Why do I name myself "nomad-magus" and are you princes or magicians?

in #advice6 years ago

Disclaimer for the cheetah bots: the story that I quote below was not written by me. It is taken from a novel called "the Magus" by the author John Fowles.

Why "Nomad"

90% percent of the people in the world live in a distance less than 20 km from the place they were born at. As people's awareness expands and their consciousness infiltrates into their human lives they begin to travel to far away from physical locations and deep inner realms. These journeys are driven by the soul level who urges the human to get acquainted with many of their aspects who have colorful skins and exquisite features. Parallel journeys take place inwardly in order to assimilate the physical encounters and process the gifts they carry. I have been such a traveler of both domains.

credit: pixabay

Why "Magus"

The Prince and the Magician
Reprinted from The Magus, by John Fowles,
Dell Publishing Co., Inc,; pp. 499-500

Once upon a time, there was a young prince who believed in all things but three. He did not believe in Princesses, he did not believe in islands, he did not believe in God. His father, the king, told him that such things did not exist. As there were no princesses or islands in his father's domains and no sign of God, the prince believed his father.

But then, one day, the prince ran away from his palace and came to the next land. There, to his astonishment, from every coast, he saw islands, and on these islands, strange and troubling creatures whom he dared not name. As he was searching for a boat, a man in full evening dress approached him along the shore.

"Are those real islands?" asked the young prince.

"Of course they are real islands," said the man in evening dress.

"And those strange and troubling creatures?"

"They are all genuine and authentic princesses."

"Then God must also exist!" cried the prince.

"I am God," replied the man in evening dress, with a bow.

The young prince returned home as quickly as he could.

"So, you are back," said his father, the king.

"I have seen islands, I have seen princesses, I have seen God," said the prince reproachfully.

The king was unmoved.

"Neither real islands, nor real princesses, nor a real God exist."

"I saw them!"

"Tell me how God was dressed."

"God was in full evening dress."

"Were the sleeves of his coat rolled back?"

The prince remembered that they had been. The king smiled.

"That is the uniform of a magician. You have been deceived."

At this, the prince returned to the next land and went to the same shore, where once again he came upon the man in full evening dress.

"My father, the king, has told me who you are," said the prince indignantly. "You deceived me last time, but not again. Now I know that those are not real islands and real princesses because you are a magician."

The man on the shore smiled.

"It is you who are deceived, my boy. In your father's kingdom, there are many islands and many princesses. But you are under your father's spell, so you cannot see them."

The prince pensively returned home. When he saw his father, he looked him in the eye.

"Father, is it true that you are not a real king, but only a magician?"

The king smiled and rolled back his sleeves.

"Yes, my son, I'm only a magician."

"Then the man on the other shore was God."

"The man on the other shore was another magician."

"I must know the truth, the truth beyond magic."

"There is no truth beyond magic," said the king.

The prince was full of sadness. He said, "I will kill myself."

The king by magic caused death to appear. Death stood in the door and beckoned to the prince. The prince shuddered. He remembered the beautiful but unreal islands and the unreal but beautiful princesses.

"Very well," he said, "I can bear it."

"You see, my son," said the king, "you, too, now begin to be a magician."

And you, what do you choose to be in your life?
A Prince or a Sorcerer?


I welcome comments with your own dilemmas, questions, or dreams and I'll reply with my suggested inputs.


A nomad I will remain for life, in love with distant and uncharted places.
Not in quest for magic, Not in search for sorcery, witchery Or legerdemain, but the human spirit.

You remind me the words of Carlos Castaneda, the apprentice of Don Juan, a magus of his own domain, who complained that all he has ever wished for was to be happy, enjoy life and travel as much as he could. To that, Don Juan said that the spirit chooses the human and not vice versa.
Spirit may knock on your door several times throughout your life, say at the age of 27, then 33, then 40+. You are correct to say that each time it's your choice if to answer or not.
Thanks for the inspiration.👍

some of us travel forever, to seek other places, other lives, other souls
travelling leaves us speechless & then turns you into a story teller.

its not about born nomads,
its about being nomads
because every one travels, from mothers womb to this world, and from this world to grave and there after
so travelling is the inevitable , so even if we don't make a choice in this world, we still travel

I don't know, I don't think I am a magician or a princess. I am neither. Does that make sense?

I have been witness of your writing @techslut, and its fair to say that you are a magician atleast with your writing ;)

It does.
But IMO at some point, you will have to choose whether or not to be an aware magician.
Like I wrote to @obaidb2 - the most difficult dilemma.
Thanks for your support👍

There's an old Soviet children's movie I barely recall from my childhood. I do remember one line, and it goes with me through life: "I am not a magician yet. I am still learning."

"You see, my son," said the king, "you, too, now begin to be a magician."

yes u r a princess... i m a Thug tho... that makes complete sense lol :p

Haha... Good one...

