Comments Contest - Where Do You Want to Go On Your Next Vacation?

in #adventure7 years ago (edited)


The @RemoteDiscovery Channel will be hosting a series of competitions based upon user-submitted comments. Our goal is to promote interesting discussions through online debates. Some topics will be serious; others will be fun and entertaining.

For this particular contest, please answer: “If you won $5000 to backpack anywhere in the world for 2 weeks, where would you go and what would you do?

The goal of this contest is to get the community to learn new things about places they have never been to, and might aspire to visit.

The top 5 responses will be nominated, and the number generator on will select the winner.

The winner will receive 50% of the rewards from this post. The other 50% goes towards Steempower.


The winner will be announced on the 1st of March.

A series of contests will be hosted throughout 2018, so make sure to hit the 1.jpg button.

Let's get this contest trending so we can produce a large prize for the winner!

Feel free to hit the button.


Everyone must 1.jpg to have a chance at winning.


I love learning and presently, i want to learn languages so i would go to three out of the five countries;

Holland, brazil, portugal, spain and china

With that amount, i would visit korea, japan and china to see their beautiful temples and learn some martial arts.

@remotediscovery Answering your question!

If I were given $5,000 to go backpacking, I would go to Thailand, Chile, and Iceland. To visit temples in Thailand. Hike in Chile and eat AMAZING food. See Aurora Borealis and stay in ice hotels.

Thanks for the support @Liat! I checked out music video you posted I love the vocal elements around 1:19. You definitely have talent!

Hi, @remotediscovery . Thanks for the invite. Travel is the most effective form of diplomacy - where the purity of human interaction and dialogue is done - not on a national scale, but rather on an individual scale. My greatest experiences when traveling, whether it was to Syria, French Polynesia, Mexico, Finland, Egypt, China, Turkey, or Tunisia, were not derived from visiting ruins, castles, or archaeological sites; they were from the incredible connections and laughter shared with strangers who would otherwise be normally hindered by language barriers between us. Voltaire once said, "Laughter is the shortest distance between two people." It is for this that I travel. To brighten and be brightened, to help eliminate misunderstandings and stereotypes about each others' cultures.

With US $5,000, I would backpack through the incredibly rich and diverse cultures of Pakistan - an incredibly inspiring place for music, art, food, and human beauty. My travels would help to share these experiences to a skeptical world, in the hope that their inaccurate image of this region of the world would become enlightened. Plus, I would bring my drone, and take unforgettable footage of the Indus, Saraswati, Hindu Kush, urban landscapes, human life, and more. Here are a few stills drone footage you'll soon be seeing on my Steemit page... And I love taking photography of textures, as you will see in the images further below.





Thanks for providing a passionate and inspiring response. It's sad that language barriers are the reason why many people don't travel. You have some great drone pictures. Feel free to visit my channel from time to time. I upload a drone everyday. I'm following you.

Good day @remotediscovery I am a young Venezuelan with dreams and many aspirations for the future, I am specialized in eyebrow eyelash and eyelash placement, undoubtedly, it is not surprising the situation that my country is going through, and it is sad to see that the young people before they only worried about studying and now we worry about how to bring the daily bread to our house, one of the people that has supported me all this time has been my boyfriend and leaves the country in 3 months, undoubtedly if you gave me $ 5000 to go backpacking would go to the great savannah with it since it is a great beauty its falls and it has always been our dream to go together and it would be a way to see that despite all the destruction they have caused in Venezuela, we still have landscapes to admire!

@remotediscovery If by grace I were given $5,000 to go backpacking, I spent that money roam around to visit all the tourist spots and heritage city my own country PHILIPPINES. As a Filipino I want to showcase more of the Philippines tourist spot to my foreign friends.

answer to the question
i will take it to my church, in nigeria and renolvate it.

I would definitely go to see the Eiffel Tower since I was very small it has always been one of my biggest dreams, I would take my family with me and I would look for a new stability in another country since my venezuela does not go through the best of situations at this time

I think this is an attractive offer that you offer.
I have followed you and I will try that offer.
But before I start the contest, as you say, your contest is to unlock the value of insight about human characteristics in the virtual world even naturally.
I want to ask that question.
whether the contest you host has a particular character or in other words such as About Nature, or maybe about the category you specify the type of the contest.

  1. if the category of contest you specify try you mentioned category.

  2. if there is no category or general, thank you i understand now.

  3. TAG is used if always using tags. Contes

  4. Does the title also affect the value of the contest you hold.

Best regards
from @adikuala

Thanks for the questions @Adikuala. The goal of this contest is to get Steemers to explain their feelings about international travel. I want them to be able to connect with their emotions, and describe the dreams they have of visiting a new country. I want Steemers to feel inspired, and get ideas from one another. I want to know what travel activities make people happy. I want to learn about other cultures. As an environmentalist, I want to understand the spiritual connection , that other people have with the planet.

hello friends, this question is very recreational and let the person answer dream a little, if I earn $ 5000, it would be great, I would go to africa and its surroundings to know its landscapes and with that money help the local tourism of those lands, also I think it would be an ecological trip taking advantage of only the resources that nature gives, and I would donate half of the prize obtained to a house of affection in Africa, or maybe I will take food and medicines to give them in the villages that need it the most, in this way I have fun , I travel the world and I also do something for him. Thank you

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