizzy and all of a sudden he feels a total blackout .

He wakes up with a terrible hangover, like coming out of the "sleep" in cryogenics, with a flashing light, that he slowly recognize as the screen of The Intercom under the skin of his right arm, drowned in giant bed of silk sheets, and he starts to see one feminine leg in the top of his arm and his hand in the hair of another girl, and a flash of the last night brought him back to reality, to recognize he his in a strange room.
All of a sudden one of the girls wakes up and says with big eyeballs, they had confirmed and identified him in the planetary "chainnet" as the famous astronaut Jance.
You were delirious this night talking about "30 bitcoin and mining", "1000 Ether" he bought and 50000 Steem Power, the made writing in the spaceship that almost every user, had read and voted him to be in the top of the Trending Page.

The blue-eyed girl says -That's 3 billion Crypto Universal Units, enough to live a thousand lives if you really have the Keys.
Jance says he has a Raspberry Pi to dig in a nearshore mountain, and they take him in their private Sub, and after passing in the community center of "Old hardware Conversion", he gets the magic keys and realises he is free again with money to sponsor him going back in space to explore a newfound solar system.

He all of a sudden start thinking that one thing he has made for curiosity and learning, not for money, surprisingly was is actual life savior for him, because he was working in space for humanity, and back to a flourishing society, without possessions to eat or sleep, all of a sudden his one of the 5 million people with a lot of money in Planet Earth.

Maybe the end of Chapter one, because this could be much more than a 1000 words.:(
I'm translating this post for the amazing Portuguese speaking community on Steemit. :)


My Book about Social Reality:
Social Reality: Conclusion - The Series that changed to a Saga
My series of posts about Anarchy on Steemit:
Index and Conclusion of part 1 - Anarchy
My last Post about the series on Existentialism:
Part 2 - The Short History of Existentialism: VI- Post Structuralists - Michel Foucault


Lol that's pretty wild for something out of an afternoon drive! I've a feeling Steem might've moved on away from DPOS already to go that far. Is there a Dyson sphere yet for all the POW?? Some of us could use some cryptogenics and some of those potent cocktail already for The Bear Market of 2018 :D

If we keep on Pow, miners better set up a Dyson Sphere to feed the beast, with the crypto "Cadillacs" to get a bloated blockchain with less then 20 transactions a second, this is only good to store not pay.
Well Steem and EOS are much better to be able to make payments like the old centralized applications, and it seems to be very good to store value too, with much lower energy consumption.
But PoU (Power-of-User) is a must for total decentralization in the future.
And cryptos faster than the actual server centralized applications, without or low energy, free transactions and the problem of new users costs.
If you build an app on EOS, if you get 10.000.000 users you will sure bankrupt with the subscription fees.

That is really a great Story I almost missed.

I love the fact that the blockchain is subaquatic. Reminds me of my later years at school where needed to write a fictional write up, whereby my inspiration also led me to write about a subaquatic city, even though without blockchain involved.

I really love your creativity in details such as the "cosmic voyage" Cocktail or the "symb Twins". These are details that make the story very contagious in terms of passion. But the entire story is really great.

Many Computer games and books talk about nano-augmentations being successfully implented for the first time around 2050, so it Comes to no suprise that in your story these body "enhancements" are common in 2069.

Excited to see if there will be a continuation of your story one day ;)

Thank's a lot my friend for your beloved comments, and full deep reading, as always.
It was a very big story in my head that I tried to compress in this post, in only 3 hours.
As I left lost in Africa, my teenage paper written sci-fi and fiction novels, writing this novel made me think to re-write them by the ideas I have in the memory of these days more than 40 decades ago. :)
Maybe when I finish this essay on the Dialectics of Liberation, that still have a long way to go.

Thank's a lot for your comment, fulfilling the void I feel that almost nobody is reading what I write.

Steemit lost a little interesting icon of the number of views that disappeared and could give an idea of how many people had really at least visualized the posts.
We should ask for that icon back, but nobody complained, maybe because it was showing the excess of robots activity.

Thanks for your thorough comment. I feel you when you speak about "comments fulfilling the void", because that is just what I too experience. Sometimes I think "Wow, how did I manage to write down my thoughts so perfectly as I intended?", but without comments there is a feeling that nobody even read it even though I know that some still read it.

That icon would be really great to have back simply out of curiosity which posts attracted Readers more or less. With stories like this one here I really understand you because its really great and full of passion and Love. You have my thumbs up ;)

Este post recebeu 5.00% de upvote da conta @steemitportugal!
Obrigado por fazeres parte da comunidade @steemitportugal .


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