"Let's Get To Know Each Other" Challenge by @blog-fictions

in #alicequestions6 years ago (edited)


Hello lovely Steemians, how is Tuesday treating you?

While I was off on my holibobs, the rather wonderful @saffisara nominated me to take part in this fun challenge. The 10 Questions were created by @blog-fictions. You can find @saffisara's post here and @blog-fictions original challenge post here. That all being said... let the inquisition begin...

1 ➡️ If you could trade lives with anyone for a day who would it be and why?

Elizabeth Bennet... the Jennifer Ehele version... so that I can spend all day watching Darcy aka Colin Firth pottering around in a wet shirt :)

2 ➡️ What would you do on Mars for fun?

BOUNCE! We've all seen John Carter right? I rather like the idea of bounding and bopping my way around the planet. Who's joining me on my martian trampoline?

3 ➡️ If you could get yourself anything what would you get?

A dog. I would love a dog so much. A big dog that gives good cuddles, and likes to come swimming in the river with me, and will fall asleep on my lap on the sofa, and be my friend.

4 ➡️ Describe the perfect kiss in 3 words!

Soft. Sexy. Sensuous.

5 ➡️ What is the first thing you notice in the opposite sex?

Their nose. I like a big nose. And then it's eyes, but I'm not looking for colour - I'm looking for the laughter lines - proof of a joyful spirit.

6 ➡️ If you had access to a time machine, where and when would you go?

Back to my teenage years so that I could be less of a pain in the behind for my poor parents!

7 ➡️ What is the strangest thing you believed as a child?

That if I blinked too often, I'd get locked up by the police. And for some reason, those police would arrive in helicopters and whisk me away. Strange child!


8 ➡️ Do you believe in Aliens and why?

Yes. Where else did Johnny Depp spring from?

9 ➡️ Tell me about something you really regret!

Not spending more girly time with my mum when she was alive. Cuddle the people you love often, tell them how much you love them, and never ever put off that visit for no good reason.

10 ➡️ Do you feel any of the above questions did not make any sense?

Noooo. They all made perfect sense, but now I have to admit that I'm rather distracted by thoughts of Mr. Darcy, happy, crinkly eyes and toe-curling kisses!

Yeah... so that's a little peep into the weirdness that is my head. I'd like to nominate @anutu, @mimismartypants and @maquemali to take the challenge if they haven't already :)

Here are The Rules (taken from the original challenge post created by @blog-fictions

The rules are simple :

  1. Make a post to answer these below questions and on that post nominate two or more friends as I have done below.Your nominated friends would then make a post to answer and then nominate their friends on it and the trend would go on...

  2. Every post that's been created should contain the link to my Original Post

  3. Use the main hashtag as alicequestions

  4. Nomination not compulsory for participation

Catch you later my lovelies!
Eveningart x


Sources: All gifs courtesy of Giphy and GfyCat


I see it was a competition actually that has passed! Buttt who cares!! It sounds like a lot of fun!! I will definitely give it a bash today!!

Also, this explains why I have a huge crush on Johnny Depp!! I even write my media studies celebrity analysis on him!! I'm attracted to weirdos!! Is the reason I probably find you hilarious as well!! Lol! Lol! And I'm totes joining the martian trampoline!! Weeeeeeeee!!

Hahaha! You calling me a weirdo, madam?!?! 😉 Okay- ya got me there! Let's just hang out on my martian trampoline all day and not do any work!

I didn't realise that it was a comp that had closed... hahaha... ah well, I just liked that it was a fun way to find out about each other.

Eew - a crush on Johnny Depp... well, I suppose someone has to crush on him... Enjoy!

E x

Wellll if the shoe fits!! I'm also one so its all good! Luke the good kinda weirdo, thats cool and awesome! Not the heavy breathing kind with the potential to eat you alive!! There is a big difference!!

Johnny is hotttttt!! Different strokes i suppose!! Bad boy eccentric!! What can i say!!! I have a type!!

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OH MY HAT!!! I'm doing this now and reread your answers!! LOL you judge me on heart-throb Johnny Depp, but Colin Firth rocks your world!!!!! Double Eeeww!!! LOL definitely different strokes here! At least you know your man is safe with me!

Hahahaha! That's soooo funny. HOW can you not like Colin Firth in his wet shirt, how??? What's wrong with you? reaches for thermometer to check for serious illness

E x

Lol wet hairy chest!! Reminds me of...

Gotta say, I'm liking the weirdness in your head! 😁 Your martian trampoline sounds like fun and I'm ALL IN! We have this place near where I live that is an indoor trampoline park and it is the BEST! You're allowed to bounce around like a loon and throw yourself at the walls just to bounce off of them! Also, you can take a bounce and a dive into a giant section full of foam cubes. (It takes a bit of "swimming" to get out though.)

Cuddle the people you love often, tell them how much you love them, and never ever put off that visit for no good reason.

This is terrific and heartfelt advice and I'm 100% with you on it! Once someone precious is gone, we wish we had done/said more. Hugs to you!

