ahmadmanga Picks #9 | Gaming, Blaming and Misunderstanding

Focusing mainly on Gaming and Fiction, I bring to you posts from all over steemit. It's been 6 days since my last Picks, too long~


Salam (Peace)

After a while, ahmadmanga Picks returns. If it's your first time reading my posts then please go to The Announcement of Daily Picks to know about the rating system used here (Clarity/Novelty/Fun.)

~ The Announcement Post ~

Today's Picks:

ItsTheMeta | To Misunderstand Gaming

by @teeroyjenkinz

Post NicheClarityNoveltyFunLength
#Gaming, ReviewsASA~600wrds

Bartle's Taxonomy is a theory that generalizes gamers into four types: Killers, Achievers, Explorers with each player having bias to some of these types more than others.

In this post @teeroyjenkinz talks about his bias and his new way of reviewing games by how they fit each of the K.A.S.E scores.Objective reviews this way is a beautiful contrast to my totally subjective reviews.

Sorry, But I Am NOT Your Best Friend.

by @hitmeasap

Post NicheClarityNoveltyFunLength
Steemit, DiscordAAA~700wrds

A fun to read but in reality very sad article about the current situatiuon of steemit/discord social media. People ask to be friend of someone known/popular/leader, but do they really want to be his 'friends?'

What I liked the most is @hitmeasap responses in the screenshots, which are very respectful despite him being annoyed.

Don't Blame The Game!

by @rodznocturne

Post NicheClarityNoveltyFunLength
#Gaming, ParentingAAA~1200wrds

People blame the video games when something goes wrong in a gamers life, but most of time games aren't to blame but the player who played them.

This post contains the best advice for a parent of children gamers "It's %100 your responsibility to choose what your children should play and what not." Maybe that was too harsh... I mean good guidance from parents so a child can choose what's the best for them by themselves, games aren't babysitters.

Honorable Mentions:

@eaglespirit's "A BLOOD RED SKY."
A story entry in stach 199 words contest.

@vishire's "Eternal Senia - Indie JRPG, Yes Some People Still Play These"
I really like this title, I saw the game before but the review made me want to play it for some reason.



You might be interested in my Steam Shop, I sell my leftover bundle games for SBD, some steemit gamers liked my service.

~ Hope you liked today's Collection ~
Maybe I should change the word "today" to "this week." I'll think about it~

For cover image I used this public domain picture from rawpixel.com & unsplash. All other images are taken from their respective posts.

Thanks for the mention!

Thanks for reading my post, I just commented on yours by the way.

we are co-commenting. LOL!

Looking forward to more of your posts.

I've decided to use an account to post #gaming stuff in english, check it out if you can: @soleto.

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