July ProgBlog #1

in #aer6 years ago

It's been an insane month and I didn't get much art done for most of it, hence the larger than usual dearth of progblogs. For the last few months Sprat and I have been closing down our business (which for me means doing all the techy stuff of moving or helping move websites, and at some stage I have more stuffing around to do with the server and more services to cancel), went to Melbourne for a quick getaway, my car was broken into and the house hunting has not stopped (except for this weekend where there were no house inspections except for a house we'd already viewed and JJ didn't organise any other ones).

I'm still not quite done with shifting sites around but am trying to catch up with the arty stuff again (I have yet to actually achieve that).

On the 3d front, the last time (so very long ago now) I tried doing the mouth cavity separate from the rest of the body mesh, it flew off into the stratosphere whenever I rotated the head. I never knew how to fix that specific issue, as the "fix" I ended up employing was just making the mouth cavity part of the body mesh. This was fine when I was only in one app, but now that I've actually got this teeny tiny little pipeline happening it led to freaking nightmare when retopologising characters because I HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE retopo at the best of times and mouth cavities are the absolute WORST.

And then I had the slowly decreasing thing where I observed something I was unhappy with and had to fix it. In this case it was being unsure if the anime teeth I do for sketchies and even my proper 2d pieces really fit with my 3d style. After bouncing ideas off Sprat and asking the 3d artists on steemartists for advice on how to rig separate mouth cavities, and liking the idea of never having to retopo another bloody mouth cavity EVER AGAIN, I embarked on the mission of making some chompers that would better fit my 3d style.

The teeth themselves didn't take that long to build. Getting them into the right position and a convincing proportion on the other hand! There's a lot of toggling the base model visibility so I can see what I'm doing and make sure stuff is in the right spot. Then I have to do the tongues and the gummy bits. Once they're done I'll chuck it into 3dC for painting and then attach it to the model of Red (which I hopefully haven't completely broken with all of this experimentation) and then with some luck I may actually be able to get further into the expression test!

Also managed to do the flats for @f3nix's avatar.

@gorc commented that it looked like he was fixing some spy pocketwatch item thing in one of his games and "that's very nice of him" XD

Got a few upgoats to do and I still have exactly no idea what I'm doing with the symphonyofechoes header. Currently my only consolation is the account has been inactive for a couple of months and I'm pretty sure it wasn't because I was taking so long! After this one I'm not doing any more headers, I take too long.

This post also appears on my blog.

Stuff to do

Want a crowd character? If you interact frequently with me here (either on my posts or your posts or better yet both!) or on one of the linked Discord channels, all you have to do is let me know and tell me what you'd like :) It can be one of your characters (including ones you make up on the spot for this XD) or a self insert. There's a bunch of different human types to choose from, and pets/other animals are also welcome.

Thanks for looking! ^_^

If you want to natter I usually haunt both the #teamaustralia channels (yes there's two, the PAL one and one for Aus/NZ), Be Awesome, and hang with the @steemartists on the server with the same name on Discord with a bunch of awesome people :D


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The steemaroo divider is free to use. Ask me nicely if you want an upgoat/cute critter footer.


Compliments @ryivhnn! I see the creature is taking shape in your hands as an alchemic homunculus .. I love the @bananafish emblem around the forearm.

Yay glad you like it so far ^_^

I can't believe you're disappointed with your progress! What with everything that went on, it's amazing you were able to make any progress at all! @f3nix's avatar is coming along well! Arguably one of the top among the bunch so far! Brava!~

If you'd been tracking my progress on AER-verse from when I started rather than from when I joined steem...well I think you would have given up on me by now XD but if you hadn't then you would understand :D

What bunch? The AER cameos? This one's not a cameo, it's an avatar I'm doing hence the nicer colouring which is only evident in the fact I used hair brushes XD It'ss be more obvious when I start shading :) The AER cameos are being done sketchily.

Ach! Figures! Well, the avatar looks snazzy! A thousand pats on the should for my buddy Fyn for the job well done on it haha!

Hey Ryi, it feels like a long visit between proglogs, but I don’t feel like I missed too much if you’re talking about mouth cavities! The word painstaking comes to mind.

Sorry to hear your car was broken into. And with your business closing, I hope it’s because you’re moving on to better things.

Also, house hunting sucks. I hate the competition and dealing with real estate agents. You can make the best offer and still not win! This happened to us. They wanted unconditional. I was heartbroken to lose that one. Turns out it was a blessing. It was put back on the market again. I have a love of old houses, and we suspect it was structurally unsound. I’m not sure if it helps, but I’ve found trying to catch and talk to owners helps the sale process. We were lucky with our current place and it came from talking to the owners a lot. :)

Nah you didn't miss much :) Mouth cavities are just painful because they're so tight, every which way you rotate you end up inside something. And then 3d Coat doesn't deal with tight or thin areas at all very well so I'd be trying to lay polygons over something and it would be trying to apply them somewhere else and just no XD

Yeh the business closing is just because while I still enjoy the webdev side of things (even when I'm whining about how the hell does this problem even exist there's no logical reason) I really, really didn't enjoy the running the business side of things. I'm enjoying the closing down work even less but at least there's an end point at some stage XD

The REAs seem nice enough, only had one that tried the "there's this other guy who's really interested in this property, reckons it's the best value for money ever blah blah blah", little do they know that the more interesting a house is to other people the less interesting it is to me XD Not really much competition going on over here at the moment, least in the areas we've been looking in, market is right down.