Oh it is lovely novel....it is damn awesome...the second one about the prince....he saw everything but becoz of his father spell ,he wasnt able to feel the beauty of island nor cud see princess ,not even the GOD......the magician laid off spell on his will keeping him under-control......
@nomad-magus can you please summarize its main idea ...maybe i am having the story from the different perspective....

Look around you, what do you see? which reality?

Yup the same thing....thanks....guess i am a magician tooo...

You have princes and princesses who are mesmerized by the creations made by magicians. So the ultimate question that each and every one of us will have to face at some point is - "do I choose to remain asleep, even as a glorious prince, or perhaps it's time for me to claim my sovereignty, as a god-magician?
This is perhaps the most difficult dilemma a human faces.

The decisions we need to make for ourselves for our good....thanks ...i
This was the beautiful post....

There is another theory that I just realized just now by seeing you and some other people, WD.

People who enjoy or prefer fantasies and make belief and 'vague' stuff are actually deeply terrified from their own reality. Something seems to make sense in all this picture when I see people who choose to run away from reality and keep attempting to obscure it, and those who are not afraid of embracing it. Very interesting. I dont get these kinds of insights often. I should write them down. I hope I dont forget them.

People who are very comfortable with their reality and happy with it, are not afraid of seeing things for what they are.

Everything in this world is emotion driven.

While that may be so, as fear is a strong motivator, some people are attracted to the world of fantasy (see for example the vampires TV series and films) because they feel that there is something more and beyond than the sensd reality and they look to find it.

So our consciousness and our limited senses really create a perceptual handicap? I do believe that our mind applies the ‘filters’ of our emotions and pre-conceptions for any information it processes. This leaves us with a very inaccurate illusion of reality.

I have found myself completely detached from any thought that pops up in my head whenever I wake up in the middle of the night for few minutes, don't know why that happens. But soon after few minutes "filters" starts to apply for every thought.

Of course.
This is a natural phenomenon. While asleep your mind is switched off, and your expanded consciousness is active ( though if you train your mind, then it can remain passive and absorb the dream reality). When you wake up your mind is still detached from this reality and therefore the regular thought processes are null. It takes a few seconds/minutes to retain the normal awake awareness.
Therefore, the more you are able to quiet your thoughts during the day the better you train your mind to make room for the expanded consciousness to come in.
This process takes time and it's natural, so one needs to be patient.

Now honestly I am scared because you described me perfectly. Recently I was dreaming that a spirit who entered in my body and then my soul started to work in agreement with that spirit. That spirit had authority over my mind and soul. And I knew that it was a bad spirit pretending to be good. I woke up instantly just after I realized that, then fell asleep in no time. Have no memory what happened after that, then I woke up peacefully in the morning.

I am afraid if the bad spirit take over my mind someday wile sleeping when my mind is switched off and consciousness is expanded making me vulnerable with no control over my soul.

You can be relaxed. No spirit or entity can claim your body or mind without your consent. It's a basic law of sovereignty. 😊👍

Thats a real help, I am going to read and understand the concept of common law and of spiritual and emotional sovereignty to build a belief system to counter any negative threat.

You've really given this name a thought..
Reading this article, I'd want to be a sorcerer.
But I think I'm more like the prince at this moment

very interested to read the novel you post, I wait for the next episode @nomad-magus

It can even be more than 90 percent of the population, the more people move away from their home, the way they will come back later.
I loved the story, and I do not think there are such magicians, and all we see is from God, beyond the fact that it is the dexterity of people.

You earned a follower! I should have done it long ago.

בעולם של נסיכים תיהיה נסיך ובעולם של קוסמים תיהיה קוסם :)

...and I think that you are yourself a magician, who lives in both worlds, as you wrote (in Hebrew), and time will tell.
Great you joined us👍

Bravo to these sir, you really had your reason on why you choose that codenem... Its unique...

A nice post, well it describes your name, i loved to read the magus one more then the nomad, I am 24 and I am still living at the place where I was born, I think it's applicable for people like you, unlucky me, I think that was the reason you mentioned 90% in the start.

It's the second time I read that you use the word "unlucky" to describe your situation. Why do you think you are unlucky?

Well not spent that much of time outside that's why I said I am unlucky, all of us know how much fun it is to discover new places, meet new people and most of all adventures.

ah, I have been in your shoes for many years. Trust me, that time of traveling outside will come. It has to. The more you travel inside the faster the outside reality will match.

Thanks for your kind words

yeah it's true that 90% percent of the people in the world live in a distance less than 20 km from the place they were born at, i live only 2kms away, that's pretty cool...
the story that you quoted is quiet interesting, enjoyed reading it and now i came to know why you named yourself "nomad-magus" @nomad-magus, you were fascinated by the author... btw nice name, i was confused how can a person's name be "nomad-magus" will definitely read the novel that you picked a story from...
and lastly may i know your real name?

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