"Let's get to know each other" Challenge by @blog-fictions ... ME? ... BLUSH ...

in #alicequestions6 years ago (edited)

Good Evening my friends in the Steemiverse! 💫

My dear friend @eveningart nominated me for this 10 question challenge. She knows, I am ... quite shy ...

But, let there be light on my answers:




😀this is me ... I really don't like being photographed so much, honestly, I don't like it at all. On this one I wasn't really successful to turn away soon enough, therefore this unfavourable pose ...

The following questions were created by @blog-fictions.

You can find @eventingart's post here and @blog-fictions original challenge post here


So, let me see, what is the first question ...


1. If you could trade lives with anyone for a day who would it be and why?

Honestly, I wouldn't do it. I accept my life how it is and love it. I would have no fun at all living somebody else life. Even if it would be just for a day.

Hold on ... mhmmmmm .... maybe with her ...


I love cats! I love all sorts of animals, all ... including spiders 🕸but cats are somehow special to me.


2. What would you do on Mars for fun?

I would look for ancient ruins. Not necessary of alien origin ... but ancient. I love to search for all kinds or ruins, forgotten places, abandoned old houses. I love to visit these silent places, that time has turned into something serene and beautiful. Sometimes even maybe haunted. I love to take photos, walk around and leave them as I found them. Untouched!



3. If you could get yourself anything what would you get?

A time machine. I would travel through time, stop here, stop there and .............. observe. Oh I would love to learn the very true history of everything. I mean, yes, I like to question. I question many things. I don't trust books easily ... or even mainstream media. I love to do my own research, learn and then form my own view on some stuff.

Until ... until I question my own view, because I have learned even more.

I think history writing must be reviewed and judged with the proper knowledge, according values, meme .... of the particular time in mind. Therefore, a time machine, I would wish for!



4. Describe the perfect kiss in 3 words!

love, love, love 💋 eternal one


5. What is the first thing you notice in the opposite sex?

flag.png ️‍

... ohh ... I can tell what I notice first with every person:



6. If you had access to a time machine, where and when would you go?

🤩 There we are... I should have read all the questions BEFORE I started to answer them!

Many years, or better events in history I would go. See question three ...
I would go to all the special moments in history, that I still question to have happened as it was written down by 👩‍🎓 👨‍🎓 👩‍🏫 👨‍🏫



7. What is the strangest thing you believed as a child?

Honestly, nobody will believe me. @eveningart ... this is too strange...
When my parents went away to an invitation or opera/theatre visit, I crawled to the huge windows, so that nobody would see me. Grabbed the handle of the window blinds and closed them. I was afraid of helicopters that could peek through the windows and police jumping out would take me with them for any reason.

And I don't even blinked ... @eveningart


8. Do you believe in Aliens and why?!

👽 Yes. Or do you think politicians act like humans?

What's there behind the clouds? ..... nothing ... just kidding ... 😀


9. Tell me about something you really regret!

I regret that I was not strict enough to care for me in the way I should have, earlier in my life. There were some persons in my life and around that time, that did not belong into my life. I should have sent them out of my life earlier. Today I reflect much more who is around me and why.


10. Do you feel any of the above questions did not make any sense?

All good ... but wait, number 5 was just not really perfect for me, but that's o.k.


Wow, you made it here ... helloooooo anybody here? hello .... anyway, thank you for reading!

Wait, don't go, there is one more thing, I like to nominate:
@kennynneken and @ravijojla

Here are The Rules (taken from the original challenge post created by @blog-fictions ... here )

The rules are simple :
Make a post to answer these below questions and on that post nominate two or more friends as I have done below.Your nominated friends would then make a post to answer and then nominate their friends on it and the trend would go on...

Every post that's been created should contain the link to my Original Post

Use the main hashtag as alicequestions

Nomination not compulsory for participation

Sources: First picture freepik premium - all other photography, artwork and life @anutu

Logo - 300px - The Welcome Wagon.png@welcomewagon
Welcome Wagon logo designed by the amazing @penderis


Darling @anutu you are quite handsome!! 😎... even if you tried to shy away from the camera. This is the first time i saw your half-face..

I love cats too.. but no way for spiders! i hate it that they keep on scaring you to death and might even gave you a heart attack and then they run off soooo fast too..probably as scared as we are.. haha..

And the time machine? Brilliant! Id like to hop in too! Hahaha lets go back in time, just as long as we dont do something that will alter the future.

It was great knowing bits of facts about you! I had fun reading through..