Aaargh I sympathise with losing that perfect house, there was only one house that I really wanted and my partner dragged his feet a little bit because he didn't like the price, and then because we had a shared equity loan the government department involved then moved with glacial slowness (three weeks!) to get the required stuff back to us during which time the house was sold. Sounds like it was fortunate in your case at least :O

The owners don't seem to go to the home opens. The last potential owner I saw in a house was leaving for a walk as we rocked up (we were a few minutes early), otherwise the last bunch of people that wasn't the REA and other proespective buyers that were in a house were some tenants who wanted to be there to make sure people didn't steal their stuff during the inspections I guess. Yay for that being what got your current place though :D

So don’t keep me suspense, ryi! What’s up next? Toe nails? ;)

Having grown up in a family business, I’m aware of all the sacrifices of running your own business and it’s not for me.

As for house hunting, it was crazy competitive. We were lucky and got in just before it started going up again. We got a shit house on the best street in a shit suburb. Lol. But it was one of those that was impossible to say no to. It ticked all the important boxes. We live 5 min from the station, so the convenience is great.

Our experience with our current home was filled with drama, for the sellers. We had an adult son crying to us, a frustrated father, and a concerned neighbour! Come time to put in an offer, we knew the seller just wanted a fair price and to be done with the process ASAP. We made a fair offer before auction based on a bank evaluation report you can buy. He accepted. There were apparently many disappointed buyers hoping to snatch a bargain at the auction. 🤣. It turned out to be a bargain price anyway. As buyers, we do a lot of intel. So in scoping out a property, we sometimes run into the owners too, or chatty neighbours.

I did all the nails and stuff already. After this I just have to figure out how I'm doing retractable claws and then I should be set in general (and after that it's just nitpicky things for individual characters).

I think we're currently in a similar situation actually lol XD Your house purchase does sound rather soap operatic x_x but everything worked out fine in the end?

I missed the toe nails! Oh, are we going to get the Wolverine treatment?

It was a stressful process to get to settlement on this house. The drama stemmed from the seller’s wife having recently died from cancer. The husband no longer wanted to live in the family home without his wife and planned to travel, cutting his strings from a ne’er-to-do-well son who constantly brought home bad friends. It was all really quite sad. Let’s just say, between the son, the neighbour and the father, we heard about the whole family saga, the jealousies, the problems. I was of course there to buy a house, but it was interesting nonetheless. So the moment the Seller accepted the offer, he got into his camper van and was gone!

For us, after getting the offer accepted, the process of finalisation was not smooth. Our conveyancer was not on the ball, and informed us very late that survivorship papers had not been signed by the Seller. Our bank would not meet for Settlement on the scheduled date without it. The Seller was uncontactable at that stage. Both sides were not communicating well.

My husband had to step in and manage to the comms between both sides. We should have paid him the conveyancing fee! He knew what a stresshead I can be, so he kept me out of the loop mostly, only to let me know he was handling the situation. ❤️ Him. It got resolved just in time and we were relieved to see the settlement confirmation. I’m not alone in our experiences. Buying/selling homes is so stressful, so many things can go wrong.

I woke up this morning after dreaming we sold this home. I’ve always planned this to be our forever home. Our neighbor is over 90, so we have evidence it’s not a bad plan. Lol. Anyway, I was really regretful I decided to sell again in the dream. In replying to you, I realized the source of the dream!

EDIT: Yes, quite the soap opera. You should have the seen the ad for the house. It was a picture of a big bush. Lol. The realestate agent for the Seller was a jovial and friendly man. He was an example of maybe not hiring your pals to sell your house. As I said, we were quite lucky. I only decided to check out the place because I ran out of places to look.

I thought: where’s the house in this picture?! Oh whatever, I have nothing better to do, I’ll go check it out. You never know.

Nah no Wolverine claws (though one of the characters does have biological hidden blades XD). The Dragonkin and some of the Evolved have retractable claws but only on the hands for some reason. Perhaps something to do with plantigrade feet XD

Jeez that really was a saga x_x LoL the big bush yeh that was pretty much our house as well, we drove past and couldn't see the house, and when we went to check it out found out exactly why there were no pictures of the outside XD

Sorry about the nightmares about selling houses!

Vomnom! So those are the teeth you were talking about... it looks complicated. All those little words on the side and drop down options terrify me. I love the goat! I call my worker koza (Коза) which means goat in Russian. Lol

These are indeed the teeth I was talking about! It's not too complicated. The hardest thing is probably finding the right angle to work from, that can get a bit fiddly sometimes. I don't actually know enough about Blender to use many of the little words and dropdown options, I just kind of use what I know will get the job done and occasionally accidentally find out about what the other stuff does (usually when I'm like this is taking way too long how can I do it faster).

Thanks! What did your coworker do to earn the nickname of goat XD

One day I’ll try digital... one day...

Lol believe it or not... it’s actually a term of endearment because it sounds nice in Russian.

Hi there. It's nice to see other artists using Blender. I'm a 3D artist too. Feel free to check out my blog. :)

Hey thanks for stopping by :) There's a few of us sprinkled around the place, have a look at @trinumedia if you haven't already :D

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