"Could my dream help me get a promotion at work; is there a message for me in it?"

in #advice6 years ago


I was dreaming that I am leaving my workplace and suddenly remembered that I left my food bag with the sandwiches in it (I had not eaten the whole day apparently because it was a stressful day and I did not have time), and my husband called and asked where I was and I was already on the bus but still relatively close to work, so he told me to wait for him to come to pick me up. Then I went back to work to get the food, and I saw a class of students studying a course (which I actually had completed successfully and already received a certificate in reality), and I told them that I had already graduated.

I would be happy for an explanation. I am 29 years old, happily married for a year, working as a secretary.


Credit: pixabay

Your job serves, as of now, as a source of feeding (= food). It serves you not only for a making a living but also as a venue from which you are nourished emotionally and intellectually. At work, you find your mental/spiritual "food". After you had left the office you received a message from another aspect of you (= your husband) who explicitly asked, "Where are you?" ("You" in the broad sense of the word). That is, do you feel self-fulfilled in your current job?! The same as you have forgotten the food in the workplace, you may be forgetting parts of yourself, not realizing other skills that you have.

Your husband says he'll pick you up. You can interpret this as a message from your inner self to be alert to opportunities that will knock on your door soon, that will benefit you, career-wise. Such opportunities can be an advanced aprofessional training as described in the second part of your dream: you return to the office and encounter a class of students. Your learning/growth/enrichment process is not over yet.

Thank you for the answer.

My husband really urges me to move forward and learn, thanks to him I successfully completed a course and he suggested that I'd continue, but I do not really want at the moment.

Is there a chance to get promoted in the current job? The truth is that it depends on me, I have a problem of fear to ask to be promoted. I do feel though that I'm not realizing my full set of skills.


Credit: pixabay

The dream does not judge you. It only offers options that exist as potentials. It's like a door you're invited to open if you want. The dream hints, gently and lovingly, that you have not yet finished developing as a person and as a professional. And by the way, your professional growth does not have to be only through formal studies. Perhaps it is really worth consulting with your husband and brainstorm the situation.

The fact that you are afraid is natural, but at some point, you will have to face this fear. This is your challenge. Your encouraging dream comes to tell you that if you choose to go forward the univesre will support you, as the potential is there, waiting!

Good Luck!


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In her case if I thought it actualy was a reality and not a dream I would advise her (I’m not an advisor) to slow down a bit. She said “Stressful day” and “she forgot food bag”. As you mentioned in your previous posts, stress is one of the main reasons people get sick. I think she has too much on her plate at the moment. Even though it “was” only a dream, I belive this one is related to her life. Husband, dont’t push her too much! Is her husband helping her or is he pushing her a bit too much?
In my previous comment you responded “It will only make her a victim.” I was really surprised by your respond. My comment was based on my personal experience. I’m 6’ tall and 185 pounds, just an average guy. But if I were overweight and my wife forced me to lose weight the way she did, it would just make me do the opposite. She may not know it, but she might be one of the reasons her husband is overweight as well. Her personality or character might be too strong for her husband I suspect. That’s why I think she should change her strategy. When my wife makes these “kitty” eyes instead of using force-full words, it always works on me, even after 15 years of marriage 😆. I might be wrong in her case, but that’s what I felt when I read her story.

Well, you and your wife have developed by now a gentle and effective language. Suffice for her to use "kitty" eyes and you get the message. I doubt such approach would be effective for that lady.
I believe in straight forward approach to deliver a message. Gentle ("even the most bitter medicine can be given with a smile"), yet "in your face".
But each couple has their own ways.
Thanks again for sharing episodes from your practical life. 👍

Sleep doesn't judge you. It only offers options that exist as potentials. It's like a door you're invited to open if you want to. The dream hints, gently and lovingly, that you have not yet finished developing as a person and as a professional. And, by the way, their professional growth doesn't have to be through formal studies alone. Maybe it's really worth consulting with your husband and thinking about the situation.

We can say that the dream is not going to give her a promotion at work but it is telling her that she has endless possibilities outside and she just isn't seeing? Maybe this person is focusing his energies very badly and until his time, to the point of forgetting his food as well as forgetting to eat, is giving more than he can but not in the best way, yesterday he read a blogger who said that despite having a lousy job, set clear goals for her, instead of using his energies in complaining like his colleagues, she dedicated herself to work the way she felt and talked to his superiors expressing his wishes in the company, she got them to open the position she needed for her...then the dream won't tell you you'll get a promotion, but if it does, you can get one!

