August ProgBlog #1: Moar shimmer

in #aer5 years ago

Didn't take too long to get my hand in, so once I figured out what I was doing it happened reasonably quick (but not as quick as I would have liked partly because it's been a week and mostly because I have unrealistic and generally unachievable expectations of myself).

Decided to do the tail feathers by colour instead of individually and the barby bits are kind of painstaking because the brush is tinier than 3dC wants to deal with, but we're glacially getting there.

If I'm really lucky, I'm hoping to have this knocked off over the weekend. Realistically, it will probably be over the next week, as there's stuff happening on the weekend. Then I'm onto the normals and once they're done it's back into Blender to see how things go.

And because it's a new version and they've changed pretty much everything, I'll be slowed down a bit working out where everything went. It will be totally worth it if the viewport on its own is better, and the eevee thing and whatever other improvements will be icing (which would make the whole thing one bloody big cake, hope it's chocolate, I like chocolate cake!).

I need more sleep.

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I really need to spend some more time on your blog to understand what it is you are doing.... looks and sounds rather complex.

The stuff I'm doing so far is fairly straightforward I think :) Mostly requires knowing a few stupid little tricks to get things from one app into another XD

Unlike rigging which I do find complicated and generally try to avoid x_x

I didn't know that you were into Blender. I am very excited by the new release and plan to learn it this winter. It is very powerful for a free software.

Posted using Partiko Android

I’ve been using it for a few years. Comprehension magically happened when tabs were introduced 🤣 I’m still not good at it though 😅

You’re probably learning it at the right time as they seem to be using more standard conventions now 🙃

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yes indeed it has changed alot since I first started to play with it. I use Rhino for making cad drawing but hope that I can use blender as my go to 3d program for 3d design and film effects. Open source has some great tools now.

Great to see the progress on your unique work of art @ryivhnn LOVE that colourful tail with all the fine brush strokes.

Thanks! ^_^ That part of the tail has been the easiest thing to do so far XD I'm currently working on these feathery things and while it's not quite taking as long as the scales (I don't think) it's still taking aaaaaaaaaaages aaaaaaaahhhhhh XD


And I'm not even sure if it looks like feathers but the brush is so tiny and blurry and smeary there's not really much I can do about that x_x

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Ohh my that is very good! Get some more sleep ryivhnn.

Although im curios to see the full object

Thanks :)

The entire object isn't very exciting to look at yet XD


These tattoos are taking foreveeeeerrrrrrrrr aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Hhahahah, hmm by the way which do you think is harder? Attaching some 3d objects such as armor or drawing 2d style in a 3d plane such as a tatoo?

Theoretically the armour might be easier as long as you watch the weight mapping and all that but I don't actually know as I've never done armour.

The tattoo is pretty easy :) Probably the hardest thing about uv maps that I have now are getting them to look good. Previously when I had to make sure they unwrapped properly and then figuring out what bits are what and then trying to paint them to look good, well that was pretty tough XD 3dC removes most of that problem so I just make the map now (I don't suck as much as I used to at least) and paint.

I'm currently trying out procedurals for skin but things like tattoos you can't really do procedurals for (or maybe you can but I'm not that smart XD).

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