My Parents and their legacy on my wellbeing

in #life8 years ago (edited)

My Parents and their legacy on my wellbeing

Before you read this please be aware that I respect my parents for their challenges in life and that in no way am I downplaying their parentage. I am only commenting ony the observations that I have made and the steps I’ve taken to heal. I am at peace with both parents and forgive them for everything. I’m not perfect either, after all.

So you’ve heard about my Dad and the awe inspiring individual of society that he was, knocking my teeth out if I stepped a foot out of his predetermined line, or drunk, and stupid and shouting at me when I was younger. He wasn’t a nice man. He just wasn’t.

Regardless of what anyone tells me, he wasn’t.

I’d hear it from his friends all the time.

“He loves you, you know, your Dad”

And it always made me think,

“What in the actual hell do you know?”

Because he treated them differently to me. I was his toy, to be abused.

And what they were saying, it did come from a really heartfelt place. They were just trying to shine some light on a dire situation.

So I let them have their say.

But what about my Mum?

What about the strong lady that ran away with me in the middle of the night one fateful day? I was five. I’m continually grateful for her doing that.

What did she do for me?


But I keep saying this and it’s why you’ll hear me standing up for the male population just as much as the female,
‘It takes a woman to have a child, but it takes a real lady to be a Mum’

Because giving birth to a child doesn’t automatically make a woman mother of the year, and mother of the year she definitely wasn’t

But she DID try. And that I have the utmost respect for, and certainly in difficult times as they were, she tried her best.

Mum liked her drink. In fact, she still likes her booze.

No matter how many times I try to tell her to cut down she gets ranty and shouty, so I just leave her be.

I was raised around lots of parties, and drinks, and the idea to have fun and let your hair down was to have a shitload of alcohol

This was my childhood. I became an alcoholic

I gave up drink in the end. It was like I woke up from a horrible nightmare. After 6 months of sobriety it was like someone had kicked my mind into action.

So beautiful, this world.

And she never stood up for me when I was being bullied. Mum in some insane half-baked idea she got from god knows where thought I had to fend for myself.

Even when there were three of them and twice my size

Safe to say I got into a lot of fights. Lots of them.

They loved picking on me because there were no consequences

Maybe that’s why I’m not afraid to defend myself now.

There were consequences in the end when the bullying reached insane levels, but I put up with a ton of shit.

That and perhaps her boyfriend at the time was built like a brick fucking shit house. I kid you not.

I remember the time they tried to pick on me and he stepped up – I hadn’t seen them run so fast.

Boy did they fucking run.

I laughed

And no-one ever picked on me again.

I’ll never ever let anyone bully my Son. I’m a big bloke. If I hear about such behaviour I’ll be right up to School or wherever I need to be.

And Mum, she loved to use the,

“God, you’re just like your fucking father” expression.

Which led me to half-hating myself, and desperately trying not to be like my father

Never ever use the other parent as a weapon to your kids, it’s destructive. I speak from cold, hard experience.

I later shed that toxic idea. It came as a result of counselling many years later, when I realised that I am part of my Dad

He did make me after all!

I have the chance to build upon and change all that.

Which I did. Such a freeing experience

And Mum, well, she was such a strong woman inside, but she didn’t half care what other people thought of her.
Her worrying, the anxiety. Who was talking about her and why.

The dominant parent’s (if you only live with one) behaviour will reflect on the child,

So I became a nervous wreck

Well into my twenties might I add!

Maybe it’s just age now but I care not a damn what people say.

I know all my faults.

I don’t lie to myself anymore.

Tell me something I don’t know!

But for all Mums faults she brought a wealth of love into my life.

I wouldn’t be this happy and forgiving if it weren’t for Mum.

So all that said,

She was, and still is,


Be mindful,

And love yourself.

Thanks for listening



Ha risk of awesome that's brilliant. See @lifeisawesome you are in the extreme level man. We're all waning to be there.

That awesome picture gets an upvote lol

simply awesome :)

Mums or moms are the best confirmation of real unconditional love. ! Love em

Very good inspiring post again! Congrats ;D

It sure is this man has been through a lot but so much light shines off of him.

