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RE: Why do I name myself "nomad-magus" and are you princes or magicians?

in #advice6 years ago

There is another theory that I just realized just now by seeing you and some other people, WD.

People who enjoy or prefer fantasies and make belief and 'vague' stuff are actually deeply terrified from their own reality. Something seems to make sense in all this picture when I see people who choose to run away from reality and keep attempting to obscure it, and those who are not afraid of embracing it. Very interesting. I dont get these kinds of insights often. I should write them down. I hope I dont forget them.

People who are very comfortable with their reality and happy with it, are not afraid of seeing things for what they are.

Everything in this world is emotion driven.


While that may be so, as fear is a strong motivator, some people are attracted to the world of fantasy (see for example the vampires TV series and films) because they feel that there is something more and beyond than the sensd reality and they look to find it.

So our consciousness and our limited senses really create a perceptual handicap? I do believe that our mind applies the ‘filters’ of our emotions and pre-conceptions for any information it processes. This leaves us with a very inaccurate illusion of reality.

I have found myself completely detached from any thought that pops up in my head whenever I wake up in the middle of the night for few minutes, don't know why that happens. But soon after few minutes "filters" starts to apply for every thought.

Of course.
This is a natural phenomenon. While asleep your mind is switched off, and your expanded consciousness is active ( though if you train your mind, then it can remain passive and absorb the dream reality). When you wake up your mind is still detached from this reality and therefore the regular thought processes are null. It takes a few seconds/minutes to retain the normal awake awareness.
Therefore, the more you are able to quiet your thoughts during the day the better you train your mind to make room for the expanded consciousness to come in.
This process takes time and it's natural, so one needs to be patient.

Now honestly I am scared because you described me perfectly. Recently I was dreaming that a spirit who entered in my body and then my soul started to work in agreement with that spirit. That spirit had authority over my mind and soul. And I knew that it was a bad spirit pretending to be good. I woke up instantly just after I realized that, then fell asleep in no time. Have no memory what happened after that, then I woke up peacefully in the morning.

I am afraid if the bad spirit take over my mind someday wile sleeping when my mind is switched off and consciousness is expanded making me vulnerable with no control over my soul.

You can be relaxed. No spirit or entity can claim your body or mind without your consent. It's a basic law of sovereignty. 😊👍

Thats a real help, I am going to read and understand the concept of common law and of spiritual and emotional sovereignty to build a belief system to counter any negative threat.

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