Vote for this simple change to the UI & Take the dollar a vote pledge!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

The power of this platform comes from the fact that we can help others while helping ourselves at the same time.

It's been my dream since I got here to be like @smooth, @dan, @ned , @blocktrades , @berniesanders etc and be able to simply hit a button and hand out $100 whenever I felt like. I mean think about it, that's about $2,000 each day you can just give to whatever you feel like.

As a result of this desire, I have been promoting the platform far and wide. Literally going to a different country to bring on new business, in order to expand the whole ecosystem. Because what good is $100 if you can't spend it anywhere?

But despite my SP climbing to 5,000 my own upvote power has been stuck at about $0.01 for a long time now and I've been trying to sort out why that is. Today I looked and realized I had been on power down for awhile now. I don't recall doing that, but I'm turning it off now!

I'm not against buying steem on the open market, but I do worry because it is designed to flood the market rapidly and push the price down in order to encourage companies to buy it to become whales. While it might be a good strategy for a company with an advertising budget, I don't have the cash to buy large amounts of steem. Yet I still want to be able to earn my way to the whale list.

A few days ago, we got a new option...
A little unassuming checkbox on each post that says...
"Pay me 100% in Steem Power", I had basically ignored it until I sat down and did the math.
Had I been paid 100% in SP this whole time, I would have about 25,000 SP by my math.
This means I'd be a dolphin right now!

This is over 5x what I have right now. It also means that my upvotes would be worth at least 5x as much. But that's the naive view. The reality is that compounding effects would make that closer to 10x. So my napkin math is telling me each vote would already be worth $1.00 and going just a year like this would mean each vote would be worth $10.00. In two years it could easily be as much as $100.00 just assuming current growth rates.

So starting now I'm taking a pledge.

All of my general interest posts, will be paid in 100% Steem Power, starting with this one.
I'm encouraging you to take the pledge too...
Unless you really need the money right now just select for 100% SP and watch your voting power increase so you can bless the lives of others.

In the meantime I've opened an issue up on Github to tick that little bugger by default.

Doing so will drive up the price of steem and SBD. This is much healthier for the steem ecosystem and it will cause the minnows to compound their voting power much, much quicker! I'd like to see every minnow be a whale in 2 years or less.

There is also an open issue by @roadscape to highlight posts which are 100% SP, that issue is here

I encourage you to go to github and give feedback on these issues so they know this is important to us as a community.

update: Evidently I'm not alone in this. @deanliu had a similar idea, the major difference being I opened the issue on github first. But here is his post, evidently he did have the idea before I did.


It would be awesome if it would be easy identified from the curators which posts have activated the "Pay me 100% in Steem Power" option!Using for example a logo/hallmark/stamp next to the post title, like this for example:(right click and click "view* )

There's an open issue on that in github as well....

I just replied to you on GitHub too @liondani
I love the little badge. I want one next to my posts :)

I don't think that is a good idea.

It will create discrimination for those that don't choose the option which will be quite bad PR.

There are good reasons for people not wanting to get 100% SP which I cover in my direct comment to this post below.

Also some people simply cannot afford to keep powering up they may need the money.

-We should not do anything that might be seen to deter such people even if it considered to be indirect psychological or social pressure (sometimes that is the most powerful kind).

Just my opinion on the matter.

Ya know I disagree with that. For one thing, it might be wiser for people who "need the money" to actually power down and just take a weekly paycheck check. They would get their money more consistently and reliably, plus it would reduce attrition rates if people viewed it as a long term thing like an annuity.

All that aside, it's not discrimination to highlight posts with options selected which are good for the community. 100% SP is taking on a bit of bagholder risk for the community. It helps to dry up the excess liquidity on the market, but people have to know it's there and they have to know it's being used. They should have SOME compensation for assuming the title of bagholder here and a badge and some preferential sorting treatment I think are ideal.

Think of it like promoted posts. Promoted posts have their own section and sort by how much money has been burnt up to get them to that point. People running promoted posts are being selfless since they are burning up SBD which raises the price for everyone. They deserve their own place, the extra sorting and the additional whale attention. Nothing discriminatory about it at all.

I do support the 100% steempower as well. However, I would really like to keep the option to earn money that I can take out easier as well. Some people will see this platform as a way to be able to have it a little better every month simply because some of the people here will need the money. If people will only vote for users who use the 100% power up option, the ones that need the money, are still minnows etc... will still be stuck. However, i also like the idea of it being shown so I am kinda in the mix.

I'm saving up for a mobility scooter once I hit my target Ill be powering up. Good luck hope you get to where you want to be soon :)

Thank you so much!

Your welcome :)

I am a little divided on whether it should be enabled by default, I think maybe for new users it would be great?

Don't get me wrong I like the concept, however I think it would probably catch current users out if the switch was to be made after joining.

Fair enough, it should probably be something configured on the account level.

my own upvote power has been stuck at about $0.01 for a long time now and I've been trying to sort out why that is.

Part of the reason is the declining STEEM price. You have been building up SP and increasing your vote value in STEEM but that has been offset by a declining USD/STEEM rate.

My own votes used to be worth >$100 but now more like $40 (assuming no other votes on the post).

Thank you, I never saw it from that angle. And you are someone who has blessed my life and the lives of so many others too, so I mean it when I say thank you, I really appreciate it.

