Road to American Ninja Warrior - Day 105

Hello hello!

The days leading up to my competition on Saturday I was super nervous about my Tendonitising... on Wednesday night it was the worst it had been for months and months, on Thursday it was sore as soon as I woke up, which is unusual... so I didn't train upperbody anything on Thursday. Friday was a travel day so I wouldn't have been able to train, even if I wanted to... but on Friday night we actually went to the gym to check out their obstacles. The dudes that I was with tried a bunch of stuff, but my arms were still tender, so I just watched. It was sad. I was sad. Everyone else thought I was super smart, letting everyone else destroy themselves while I stood back and egg'd them on... but in hindsight I wish I had tried their Warped Wall and Salmon Ladder.


Even on Friday night my arms were still not good... and while I was sure they weren't bad enough to pull out of the competition altogether, it was concerning.

By Saturday though, my arms were totally fine... and haven't been an issue since.

I'll start slowly working on the tendonitis strengthening exercises, while pulling back if I start to feel any pain... from this moment on I'll be trying to push as hard as I can to that pain-point without ever going past it... this is how you increase the conditioning of overuse injuries.

So... what were my learnings from my competition?

  1. I'm not even close to being fit enough... every single other person there was fitter than me... this is something I can easily rectify.
  2. I'm definitely strong enough at the moment... none of the upper body obstacles felt too hard... so stay the course here.
  3. My balance is a disaster. This needs some serious work.

I've been talked into doing a Spartan Sprint on the 25th of August (got a free ticket) which is 20 obstacles over 8 kms (5 miles) - this is the perfect motivation to get some running in...


For the next few weeks I'll be attempting a 30 minute run 3 times a week. I'm also going to up my yoga to 5 times a week, to work on my balance. I think that, plus my new resolution to slackline everyday should help. I might buy a second slackline to set up on the trees outside... to really push myself.

I went for a 4 kms run today... and it was brutal. It's been a long time since I just ran... and the hills killed me. I seriously had to walk for the last bit... but that's okay... shows an easy area to improve.

I also did some balance work and some slacklining.

Competitions are the best way to highlight your weaknesses.
It's super important to know where you need to improve.


  • 40 minute run

Slacklining and balance work

  • 15 minutes

Not as sore from the competition as I thought... but the run really tightened up my Achilles, calves and quads.

Yoga sessions (0/2 Completed)
Slackline practice (4/7 Completed)

100 Rep Challenge

  • 40 minute run = 100 reps

@steemmatt's fitness challenge for Sunday - 100 reps

Spartan Sprint Portland - 25th August

Thanks heaps for reading... super super super appreciate it.

Steem Run Club

Might need a better heading than this...

MoveMob - 6.18 kms



steemaroo divider and ninja upgoats drawn by the incredible @ryivhnn

Australian Ninja Warrior | Australian Ninja Games


Top work on the comp dude! That looked like seriously hard work, even 'unfit' that was an effort! Good to hear it's given you a boost of motivation at what sounds like a good time!

Looking forward to the competition man, best of luck :) you gona make any footage of it? @dtubefitness life

Yes competition is the best way to highlight your weakness and it give you a chance to strengthen yourself. Keep it up. Do hardwork and have a great luck. @aussieninja

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