Got Cannibalism? How and why it's being normalized.

"No belief system, no matter how rigid, can’t be compromised. And the second that happens, everything else starts to crumble and fall." - Todd VanDerWerff ------


Well hello again steemitkind! You may have noticed over the last few years, a lot of interest around the taboo subject of cannibalism. And whether or not it should be accepted in today's society. Well it is mine, and other's belief, that this is a manufactured attempt to normalize the act of cannibalism. A return to the law of the jungle, survival of the fittest. Dog eat dog, or in this case man eat man.

Here is my attempt to demonstratively prove that this is the case, and to speculate on some of the reasons why? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below. Thank you.


"It has historically been convenient for Westerners to stigmatize cannibalism. If you’re Columbus and you can accuse people of being cannibals, then you can treat them like vermin. They’re not human to you. You can destroy these cultures. But there are other cultures [such as the pre-20th century Wari' of western Brazil] where they’d be just as mortified to learn we bury our dead as we would be to learn that they eat their loved ones.

Culture is king, and our culture dictates that cannibalism is this horrible taboo." source


"The 33-year-old artist staged the performance - named 'Eschatology' - on March 6 at a posh museum in Riga, the capital of Latvia."

Age 33 hmmm? Nothing like a little publicity stunt to help normalize an abnormal behaviour, am I right?

"Arthur told The Sun Online: "It's not fake, but it also is not cannibalism. Each of them ate his or her own piece of skin after (a) scarification procedure. Otherwise fingernail gnawing also can be proclaimed as cannibalism." - source


CNN presenter Reza Aslan sparks backlash after he eats HUMAN BRAIN while filming with Hindu cannibal sect

For one thing "Reza Aslan" (which tribe?). Second, does anyone buy that he even ate brain? His hand looks empty. But it stirred up controversy and that was the point, right?

"A cannibal that eats a victim has essentially found 'the perfect meal,'" Elderd said. "If I'm a cannibal, my prey has all the protein ratios and micronutrients that I need, because it's essentially me. The disadvantage, however, is that my victim is also the perfect host for any suite of pathogens or parasites that would also like to feast on me. The thought here is that I shouldn't be cannibalistic because I have a high probability of contracting a particular disease if I feed on an organism of my own species."

"We are flipping the paradigm, with regards to cannibalism," Elderd said. - source

When I read this, I can't help but think about the looming pandemic, they have been warning us about for some time.

"Volunteer grave diggers: Canadian government asks funeral homes to prep for pandemic"

Seems like they are preprogramming to eat each other, should a crisis breakout.

"Other fairly simple procedures can be used to tweak the genes of dangerous bacteria and make them resistant to antibiotics, so that people infected with them would be untreatable. A more exotic bioweapon might come in the form of a genetically-altered microbe that colonises the gut and churns out poisons. “While that is technically more difficult, it is a concern because it may not look like anything you normally watch out for in public health,” Imperiale said.



Say what?




Books and TV fun!



Todd Vanderwiff, the man with such a telling quote at the beginning of this steemit post, seems to love him some cannibalism.


"Richard Dawkins wants to know if lab-grown meat will eradicate the taboo against cannibalism."

"In a tweet on March 3, the outspoken evolutionary biologist linked to an article about the possible commercialization of meat grown in a laboratory by the end of 2018. Dawkins was practically drooling, but it wasn't over the food: "I've long been looking forward to this," he wrote. "What if human meat is grown? Could we overcome our taboo against cannibalism?"

"There you could say this is a disposition toward humanity to shift from seeing people as people, and maybe this would push us more to seeing people as meat," he said. But that shift doesn't seem particularly likely, he said." - source

Says it all right there, shifting the conscious to view people as meat rather than as people.

Why? Well....


"If Katy Perry were being controlled by a group of elites who eat other humans for fun, why would she make a video about it? Once again, the name of the game is normalization. In order to warp the minds of her viewers into thinking it's OK for wealthy rings of cannibals to perform secret rituals, this visual information has to be put into the public in sugar coated morsels. The visual cues in "Bon Appetit" don't just signal that she's being used like a piece of meat by the entertainment industry, it's also full of references to the cult-like activity that the cultural and political elite follow in private."

The elites are up to all sorts of abnormal stuff, which would stand to reason that they would want to make their abnormal behaviour, normal. No more need to hide.

Celebrities attending a 'mock' cannibal dinner hosted by the witch herself Marina Abromavic


Really take a moment to listen to the back and forth between Drew Barrymore and jimmy fallon.

Another likely reason why they are pushing for the normalization of cannibalism, once again comes back to the UN Agenda 2030. Depopulation is a major objective of this agenda. Pushing falsities such as overpopulation, (anthropogenic) climate change and the manufactured scarcity of food and resources. It makes such alternative diets such as insects and human flesh more acceptable to all the chicken littles who have been programmed to think the sky is falling.

Another thought, what if they are pushing for cannibalism, to not only open people up to eating lab grown human meat. But as a way make the idea of human cloning more acceptable as well. Eh? I dunno, just a thought.


Well that's it for now. I encourage you to look into this yourself. See what you can find out. Thanks for stopping by!


This topic is so interesting. I wonder if someday canibalism will be a normal thing in our daily lives just as the violence we see each day. However, I'll never eat another human D:

Talk about a SHTF situation. You can not have a peaceful & high functioning society & cannibalism mainstreamed co-existing. If you want a cannibal society- go to Papua New Guinea. . A Rockefeller went there in the 1960's & got eaten by head hunter.

Hopefully, it will never be normal.

I definitely smell an agenda here, especially with cannibalism, pedophilia, any other perverse behavior that they can think of. The world needs a cleansing alright, but it's from people who think this way, not from salt of the earth people.

Humanity is going downhill :/

Rape is "natural" too :/ smh

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