Perhaps that the reason why he shines ;-)

You are always welcome :)

I was blessed to have a wonderful upbringing by amazing parents, however, my SO was not so lucky. Her family side is a lot like yours... her father beat her siblings and even tried to kill her mother when he thought she was cheating on him... She has had an uphill battle emotionally because of this... I wish parents would see how much they affect their children...

They rarely do, which is frustrating - but hopefully with posts like these we can spread awareness and awesomeness

I wish every parent would realize that the most important job in their life is not their job at all... it is raising their children. Nothing is more important but that seems to get lost on our society...

The satisfaction of my son is him waking up every morning and telling me his dreams. Our society does see children as a sort of labor and "job" deep down we all know it's not true but society has a way of manipulating us all... It's really sad.

Too true. Too true!

Thanks for the open and honest look into your life. It really is inspiring to hear that you have made it out in a way. Hopefully others in a similar situation can gain solace form reading something like this...

I'm hoping so man - I'm writing like this so at least someone can take something from me :)

Both my parents were useless, a violent father and a mother who would rather save her own skin than her kids. Haven't spoke to them for 20 yeaes, Didnt hear my mother had died until 3 days later.

Aw. That's sad to hear - sorry. Have you ever thought about the reasons as to why they did what they did?

I really think my father has ADHD my mother doted on him plus was scared of him. He was a violent man who liked his own way

Sadly I hear stories like this more often than I'd like - sorry that you've had to experience that. But your parents are definitely not a reflection on you - you were strong enough to remove yourself from a harmful situation.

That's awesome strength right there!!

Nobody's fault but his he ruled his family with threats, He used the belt to Control us, with me being the gobby one I got the buckle... He still couldn't control me

Geez @karenb54, we love you. My dad loved himself much more than he loved me. He livess 7 miles from me and he hasn't met his newest grandchild. Nit sure if I want to introduce them.

Man that sucks dude. I'm sure you will completely make a good decision, whatever you choose :)

It does and i need to get off my ass and go see the empty man who is my dad.

We're the same, he doted on my oldest but never got to meet my youngest, they want nothing to do with him, He's the one that's missed out

That is how I feel about my girlfriend's father... I am not sure I want our daughter to meet him... He is currently in jail because he tried to kill her mom when he thought she was cheating on him... besides that he use to beat them growing up... but he was fine when he wasn't drinking... (sarcasm font on)

I'm disappointed in myself actually, because I shouod rise above my personal feelings and let my young meet their granpa and take pictures with him. So a memory of him can be captured for when they get older.

We canot chose our parents @lifeisawesome and it is sad when they are abusive!
I am terrified when I see broken families or even abuse and crimes in the family.
I come from a broken family but unfortunately ...for the moment I canot share my story...
I wrote up that I am terrified ...but to be more exact I am not scared by the parents , I fear the child:

  • I fear the child who comes from a broken family (like me)
  • I fear the child who is subjected to pain from his parents
  • I fear the child who is molested by his parents
  • I fear the child who kills his parents....

    All that pain transforms a person let alone a child.
    All that abuse and bad memories remain in the young mind of that child forever.
    I FEAR ME!

    Because my hate knows no bounds.
    We can never be the same but maybe we can stop others turn into monsters !
    I canot even begin to judge you @lifeisawesome!
    The life You had when you where a child I have not other words to say just:
    YOU are a wonderfull person, an unique individual who can do whatever he wants. !
    I just hope at least for me that if I will be blessed with children I will NOT to make the same mistakes as my parents.
    I just hope to GOD that I will NOT do the same mistakes as my parents!

    And in the end I will try to take your advice and forgive my parents....I will try with all my heart...

Thanks man - in the end you should do what feels right for you!

Thank you for sharing your story and insight.
It takes courage to introspect and even more to be vulnerable with sharing what you find. So, thank you.

Thank you! I appreciate what you're saying :)

Yes it does, it is refreshing to read such honesty and openness!

my father left when i was young and i still remember all i have in my mind was anger. but i never thought that the moment he left would be the last time that i ever talk or seeing him in normal state, cos 2 years ago he passed away and i only have bout 15 minutes to hug him and he was on a koma, after bout ten years i never met him or knowing where he lives. now im starting to realize few things, being a father is not an easy thing especially maintaining a good relationship with your son

I can't begin to explain how you feel - but whatever happened it's not your fault. It's never a childs fault. Us as parents are the ones that should be there for our children, NOT the other way around.

Remember that :)

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