ADSactly Poetry - The Impossible Love of Cruz Salmerón Acosta

in #adsactly5 years ago

Cruz Salmerón Acosta

The Impossible Love of Cruz Salmerón Acosta

Hello, kind readers. Although many of us know that love is celebrated every day and every hour, February arrived, the month of love and friendship. As I said in a previous post, talk about love and happiness in the couple is usually normal, so I wanted to get out of everyday life and talk about impossible loves, those that could not be given and if they happened, ended badly and even in tragedy. Today I want to tell you a beautiful but sad story: the love story between the poet Cruz Salmerón Acosta and Conchita Bruzual.

Cruz Salmerón Acosta was a Venezuelan poet, born in the state of Sucre, in a town called Manicuare. His poems with great influence of modernism are usually sonnets. In these poems he talks about his feelings, his land and his people. From a very young age he left Manicuare to study in Cumaná and then in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, where he enrolled in the Central University of Venezuela to study Political Science. It is there that he is diagnosed with leprosy and asked to stay away from others because it is feared that he may spread it. In this way, Salmerón Acosta returns to his village to take refuge in a small and remote house that he designed himself.


He met love when he was barely a schoolboy, 13 years old. In those years he met Conchita Bruzual, who told him at that moment that she would always love him. Supposedly, when he was young, he didn't believe him. It is said that when Salmerón Acosta took refuge in Manicuare, more than solitude, what he had most was company, since his friends, fishermen, family and even Conchita went to visit him:

When my eyes saw your beloved silhouette
approaching the door of my eternal enclosure,
I thought he was coming back for me.
that I lost in the best abriles of my life.

Conchita was always the eternal muse of the poems of Cruz Salmerón Acosta, who saw in the blue eyes of his beloved not only the sky and the sea that enveloped him in his native Manicuare, but the distance that separated them. In his confinement, he writes poems about her and her love, but he also talks about his illness, about the impossibility of that love that makes him slippery and so longed for:

In my dark nights a star
that burns in my sky, that in mourning you saw,
makes me dream of the look that
that only for me you always had.

Postcards of Cruz for Conchita

He also writes about the many loves that he had when he was healthy, that with time were moving away, and how Conchita Bruzual's love is the only true love that has survived in spite of time and his illness:

And this afternoon in the peace of my retreat,
a woman who with astonishment I look at
he says to me, twenty years I've adored you
and today that you're almost buried alive,
I feel that I am, my heart, more yours.

Likewise, in spite of her sadness, Salmerón Acosta wants to see her beloved and every time he sees her, he comes back to life, he wants to be with her. His desire is to rise from the bed where he is prostrate and be at her side:

And a deep sob escapes my chest,
because in vain I wish to rise from my bed
when I've been anxious for some time, to go with you.


Although Conchita must separate from Cruz Salmerón Acosta, the poet manages to maintain the joy and writing of his poems where he leaves all the suffering caused by the absence of his beloved. He writes letters to her reminding her of his love and fidelity, promising her an upcoming meeting. When he stops writing to her, she is destroyed and breaks the relationship. She decides to move further away from him, to put more distance. He accepts her decision, but when she asks him why he didn't write to her anymore, he tells her that he can no longer move his hands, and that he has decided not to believe in new treatments for his illness. Death was near.

On July 29, 1929 at 9 p.m., Cruz Salmerón Acosta died, after his long illness, next to his friends and family. That day, after a terrible drought in the village, a torrential rain fell. The whole town said that nature was mourning the death of the great poet from Manicuare and that the rain was a miracle. To his burial were all, except his great love, Conchita, who could not move from Caracas to Sucre.

Years after the poet death, Conchita confessed that she kept some booties she had knitted for the son she wanted to have with Cruz Salmerón Acosta. She died at the age of 90, single and still in love with the poet.

I hope you enjoyed reading this story. Remember to vote for @adsactly as a witness and join our server in discord. Until a next smile. ;)


Written by: @nancybriti

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A moving publication on the love relationship of the most romantic and painful poet of our land: Salmerón Acosta.
As his name implies, he had to carry a large part of his life with the heavy cross of an incurable disease for the time when he contracted leprosy and forced him to separate, even against his own heart, from his only great love, Concepción Bruzual, "Conchita", her lamb, whom she met since she was 13 years old and dedicated much of her poetic creation to posterity in pure spiritualized love.

Sólo me angustias cuando sufro antojos
de besar el azul de aquellos ojos
que nunca más contemplarán los míos.

Thanks @nancybriti for the review you make of our creators, and times and places. Thanks to @adsactly for disclosing.

A beautiful and affectionate post about this painful love relationship between the poet and his always loved one. The terrible mishaps or realities presented in life can lead to the failure of vital projects, desires, dreams, and what is worse, they cannot be rectified. Leprosy was the fatal stigma of the poet's love relationship and his whole life. Apart from distances, similar cases happened to writers such as Nerval and Jenny Colon, Kafka and Milena, and in the case of Venezuela, between the Cumanian poet José Antonio Ramos Sucre and his cousin Dolores Emilia, among those I now remember.
Thank you for your post, @nancybriti.

You gave me material for my upcoming publications of impossible loves. Hahahaha. Thank you According to you when you think that love and so many things in life have so many obstacles, some are simple stones in the way, others are mountains difficult to climb. Grateful for your pertinent and productive comments, @josemalavem.

A tragic life and a love that is the archetype of surrender. Cruz María's love for Conchita has the hallmarks of a story that can endure like that of Romeo and Juliet.
I have always felt deep admiration for an aspect of the personality of the poet Cruz Salmerón Acosta that I will comment on, because your article, @nancybriti, has brought it to my affective memory. I am referring to the fact that, even when we have documented evidence of the magnitude of the pain he suffered, he never stopped singing with a smiling soul to the blueest skies. Generosity, as well as the capacity to love, were attributes of his soul that we can perceive in his poetry.
The poem "Cielo y mar" (very beautiful), which was his first known poem, is also a loving expression (not for the "Cordera") and at the same time a tribute to his friendship with José Antonio Ramos Sucre, who encouraged him to make his texts public.
Thank you, @nancybriti, beautiful semblance of that love.

When one reads or listens to what the last years of Cruz Salmerón Acosta, @adncabrera, were like, one perceives what you point out: a life among friends, for whom he read his poems aloud, with whom he sang and spoke. In spite of all the regret, the people of Manicuare remember Cruz Salmerón as a jovial person full of lights. Certainly, the poem he dedicated to the poet and friend Ramos Sucre is very beautiful and special. Thank you for always offering us your accurate and intelligent comments. Hugs

It's a touching love story. A love that is fought wholeheartedly. Even until death separates the love still maintained. And it seems that we can feel that when we fall in love all the words we endure will be very poetic. The written sentence becomes beautiful temple after verse. this proves that love plays an important role in giving one's motivation to give birth to beauty, even when his heart is torn apart because he can hold on to their love.
Our attention is how firm they are in maintaining love and we deserve to reflect on their life story.
And you always post writings that are meaningful, even though sometimes tragic stories and this reality forms of life that are not always beautiful like stories or fairy tales and princes
Thank you @nancybrity
Thank you @adsactly
Thank you Steemit
Warm regard from Indonesia

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