Recap and Selection of our weekly contest my-niche - 2

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Hello everyone, so I know you all probably been waiting to get the weekly review of our ongoing contest my-niche and also to get the new tag.

Well first of all, it was absolutely awesome, very interesting, I can go on and it shows that the future will keep on being bright and many more to come.

So here with you today is still your humble boy @otemzi binging you the recap of our weekly contest titled my-niche. Today, I am going to focus on the necessity of always sourcing your work and the use of appropriate tags.

So to start with for many of us who just joined and kind of confused about what this contest entails well just click this link MY-NICHE. Last week we held our second contest and it was quite awesome and a lot of persons did show up; 8 to be precise, each with their own juice and flavor am telling you. The audience were really entertained and quite amazed as well about the depth of knowledge these guys/girls brought to the floor.

Our last tag was centered on LOVE and what is love if I may ask?

Well each of the contestants had their own definition and they were quite elaborate on it.Iif not for minor difficulties, many would have gotten the 100% upvote which brings us to the center of today's write-up.

So what happened that only few were able to get the 100% upvote, you may ask.

Well it was not their post that was not up to standard but it was simply due to;.

  • The use of wrong tags

  • No Image or quoted source

One may ask how relevant the above are and why we reduced their potential earnings merely because of the above and my response is.

Would you upvote a post that was plagiarized?

Would you upvote a post you cannot see?

You see, when you make a post and no source was given to the rightful owners, you claim that all write-up and images belongs to you and if someone says otherwise and he/she ends up being right, it simply means you stole another man’s work and now you are claiming ownership which is absolutely wrong. Although sometimes, you might get away with it and other times you might think why bother? But am here today telling you, it’s really important to source a work which does not belong to you. It’s not that hard; just copy a link of the page you got the image or quote from, just that and nobody would ever question you about that post ever again and one more thing @airhawk-project does not support plagiarism so if by any means, you plagiarize a work and we later found out, your post would be unvoted and reported to the appropriate authorities so please en-devour to always source your works.

Would you upvote a post you cannot see?

Often times we make post and tag it inappropriately or we spam tags; using tags that are not related to our post. Probably we found the tags are currently trending and our post will get to more viewers. Although many view is good but then, would you really have people view your post over and over again and end up leaving no vote? Or you want people to view your work and also upvote it because they found it quite detailed and properly taged. I leave this question you and I believe you would pick the right answer.

Like always, the list below is not arranged based on the quality of the post or who came out first.Remember, the aim of this contest is to make everyone a winner and also help us discover where we trend the most; that unique place. So our arrangement is based on who started first and I hope you enjoy and visit these contestants' posts later on.

Coming out first is @sistem with the post what love truly means to me, so what does love truly mean to @sistem I wonder.To find out, just click the link above and get to see for yourself.The post got him a 100% upvote from @airhawk-project and it was based on the audience's recomendation (remember the audience gets to deliberate who gets how many percentage upvote so you too can be a judge; just join on this coming Wenessday.

Second, we have @aderonkemi with the post titled long lost love LLL for short xd, so to know what LLL means just click the link above and the post got her 90% upvote from @airhawk-project.

Third on the list we have @petoz with the post titled the other side of love hmmm so love have another side? Well if you really want to know then click the link above. This post got him 70% upvote from @airhawk-project.

Forth on the list, we have @prince-octavian with the post titled love after heartbreak the anti love phase, the anti-love phase? Well I wonder what this is all about and I know you too so you can just click the link above and see what it is all about. This post got him 70% upvote from @airhawk-project.

Coming out Fifth we have @baradi with the post titled true love a necessity in marriage, love is a necessity for marriage, well how true is this? To understand better just click the link above and this post got him 70% worth upvote from @airhawk-project.

Sixth we have @hilltop with the post titled mothers love the perfect love, how sweet mothers love truly a perfect love and to know what he says about this, just click the link above and this post got him 90% worth of upvote from @airhawk-project.

