We are now homeless!

in #adventure7 years ago

Our lives have dramatically changed over the last year. We went from being a "normal" couple living a "normal" life with jobs, vehicles and a house to being hippie dream chasers that don't care about possessions and only want to explore this amazing world.

As of this morning at 9:30 am central time we no longer have a home. It has been offically sold to new owners :) We are now nomads for the foreseeable future. I know this may sound scary to most people but to us this is the most freeing thing we could possibly do. For those of you who are new to the blog, my fiance and I have been on a journey of chasing our dreams.

The sale of our house was the last chapter of our old lives closing, so today we start a new chapter in life completely free of all of our debt and payments of any sort. We have now sold, gave away or threw away everything we owned because it is no longer the lifestyle we are choosing to live. All we have left is some cryptos, our two pitbulls (Loki and Rosko), our clothes and a dream.

Our first stop in this crazy life journey is Costa Rica, we need a place to get away from the rat race and unwind for a while. It will be a time to relax, explore and read a lot. A time to get our minds and bodies to peak performance with healthy food, yoga, exercise and surfing.

I plan on doing many posts detailing our experience there. You can expect to see a lot of sunrises and sunsets along with beaches, sealife, jungle wildlife and whatever cool stuff I find while exploring that beautiful country! I really hope to show people how amazing this world truly is, and to remind everyone that the best things in life really are free.

My goal is to inspire more people to follow their dreams! To show people there is so much more to this world then just working your life away. More to life than doing the same things over and over, day in and day out. More to life than just "getting by" or existing. This world is an amazing place and I want everyone to enjoy it more! So remember, if you want something to change then change it. Everything starts with changing yourself!


"Peace, love and all that hippie shit"

The STEEM Engine



Perfect dude. I am excited to read more about your journey, I am certain you have full cosmic support.
While I have not quit everything yet, I have had several summers of hitchhiking through Europe without any "safety", meeting hippies and all other sorts of amazing people along the way.
The moment one decides to trust the universe fully, miracles happen. Which then become the new "normal", and the most "unlikely" things happen all the time when one dares to trust in the unknown and their own intentions.
Safe travels to you and your family <3

I only just had my first solo travel in November and this was exactly what I thought of!😅

The moment one decides to trust the universe fully, miracles happen.

So I guess it is true that the first thing we all need to is to really decide and then the "universe will conspire to make it happen"!

Glad we are on the same page with the universe, not many people have an understanding about it like you do! Thanks for the encouraging words, I cant wait to witness some of the "unlikely" events and meet so many amazing people like you :) Thank you for the kind words.

hitchhiking through Europe? That sounds amazing, I would love to read about some of your travels.. send me a link if you write another one, that stuff is inspiring to me.

I guess I have this weird ego mission to tell my story chronologically in terms of relevance to my slowly changing worldview. In a way I find it necessary so that my readers can understand how I arrived at this viewpoint about the universe - I had always been an atheist before these adventures started.
But on bad days I would just love to skip to the things I see and experience today. It's like a self-imposed discipline of patience.
Either way, I am thrilled to have loving people in my circle already who want to read more about the cosmic view, and less about the old mundane stories that brought me to where I am. Much love and all the best to you and your lovely family

I think what your doing is important for people and you seem to have a way with words that will make your blog very enjoyable to read :) For people to see your journey and to be able to relate to what you are going through will be import to help others along on their journeys. I wish I would've started steemit earlier and wrote about all my experiences leading me to being an athiest, anarchist hippie who just wants people to be free of all the bullshit that man has put on them! So good luck on your mission and I will be there to support you every step of teh way! take care my friend. see you around ;)

Life is too short to not chase your dreams and LIVE!

Enjoy Costa Rica my friend and send a lot of pictures back to us on here!

Thanks for the support bro! I will definitely keep the pictures and stories flowing to try to inspire other to chase their dreams too. Like you said:

Life is too short to not chase your dreams and LIVE!

Congrats on your new fund home!
Hope to hear from you soon on your next experience

Thank you so much.. And dont worry, there will be plenty of pictures and posts ;) This is actually the reason I started my steemit account 6 months ago. So I could do posts about traveling and (what turned in to) inspiring people to follow their dreams.. I hope to see more comments from you, thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment!