Part of the reason for the declining price of steem though, is the dumping that has to go on by @steemit which I can understand. But I still think it might help the price if we just defaulted to SP only and if we want to get paid that day, then uncheck the little box. It would certainly compound the SP for everyone who takes the pledge and if enough of us did, it would probably stabilize the price considerably.

I am taking the pledge and pulling a few friends in with me.
Keep on succeeding :)

Excellent and thank you for taking the pledge! I've upvoted and I'm following you now!

Thank you :)
I'm following you to and of course have already upvoted you :)

I've had it in mind to put some of my posts to be paid 100% Steempower but I've forgotten to check it every time. I get so invested in creating my post it really becomes an afterthought.

Me, too. Every. Single. Time.

Yeah that's exactly why I opened the issue. Would you mind heading over to github and leaving this comment there as well?

What I said above is a true experience but I think for most people starting out they would view the behavior as somewhat "scammy" if 100% payout were locked in by default. It's something they will be unfamiliar with until they go into more depth about the platform. I actually think it would be a poor move.
However a user setting that would toggle your default 100% steempower on/off with the default set to off initially would have my support.

I kind of agree.
It should default to on, but when you click Post, it should say,

You have selected to receive your entire payout in Steem Power. This is not a liquid asset. Would you like to post anyway?
This would prompt those who forget to uncheck it to turn it off and also explain the system a bit to newbies.

Ohhh I really like that option perhaps best of all!
Can you stick that up on github for consideration as well?

Go to github and voice it, but I think maybe it would be best with defaulting to "on" and then we just let them know at sign up what the tradeoffs are.

I agree with @dgiors on the "scammy" aspect. Every new user who signs up and finds out that they can't actually withdraw any of the earnings even when there was an explanation they were supposed to read and understand but didn't is not only a pissed-off new user but also bad PR.

I can see what you're saying @smooth but what about adding a prompt like @rubellitefae is saying?

I mean there is literally no difference if it's default off between that and what we have now. But honestly if we can encourage saving vs spending it will be way better for the platform IMHO. We obviously don't want to alienate new users, but to my mind it makes sense to read and understand that by default your money goes to a savings account that you can draw down like an annuity.

But I think the prompt is a nice balance.

I agree too! This could give STEEM a boost!

There should be a video tutorial, I think that would help with onboarding new users.

This was supposed to be posted on your "Voting is a Popularity Contest Thread," but it got frozen before I could hit "post." :( So many problems with "" it makes me want to break off and make my own forum (my lack of programming ability stops me, for now). In any case, I hope Steem improves, so I will probably "keep giving it another chance" since the mission appears to have benevolent goals.

The books on emergence that I've recommended in my posts are a great thing to read before attempting to design such a thing. First and foremost, "The Wisdom of Crowds" by Surowiecki, and "Out of Control" by Kevin Kelly. ...There's no reason that Steemit can't be what the entire internet was designed to be: a place where people can find the content that is best suited to them, and the most intelligent, most-relevant-to-all, most-amazing content can be generally regarded as such those who care about it.

The goal is to have the machine learning specialists and engineers upvote AGI articles, and to have those looking for "cool shark pictures" not have much to say about the AGI design articles. (Unless it's to upvote them because they're written at a sufficient level to inspire the masses.) One way to accomplish this is to allow individuals to add reading lists to keywords. A "keyword"+"reading list associated with the keyword" allows one to find others who know the same things about the keyword, or define it the same way.

One can still search only the reading lists, or only the keyword, or combine both.

This way, a person who has read "Ecologies of Computation" and a bunch of white papers on machine learning doesn't get bogged down talking to people who have only read laymen's articles on the subject. ...And it will also mean that their votes should count for way more.

If I'm talking about the ideas implied by the Singularity with someone who's never read a book by Vinge, Kurzweil, Wiener, Drexler, Freitas, Moravec, etc., then that person should have less to say about up or down-ranking me ...but only on that subject. If I decide to put my "cool shark pictures" online, then "specialized vote filtering" is no longer necessary, and every Tom, Dick, and Harriet with an opinion should be able to vote.

The prior is just one way of optimizing the use of keywords and reading lists to assess quality.

Posted my sentiments on Github. Thanks for pointing the way.

You're welcome! Thanks for the dialog!

I totally agree with you @williambanks. The 100% steem power option is great. I've been converting some of my SBD to SP. From now on I intend to tick that box for my posts unless if I really need the money, because I believe in the future of Steemit.

Awesome and thank you for that! Welcome to the club!

I have the same dream. I just thought I keep the Steem Dollar and change those when the price of steem is down and buy lots of steem then to Power Up.
How did you do your math?
According to Steem Dollar:
you should have a voting power of 0.26 $

How did you do your math?

On the back of a napkin while sitting in a bar in Tijuana.
I took an average SBD to steem price since the day I got here then added up my steem then took the total of all posts and converted to steem.

There is something very off about that calculator link, but it's nice wishful thinking. @wiser actually made a post about it awhile back asking the same question. I think it's using the ATH on steem price.

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My upvote just gave you $2 but that cant be possible? i'm minnow food

Most likely someone else voted at the same time.

You probably voted at the same time as someone else. I nearly fainted one time when I thought my vote had given someone $200. Turned out it @ned @smooth @berniesanders and @dan all upvoting in the time it took me to hit the button. It happens that way sometimes, but doesn't it feel good when you see someone suddenly hit like that?

I thought i did some good there for a second lol

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