No dream, no true angel, no deity, will ever tell you what to do. It's our mission, as humans, to grow and be sovereign. Dreams can only assist. 👍

In this life sometimes these things happen not as we want, there are times when we are hard, and there when we are happy, but all have been destined by God for us all. Sometimes that dream is a clue to us, because there are two kinds of dreams, one that comes from the disturbance of the ghost, and the second is the direction of the god. I hear, if the dream in the middle of the night, it is a hint of god, and if our dreams are already morning, it is a ghost disorder. In essence, the dream is not necessarily true everything.

As you say, work serves as a source of food, it is very true, if we do not have a job, then we can not do anything, because without food, then all activities can not be done. Thanks for sharing @nomad-magus, and wish you a wonderful day... :)

I hear, if the dream in the middle of the night, it is a hint of god, and if our dreams are already morning, it is a ghost disorder

Such rules are too wide to be taken seriously.

yes, I've heard like that from some people, but I do not really understand too with all that. Therefore, I am also confused, whether it is true or not, I have not found the right answer...

The right answer is what you make of it. What you decide, what you choose to be real. Because you are the master of your dreams and reality :-)

Thanks, @nomad-magus for the interpretation surely I could not think of such a thing if I had got such a dream. Fear is a spiritual being that stops Man from moving forward and that is why every time she takes a step she feels scared but the only way to overcome fear is facing that thing you fear and openly telling that thing that you do not fear it because situations listen to us since our tongues have a lot of power. Most of times we tend to think that our Jobs will bring financial freedom but noo there is more to life than a Job personally I donot crave for promotions but I crave for a personal business . just like how you said let her wait new opportunities are kicking in . There is more to life always

I donot crave for promotions but I crave for a personal business

Your sovereignty!

We often dream about the things that are on our minds, or situations that are troubling us the most. And since a huge part of our day is at work, it makes sense that we often see our job in our dreams.

Job dreams mean that you feel like you are being recognized or that your bosses are happy with your work.

Work dreams can also be wishful. Having seen this, asking for a promotion is a smart and time-effective way to put more money in your pocket and become better in your career

Why don’t people take the chance? Fear. Most are afraid they’re going to be shot down so they don’t even try.

Most of us are naturally humble and modest. But there is a big difference between being humble and undervaluing ourself.

Thank you once more Mr Magus for the beautiful job you are doing.

This is just the perfect interpretation for her dreams, but she should not be afraid to ask for the promotion if she believes she's due for it. With her formal education upgraded, she should try and upgrade her skills as regard her profession as well, then she can demand for her promotion.

If you make yourself the best, no company would want to loose you. Work more intimately with your husband, he really want to pick you up... Smile

Hope to hear more from you sir....

Hola amigo un gran abrazo, saludos desde Venezuela, ese sueño es una realidad para mi vida en el trabajo que tengo ahora siempre he tenido esa misma pregunta, que hacer si me voy o continuo tu me has dado la respuesta ya que que este trabajo no me alimenta ya no me enseña y para mi es como un granito pequeño para mi sustento porque en mi país la economía esta tan grande que lo que gano ya no alcanza para nada , y uno por miedo a dar ese paso se queda encerrado en ese baso de agua ahogándose sin percatarse que afuera hay una gran cantidad de oportunidades, saludos.

Gracias, amigo.
Estoy contento de ayudar.

Almost everyone has fear. A person's fear can have a negative effect or become a barrier to achieving the desired success or can also have a positive impact or be a savior of someone when he wants to do less good. If this fear of negativity is allowed and not resisted, it can cause a person to experience setbacks or failures in achieving his or her life's goals. We must always be courageous and courageous in the face of whatever we think is right and does not harm others. Life is not always flat. There must be problems, obstacles and obstacles to face

sweet dream :)

Well most of dreams just a dreams because when a human whole day spend a lot of time at the job or any kind of work then its will be tired, and when any boddy tired then will be sleep tight and going to the dream deeply, that's why we saw that kind of dreams, but some time some of dreams really effective on our life or related with our life, and my thoughts about this dream is that's some of good news for her like any job or her husband job or business. Well thank you for this beautiful post.

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