Hey @moderndayhippie,
This really inspirational. The path you & your fiancee have chosen to stick to is freedom. Many people dream of it but are tied down by 5to9 jobs.

there is so much more to this world then just working your life away. More to life than doing the same things over and over, day in and day out. More to life than just "getting by" or existing.

Truer words have never been said.

Keep steeming about it man!


Always appreciate you taking the time out of your busy life to leave me an awesome comment bro! I am glad you find it inspirational, that is really why I do it. I hope to inspire more people to do what we are doing. I know it is not for everyone, but I think more people are likely to try this lifestyle if they see someone else already doing and loving it. I try to live my life by this quote now:

Be the change you want to see in the world

I can't recall how I landed here, but I'm just glad I did!

I envy your courage on leaving your "comfort zones." Only a few people can do that and I am very excited on your journey to travel and see all the wonderfull things this world can offer.

I'll look forward to those photos and I hope you enjoy yourselves!😘

I'm glad you found it too ;) maybe the universe steered you to the article you needed to read!?! I know it sounds crazy but i totally believe in stuff like that..

You are right, most people never leave their comfort zones which is actually what usually traps them in unwanted lives.. The only way to truly enjoy life is to go outside that comfort zone often and try new things.. Don't be scared to fail, or loose.. That is just a learning process, not the end.. Pick yourself up and try again ;) The world is a truly amazing place, don't be afraid to try anything!

Were we just both writing about how the universe will make things happen for us at the same time?!😲 Was that a conincidence? Haha

I am actually already really close into doing something I never thought I would, but I am just not sure yet. I am very aware that failure will always be a part of the learning process, but it's just that I am really afraid of "failing." I ttook me years before I even got to do a solo travel. But I guess that was the beginning of me getting out of my comfort zone AND your words are really encouraging. 😅

For now, I'll just watch out and support you on your adventure.🤗

Beep! Beep! @shadow3scalpel at your service. I am here to assist all military members on Steemit. This HumVee will be scouting posts from a list of Veterans that is maintained by @chairborne. If you are a Veteran and new to Steemit, and you have questions or want to join the Veterans community, reply to this comment. We got your six, unless you are in the rear with the gear. Ooh-Rah!
Comment by @inthenow. This is a opt-in bot.

Costa Rica is my place of birth although I left it long ago I visit it once in awhile. We sold our house in 2016 and became as you described in your blog. I don't regret it because we are free of debt and can travel as much as we can afford it. Thank you for sharing.

That is so awesome that you are already living a free nomad life! I am going to follow you because we are obviously on the same page in life and meeting like minded people is great. ;)

@moderndayhippie I commend you for changing your lifestyle, it's not always easy to get to where you have. I too, did the same in the last year. And isn't it funny how having less can free us? I know when I did, I felt happier, healthier and dropped 70lbs in the course of change. It's crazy what stress and lifestyles can do to our bodies. Awareness, mindfulness, and learning to be happy with less is key. I look forward to hearing about Costa Rica. I hope you and your family will be able to find some rest and peace there. Peace.

That is so awesome you have done the same! I always love finding like minded people on steemit!
It is crazy how having less things make you feel so much more free, I never thought that would be the case when I started selling all of my stuff..
Health is so under rated today, its so sad. If people knew how they were suppose to feel on a daily basis then no one would eat the garbage they do today.. Unfortunately we start them off as children and they learn to have terrible eating habbits before they learn about health!

Awareness, mindfulness, and learning to be happy with less is key.

Truer words couldn't be spoken! Thank you for your awesome comment, I look forward to getting to know you more in the future.. Oh and good luck on your journey too! I will definitely be checking out your blog when things aren't so hectic around here. Take care.
I am now following you too ;)

Congratulations @moderndayhippie for entering the world of the digital nomads. I have just wasted five days following something called "dolphin school." For some reason I thought it was a four day course but it was ten. The main point seems to be to commercialize your posts. The writer has a high reputation and used to be a dolphin but spent all the money he made and now is trying to use others to support him because no one likes his writing anymore. Just my opinion after following him for five days. I should have spent more time and energy creating original material and following people I like who really give a care. I registered with moonbot and will go to the moon. I will keep publishing poems and stories and not worry about gimmicks like: "I will make you a dolphin in ten days. Just follow me and resteem this post." God help me.