I want to come and play in your trampoline pit- that looks incredible!!!
Haha- let's go to mars and have a bouncing party :)
I'm glad you like the weirdness in my head- should mean we'll be the best of friends! And thank you- it can sometimes be hard advice to take I think, when busy day-to-day life gets in the way and you can forget about what's important and what you should let go. Big hugs to you too- I hope you have a wonderful week xxxx

hahahahaha oh my sweet @eveningart you got me there!!!!

I love how you portray each answers with GIFs.. but the best one was from Johnny Depp! hahaha poor DAPPER! Him again.. hahahah @dreemsteem

I guess Crazy is the new thing around here ehh.. haha

Hehe - do love me a bit of good Gif action ;) Couldn't resist! Looking forward to reading yours. I'm not crazy... it's just the rest of the world!
E x

Oh i love it even more.. the gifs just give life to the words and a pinch of humor..

Its okay, we are a little crazy one way or the other..

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Nice read. I leave an upvote for this article thumbsup

Well I could join you to mars and I absolutely also love dogs :)

Yay - we could take our dogs to mars for a walk, maybe? ;)

Yeah..not a bad idea :)

Oh my goodness - I giggled throughout!!!!!!!!!!!! the best was the gif of the teenager acting crazy hahahahahahaha

do you really think you'd make them less crazy?!?! i think if i went back in time - i'd make my parents MORE crazy LOL

and i agree - less debating, more cuddling.

and i secretly want a dog. but i don't really want the responsibility. so - i'm never getting a dog. LOLOLOL


booooo! Dogs are great!!!!! hahahahaha... i dont want either today, my kids are small.. im still afraid that the dog might bite those chunky hands or any chunky baby parts that is.. hahaha

hehehehehe i just don't want the dog poop.
or the dog hair!!! (if we got a dog- it would have to have the hair - not the fur!!!) LOLOL

but when they are cute - they are SOOOOOOOOOO cute!!!

like @saffisara's dog Bobby! ohhhhhhhh so cute!

hahaha the mess part is what we dont like..unless all pups come in well trained..

RIGHT! i just dont' like mess.

but the cuddles - ohhhhhhhh yeah! :)

Dont worry about the mess.. the hubs take care of that..

Hahahahaha ours are cuddles and smooches.. 🐶🐕

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hmmmm no way. not my hubs!

LOL my hubs says "what? i dont' see a mess! look at what a pretty baby awwwwwww"

and then i'm like AGHHHHHH


Hahahaha i can imagine your face saying aghhhhhhhh! with drools eyes! 😒😖

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Ooh yes- I can imagine that fear- small people and dogs are a bit of a scary mixture!

Yes the fear is always there.. but i lobe to have big hairy dog.. like bethoven.. hahaha

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Hahaha - really? You don't want a dog because of the responsibility? BUT YOU HAVE KIDS? Surely that has to be worse?

I would possibly be less explosive with them if I went back and still had the knowledge I have now. If I could just remember that they weren't a different breed of human and just two people who'd had kids young and were learning as they went along! I am / was blessed with amazing parental units.

Yay to more cuddling!

have a lot of fun reading it nice XD

Oh my ... I guess I was still a little bit in shock, when I read you had nominated me @eveningart.... I completely forgot to comment on you lovely post ... sorry for that

I was so surprised and it sounds so unreal, but did you know that we two believed quite similar crazy things as a child? Question 7 ... I was sitting here like .... no no no no way .... how can this be .... ...

yes - but the blinking!!!! LOLOLOLOLOL

that is the BEST thing ever! hahahahahahaha

i wonder if your eyes got dry from keeping them open @eveningart??? LOL i love you and your mind ;)

and my gosh you were a beautiful child!

Haha- I was the most UGLY baby you have ever seen! Mum started giving birth and the nurses were like "STOP! We're not ready". Being the good girl that she was, she stopped pushing right around my eyes- so I had bruised eyes for the first months of my life. Big bruised potato head :)

Yes- but the blinking thing- how weird!!!

That is completely insane that we had such similar answers for questions 7! Do you think we're actually members of the same alien race or something?? Bizarre!!!

And don't worry about that- I do it all the time, read a post and thing 'wow' and then potter off... too easy ;)
Now- have a good day, beware those helicopters and don't blink too much!
E x

Yeah ... somehow we might be aliens ... good point :) lol
What is completely strange is, that I grew up in a time when nobody did talk about helicopters of that kind and as a child of that particular age, I had not made any experiences with helicopters at all @eveningart. I do not remember that I knew anything about helicopters - but - there was this strange panic and behavior towards helicopters .... and poeple getting me ... I mean, I have still no explanation for this.

Besides, I never met anyone before, who had this strange helicopter thinking as a child like I had. After I finished my questions, I read your answers and WOWOWOWOW .... ughhhhhh


haha! great job on this thing eveningart, I've seen lots of people doing this but no one has used gifs before so that alone would make yours the best! but your answers were also great so you deserved to win, too bad you're late I think someone said but anyway fantastic job!

Hehe- thank you Sir! Can't beat a good bit of Gif action now and then ;) I didn't even realise it was a competition to be honest, just thought it was a fun idea for a post- so jumped on it when lovely @saffisara tagged me.
E x

This was such a nice read. The gifs helped but your answers made me giggle throughout the whole post. Thank you!

Haha- thank you @lymepoet- so glad you had a good giggle. Gotta love a bit of Gif action ;)

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