Seventh we have @greatness96 with the post titled I thought it was love story, this look like a title gotten from one of those love story type movie and I bet it will be really interesting, to read the story behind it just click the above link . This post got him 90% worth upvote from @airhawk-project.

Eight, the last but not the least we have @smiles563 with the post titled love is everything, Love is everything? I truly wonder. So, to know more about what the writer is saying clik the link above. This post got a 100% worth of upvote from @airhawk-project.

Remember each percentage was gotten based on the audience and our review and some of the reasons for the low score is because of the wrong use of tag and no proper image source so please do well to always tag your work properly and also source if there is any.

Other post that were made with respect to the LOVE tag are

The first university ever built great women in islamic history part 2 fatima al-fihri by @hoosain

So that ends last week's contest and the moment we have all been waiting for. drum rolls, music, let the audience stand as well reveal this week's tag.

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Yes the new tag for this week is CHRISTMAS, this week let’s all get into the spirit of Christmas and bring out the writer in us to explore this special festive season with everyone around us. So don’t miss this and remember you are expected to be at STEEMITDOTCOM on Wednessday 7pm GMT.(8pmigerian time)

Do not forget the rules

  1. Each user is expected to take full advantage of the markdown editing style, so as to beautify our work and stand more chance to be a winner.

  2. All works should be properly sourced if there is any, inability to source a work you got online means you are claiming ownership of that work. So please, do well to source it as nobody would be happy if his or her work was copied and no acknowledgement given to them.

  3. The use of pictures are totally welcomed as they are able to explain far much better than just mere words.

  4. Only one post is allowed a week as related to the tag selected at that particular time. Or say you can only submit one post under the chosen tag per week

  5. Your tag should be "my-niche christmas airhawk-project" and any other tags u deem fit.

Note that for some logistic reasons, this week's recap/review would hold on wednessday night

Thanks all for coming out to review this week's posts and hope to see you once again this Wednessday.
Till then, let the spirit of Christmas lead.

To stay abreast with our goal and mission, Follow @airhawk-project.

To support our endeavours, kindly UPVOTE and RESTEEM this post.

The Airhawk-project – Relating, Informing, Sharing, and Supporting One Steemit.


I was glad being in the audience on the telegram group on Friday. Great minds in @Airhawk-project

Thanks to your awesome moderating skills. It was a wonderful one!

You flatter me so much. It was a nice experience though, with great minds like you around.

You were all absolutely amazing, hope to have you guys once more this Wednesday

@ airhawk-project you have a way of bringing the best out of people nice work and a very big thumb up.

Nice one!! But isnt wednesday too short to come up with something quality???

Note that for some logistic reasons

Due to some unexpected issue we had to move it upward and we know its too soon but we do hope to see you there and fully prepared.

Good job guys. Good job!

Thanks Sir, hope to see you on Wednesday

I remember the early days of YouTube. Tags meant literally nothing to those looking to find the right content, but for content creators it was a wild west. All you needed to get some exposure was a Barrack Obama tag. While YouTube's tagging system has improved drastically since then, I still prefer the Steemit tagging system which only allows five tags.

Yes with that, users gets to meet more audience and their beautiful works are then appreciated with the upvote section thanks for this comment

Is the tag one straight word or separated word? but i have to use it that way.
I will definitely be there....!!!

Sir, this link would take you to the first post about the my-niche contest hope it answers all your questions My-Niche

Thanks gotten the gist...I will sure post on that tag.

This is great and I hope to be able to participate.

yes you can and hoping to see you and your post this Wednesday

Good contest
Good poat
Keep going on
Well wrote

Thanks for that

For now I don't have d telegram app on my phone due to low memory.. Am I still eligible to partake in the contest and submit my post under comment

you can partake but you need to drop your post at the telegram group

Amazing contest...

thanks for this

Are you wellcome Luffy :D

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