Have a great time in Costa Rica. It is the point when you have nothing to depend on and you are completely out of your comfort zone that you come to experience the powers of this universe. This will happen moving to a different country, having kids and a few other life events that teach us we are not in control. Enjoy the ride.

It sounds like you are safe in Costa Rica now. Wonderful to hear from you. Thanks for welcoming me always and putting up with comments like that one. You have a lot inside and I can see it in your writing. It really gets the point. It moved me to start recording and DSound. That post made almost 40 SBD with no upbots. But mostly because DSounds supported it.

I don't know about Steemit bloggers but anything will help.

I am following you and love your support and encouragement. I was moved when you set your voter before getting on the plane. Without you I would have stopped posting long ago. Kungfu panda ramen would have been my last. But I'm here two months later and starting to paint and record.

We are going to the moon together slow and steady.

slow and steady is fine with me ;)
I am soooooo happy your dtube post did so well! That is crazy awesome.. I feel honored that I helped to push you to try harder and to continue on steemit.. Trust me, ive wanted to give up a bunch of times too, but I just see the value in the steem crypto and refuse to pay for something I could earn by blogging.
I realize now that steemit is a great outlet, yes a bunch of work, but also a place to be with like-minded and supportive people. We are all trying to show our creative sides and steemit has really brought out the best in me. I know i have a lot of work to do before I am where I want to be with my writing, but every day I do a post I am getting better. I have so much in my head that it is hard to put it to paper, so much of it gets jumbled up, but I am learning decipher it better by the day. I have always hated school so writing has never come easy for me, people like you always keep me going with the great comments and support. So thank you too my friend ;)

Unfortunately i cant get you into steemitbloggers until next month when they open the registration back up but I honestly think it is the least beneficial group of all the ones I am in.. It is great for followers and sometimes appreciator gives me a nice upvote because I am part of that group, but other than that, i don't see to much value in it. Qurator and thesteemengine are much better if you ask me.

You really did your best. I'm in no hurry. I just powered up so I'm getting close to minnow but I realize I could have used minnow power up. Next time I habe some extra steem I will buy a share. Steemdunks was great. It was DSounds that gave me a great upvote not dtube. I don't think you have to be a great writer to make it here but a consistent writer will do fine. I find your posts interesting. Where did you learn markdown? I like the way you align pictures into the text.

I read this article about 3 months ago about markdown.. I don't resteem much on my page but this one was well worth it, i reference it constantly!

Sorry to hear about that bro, at least you figured it out before you wasted any more of your time. I had saw that school and was kind of interested but then started reading all the things that had to be done and it sounded like way to much work for me lol. I think we are both just best to keep doing what we are doing.. You will catch up and pass me on steemit for sure, you are a much better writer than me. So just relax and in due time we will both get there ;)
I see that you got on moonbot and you are part of qurator now which is great! Do you want to be in more discord groups? I could probably get you into steemitbloggers if you want (you have to be invited to that group), they are pretty supportive. Oh, and thesteemengine is a really great too, if you havent already joined there.. Let me know if you are interested in either of those.

I will definitely enjoy the ride, and I am sure you will be there with me through it all! You really have become one of my better friends in life, even though we have never really met.. lol.. crazy world we live in.. I never thought my internet friends would be better and more supportive than the "real" friends I have.. take care brother.

Congrats! I wish ya much success, and good on ya my friend. Life is too short not to chase the dream, and make it a reality. :-)

Thank you so much, I always appreciate your kind comments..

Funny story, since I decided to get in on your chem trail contest, not one chem trail in the sky! lol it has been 2 or 3 days now, this is the longest we've gone without them in over 2 months. sounds like my luck.. haha

LOL I hear ya! You can rest assured there will be more, they decided to give you a break. :-D Have a good day.

LoL, Right.. I'm not gonna complain about breathing fresh air for a week! I am just blown away that they were so bad and now nothing?!? to wierd... anyhow, ill post em when I see em.. lol.. take care ;)

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