AGORISM As A Way To Celebrate Love, Beauty + Freedom 🌺

in #agorism7 years ago (edited)


Friends. Cake. Love. @ Verde Pistache + Vegan Restaurant.

What happens when the TALENTS of one friend, can bless the HAPPY OCCASION of another friend?

This past Saturday, my beautiful friends Amparo and Gustavo -- owners of the lively + delicious Verde Pistache + Vegan -- were married! 👰🏻💕🤵 ¡Qué romántico!

amp and gus.jpg

Photo Credit: Lisa Freeman

🥂 Amparo + Gustavo, tu amor inspira! Deseo que completen salud y felicidad, juntos. ✨


I've heard marriage dryly referred to as 'the ultimate business transaction'.

Entrepreneurship comes close, as far as required commitment, is concerned.

All transactions can happen with care and consciousness...

with friendship and affection...

with healing + redemption, in an often heartless marketplace.


Samuel Edward Konkin III (SEK3)'s idea of counter-economy is important to me. It's defined as "the sum of all non-aggressive Human Action which is forbidden by the State".

I was instantly and strongly drawn to it as the kind of philosophy I want to LIVE. The kind of ecosystem in which I want to PARTICIPATE.

This form of economics:

"allows for immediate self-liberation from statist controls, to whatever degree practical, by applying entrepreneurial logic to rationally decide which laws to discreetly break and when."

Entrepreneurial Logic

Similar to free market principles, I find the bounds and parameters of "entrepreneurial logic" to be a rich zone in which to work, play and connect.

I love to keep the state OUT of my affairs, and inspiration fully loaded IN them.

I agree with the practiced premise, from The New Libertarian Manifesto that:

"It is possible, practical, and even profitable to entrepreneur large collections of humanity from statist society to the agora. This is, in the deepest sense, true revolutionary activity..."

Cryptocurrency is a key mechanism of that activity.

And so are sunflowers. 🌻

You'll see what I mean.

Hang on, just one sec, please...


I was introduced to Daphne's artwork 3 months ago,
at the mansion-warming party of @modprobe.

While there, I got a henna finger tattoo from her that I LOVED,
and wrote about HERE. This is a pic of it:


One day on Facebook, I came across this cake-frosting video.

Yes, frosting.

It made me think of Daphne, and her artwork.

So I sent it to her.

Quite amazingly, she replied:

"When I do tattoos, I imagine I am decorating a cake."

"I want to be a baker."

What are the chances of THAT?! lol

From that moment, all I could see, was cookies + cakes...


Can you see it, too?


Girasoles is 'sunflower', in Spanish.


I was told the Sunflower is Amparo's favorite flower, so that's why it's on top.


Small things matter. I love Daphne's deep care.

Interested in her designing something for you?

Contact Daphne, the artist, HERE. Or Nancy, her mom, HERE. Or Denni, their business manager, HERE.


I highly value people who create beauty.
Beauty-makers help me fall deeper in love with Life,
which makes me want to find ways
to add ease + value to their life.

And on and on... We can:

(1) RECOGNIZE the gifts, talents + special abilities
in those around us;

(2) STIMULATE those gifts, talents + special abilities
with economic incentives for their use; and

(3) COMPENSATE those gifts, talents + special abilities
using agorist wisdom, entrepreneurial logic,
cryptocurrency, trade, barter, or some other stateless way...



Hey, please also check out these recently published posts:

(A lot of work goes into them, and they 'expire' so quickly...)

☀️ I like to photosynthesize.


🍉 Watermelon Margaritas!

As always, thanks very much for being here, friends.



Thanks for the great post! I love the last image too. Something that I've been thinking a lot about lately is an "ah ha" moment I had after watching an inspirational video about Elon Musk. He didn't mention the idea directly, but the idea is specialization. As humans we have limited time, and no one can specialize in all the different specializations required. Elon Musk was specifically talking about scientists to make space travel possible. It's a daunting task.

That concept though applies to all other things in life, and humans must work together, as your image suggested, or we cannot specialize and advance our technology in good and efficient ways. Without specialization, we lose technology. Humans have to work together to make specialization really shine too. You may be the specialist on calculating launch angles, but I'm the specialist on heat shielding.

Private enterprise, free from government controls, makes those things possible. The funny meme out there of course is an image of a cell phone, computer, and the space shuttle. The shuttle went unchanged for 20 years while the other two greatly advanced. There's no mystery as to why either. Now enter Space X, and see the huge advancements they've made. It's amazing... really amazing.

With the freedom they have and the ability for so many smart people to get together as different specialists, they are making the unthinkable reality. That would not be possible without agorism and free markets and individual liberty either. :)

Wow, such rich thoughts! Thanks for sharing them, @finnian. :-)

Humans have to work together to make specialization really shine too.

I agree with this!

I also think humans need to re-acquaint ourselves with HOLISTIC thought. The prevalent mechanistic paradigm has EVERYTHING dis-assembled into scattered pieces and parts -- specializations -- as if Life was not deeply connected on every level... seen and unseen, understood and yet grasped.

Greetings from a fellow agorist... :D



@creatr: Hello, agorist friend! I appreciate you, too!! 💐

this cake looked cool and very tasty :) I want one :)

FYI: Girasoles is Spanish for sunflowers. The gira- means turn, related to English gyrate (both from the same Latin/Greek, of course), and sol is sun, so literally a sun-turner.

@stevenlytle: That is so BEAUTIFUL. Funny... how words, make other words even more meaningful, lol

Thanks for that fact. You know I love stuff like that :-)

great post.....thanks for shearing

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