PS. I like your divider line, its like you are giving strips of film story.. nice! 😉

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Ahh, the spiders. Yes, I am so thankful we have some little lovely spiders in the house. I learned to love them many years ago. This year, we had a hot humid summer. We had so many mosquitoes and every spider helped us so much. So I took the opportunity to thank them. This was when I looked at the closely and saw their beauty. I saw them maybe in a different light from this time.

Anyway I could never do any harm to any being. Yesterday we had a little gecko which somehow got in the house. Like always with these little invaders, I try to calm them down, talk to them and then bring them back to mother nature, where they are more happy.

Yeahh, the time machine. Another piece of my upcycling artwork actually. I wish it would work. Something I must have done wrong with it when I created it... does not really work. Only in my dreams it works ...

oh you are so great with them, you have a soft heart! Good for you you find beauty in small things. You don get panic at all.

I would have shrieked if I was the one who had seen the gecko! hahahaha sorry.. im more on fur animals.

We have so many geckos outside everywhere, you would get used to them ... they have so so cute little eyes, so cute! :)

You and my son would be best friends.. he loves geckos too! Hahahaha actually he calls himself super gecko! you know the PJ MASK cartoon.. hahaha

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Yeahh, super gecko, I like that, this is so cool. Nope, have no idea what the PJ MASK cartoon is, but I love cartoons :)

Well there is main cast and his name is SUPER GECKO! And thats where my son kept asking for geckos hehe..

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oh yeah, we have many little super geckos here :)

YESSSSSSSSSSSSS PLEASE tell him again - NO SPIDER hahahahahahaha

i'm so afraid that they'll crawl up in my hair! aghhhhhhhhhhh

and I agree @anutu - handsome handsome handsome! :)

even with all the wrinkles ... really an unfavourable pose ... and without this wrinklesssss ... but they will come anyway sooner or later and I don't really care ...

Yeahh, spiders ... love at second sight for me :)

i don' tthink you can technically call them wrinkles. LOL they are just folds of the skin that are natural to the pose that you're making

but wrinkles don't go away when you change your position hehehehehehe

you're ok ;)

and spiders.

no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

lololol, yes they do ...

Spiders are such lovely cute animals .... if you have so many mosquitos like we had that time ... ohhh I loved them

yeah - you know - if i saw them handling a bug problem for me... i might change my mind!

but now??? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!

i'm terrified!!!!! so terrified!

same here!!! no spiders!!! be it small or big!!!

No prob, I will handle all bug, spider and what ever animal problems for you! :)

thank you - just whisk them away and I won't know any better! hahahahahaha

where's the wrinkles????????

i dont see any... if there are, its okay! Sign of progress as they always say... and we all get there..nothing to be shy about!

big big happy smile: ... :) ... thank you!

You're very m7ch welcome handsome @anutu

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... blush .... again .... blush ...

Hahahahaha.. it suits you

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seeee!! Spiders are way creepy!! eeeeeekkkkkk!

crawling insects scare the heck out of me! Lets us just agree with the cat.. hahaha

I know, he is that good looking! i wanna see those lovely smiles..

so so so super creepy! hehehehehe

maybe if you keep asking he will show you???? LOL

hahahahaha.. i could just imagine him holding the spider and shoving it in our faces... hahahahahaha

This is nice..you would certainly have a time machine one day..
I can see you like it so much..

Oh yes I do, definitely! The time machine in the picture is a piece of my upcycling artwork I have made some time ago.

Unfortunately it only works in my dreams :)

Haha..you are so close...Dreams turn into reality quickly :)

Yeah, this is so true, sometimes they turn into reality in a little different way as expected but ... at least I have a time machine :)

Yeah..atleast you have that haha :)

hehehehehe yes!!!! this

A time machine. I would travel through time, stop here, stop there and .............. observe. Oh I would love to learn the very true history of everything.

THIS IS HOW I FEEL TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just observing - but observing in a way that i could be invisible would be the best - and not get hurt too! hahahahahaha

and hiding because the police would grab you! awwwwwwww what an awful thing to be scared of as a child!!!!

and trading places with a cat! hehehehe well - it's a beautiful cat LOL but i don't want to be a cat - for any amount of time. ok ok maybe i want to be a tiger ;)

and spiders?!?!?!?!

ok - this is where we finally disagree! hahahahahahahaha

Invisible would be the best solution ... oh I would LOVE that.

You know that concerning this helicopter police thing @eveningart had the same strange thinking as a child? I was so surprised ... read hers completely after I wrote mine

Nice we have at least one thing we disagree :) lolololol

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