Spotlight Issue 8 - Philosophy Music And Science

in #spotlight8 years ago


Hello and welcome to back to the Spotlight - In this issue we are going to keep up with the theme of looking at categories that are producing good work, by undervalued contributors.


This category is one of my favourites on Steemit and I will often just browse the philosophy category for an hour or two., reading the different takes on the world, given by a diverse range of Steemians.

Featured Contributors



Natali is an out of work Librarian from the Ukraine; English is her second language, however she is very adept at getting her point across.

I have been through almost all of Natali's post, and I can see a steady improvement in both her English, and her content. So head on over to check out Natali's writing and give her some voting sugar.



Klaartje, has only made 2 posts for Steemit, one 4 weeks ago and one on Wednesday the 7th, and both in philosophy.

So I feel this Steemian has nailed his colour s to the mast, and I'm hoping for more philosophy articles written in his/her, fresh, zesty style, that is easy to digest and comprehend in equal measures.

polluxRZ.jpg is another non-native English speaker, and I love his writing, I feel you can hear his accent; it sounds Italian to me. I have also jumped to the conclusion that he is male, however I may be wrong!

I came across his: Why The Pope is Only Following Himself post and was really impressed with the way he started with the Pope on Twitter, and ended by wrapping it up in a beautiful philosophical point.

I won't tell you what it was, I'll leave that for you to discover yourself; head over and check out the great thinker,

P.S. I have since found out from reading his other posts, that he is indeed male, however is German and not Italian; I have adjusted my inner voice accordingly!


The music category is surely just a sleeping giant; in the same way that it took a bit of time and a few nudges for the photography category to take off. So too, I feel the music section of Steemit will take off in a big way.

One of the biggest reasons the photography section is doing so well, can be attributed to @jamtaylor's fantastic #photochallenge. So perhaps we can look to @roelandp's Radio Steem, as a similar such boost to the Steemit music scene.

I also must mention the fantastic @thisisbenbrick; Ben is A Platinum Selling Songwriter, who has worked with the commedian and film star, Ricky Gervais.

Ben's presence opened people up to the idea that there is plenty of scope to make money in the music section.

Featured Contributors


Oliver b RZ.jpg

This contributor whilst not platinum selling, is a quality musician with a great band behind him. What's more, Oliver has broken historic Steemit ground, by debuting Steemit's First Ever Band Launch, and giving away a free single to boot! So check that link out.

I'm expecting big things from this Steemian, and if he makes more money on here than he would on Soundcloud or any other music platform. That could well convince him and other artists that Steemit is the place to put your music on.

Rock on!



Steemswede is an artist from Sweden, with a bachelor's degree in forensic science. Which makes me think of the guy who makes art out of frozen corpses!

Far from anything so macabre, Steemswede's post have often taken a philosophical look at life. However she has shown an interest in writing reviews. Until now she has stuck to books; however she has just published her first music review on Steemit.

Angel Olsen - My Woman



This Steemian's post have been pretty eclectic, covering a wide variety of subjects. As of late, he has shown an interest in music and sound.

@rossenpavlov's latest post, is an extremely interest post about the field of cymatics; a method using fine particles to determine the shape of sound waves.

He has sourced some great experiments, my favourite being the; Acoustic Levitation With A Water Drop video. It really is quite beautiful and must be seen.

Cymatics: Seeing Sound And Nature


The science category is another growing area in Steemit, we are starting to see some nice rewards obtained by some really smart cookies.

Steemit Science promises to be good, because of the amount of grads, postgrads, postdocs and all the other types of students or former students we have on our platform.

I think that Steemit can only benefit from the rise of such a popular subject and I look forward to being amazed and educated in equal measure.

Featured Contributors


herpetology guyRZ.jpg

Wow do I like this Steemian, for a couple of reasons. First of all, he told us in his introductory post, that his Father introduced him to Steemit; go Dad!

We usually hear of the other way round, a younger family member intorducing an older one to Steemit and cryptocurrency. So it's lovely to see it happening from the top down for once.

As well as having a really clued up father, @herpetologyguy has a really interesting career; the clue's in the name. That's right, you guessed it, he's a herpetologist, who is somebody who studies all things that creep.

For a fuller explanation, I would recommend checking out his fascinating blog. I hope to see @herpetologyguy grow his blog, because it definitely ticks the; educate and amaze boxes.

Evolved to Kill: How Reptiles Developed Venom



To add more weight to the science section we have @lemouth, who is a professor at Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris.

Professor Benjamin (his real name), teaches physics to undergraduate students, while performing research works in theoretical, high-energy physics.

To add to his impressive résumé, @lemouth is aloud to play with the massive underground ring that is the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland.

Dragonfly 44, a galaxy of the dark side made of dark matter



@krishtopa, or Kate as she's known to her friends is the kind of person I like to see on Steemit, and in general life.

She is the sort of person whereby it is easy to be sucked into a stereotypical view of her and then, BAM! You're sideswiped as you realise your preconceived notions about this person have been blown away.

Kate loves to dance; so much so that she has been to many dance festivals in various countries; winning an impressive collection of trophies.

Alongside her passion for dance, is her knowledge in the fields of mathematics and machine learning. She qualified to go to Moscow State University after graduating from a top maths school in the city.

@krishtopa is a fully verified member and I'm looking forward to more posts (that I can understand!) from her.

That's it for this week, please make sure you browse the above categories, and show some Steemit love to the contributors there.



Good post Sir, I will absolutely read for theme and up vote these guys

Thanks, and please do!


Thank you for the comprehensive list!!

You're welcome!


it's always great to hear about members that I have not found yet. I try to read as many articles here as I can, but there are always many people I never see. So this helps; thanks!

Glad to be of service :-D


i dont use math as much as i like anymore - although my computer does most of the math for me being a cg artist - all it does is caculate trillions of times to make beautiful images, but my daily math is not so much, i feel like kids today who rely on machines and dont bother with old school way of doing things anymore.

Hey cryptogee...Thanks for taking the time to showcase these very talented steemians! I will definitely have to catch up on your other spotlights:)

No problem! Yes please do, there are some great contributors in there, some who have gone on to big things!


Nice man! Take care:)

Hey! I write music posts too! They've been received pretty well by steemit.

The Connection Between Math And Music part 2
The Connection Between Math And Music part 1
The Connection Between Math and Code
A Breakdown of John Coltrane's Giant Steps
A Breakdown of the Stranger Things Intro Theme
A Breakdown of the X-files Intro Theme

I have a list of 20-30 more songs I will be analyzing and will be alternating between music posts and book reviews over the next 2 months.

Hola como estas, Me gusta todos los post que publicas, comencé a seguir tus artículos desde que publicaste cryptogee de la suerte Gracias por compartir tus materiales con la comunidad

@cryptogee thank you very much for the support. More great posts are around the corner.

Great list and already a fan of a number of them!

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