Living with a child with ADHD Part 2

in #adhd8 years ago

This is part 2 of raising a child with ADHD, if you want to catch up here's the link to part 1.

I finished off when we started on the Feingold Diet, This is a diet that you really have to go back to basics no additives, preservatives, colours or E's, You start again clear everything out and start anew. I decided if Jess had to do this I would do it with her. I had to learn to everything myself, baking bread at 2am to make sure she had something to eat for breakfast. Its a hard diet t put a child, the only sweets she could eat at the time was Ice Cream Chewits, she soon got sick of them, Parties were the worse as she had to take a lunch box with her own food or dinners at school her friends sitting with there dinners whilst she had to have to special plate from the cook. We managed quite a while slowly adding things back into her diet to see what caused the problems.

We had to decide what was the worse her hyperactivity with eating these foods or the anger outburst she had because she couldn't have what her friends were having. Jess didn't have many friends as she was to much of a handle so missed out on sleep overs, going to friends for tea.

After a long hard discussion we decided to try out the medication. There was so much going around about Ritalin at the time we had a lot of doubts but talking to her Psychologist helped us.

We still were very doubtful about these but we wanted the best for her, she had no friends she hardly ever got invited to friends parties, teachers were always complaining about her, we couldn't even go shopping with herBUT after taking one dose things changed. She took a small dose before school, THE DIFFERENCE WAS ASTOUNDING she was a different child, easy to deal with, no temper tantrums, smiling instead of screaming and crying. She went into school with a smile and came out with one without being asked to speak to a teacher, they actually praised her when she left WELL DONE JESS YOU HAVE BEEN A STAR Can you imagine how happy she was when she heard that, can you imagine how happy we were.

We carried on with the medication until Jess reached 14 then she decided she didn't want to take them anymore, her choice we weren't going to force her. Jess only took her tablets for school time so she got an education, she had a life now with friends but at weekend we let Jess be Jess and let her run around and play grounds and long walks to burn off her energy. She was never perfect with them but 50% better was a massive difference.

When she was on medication you could have a good conversation with her, we could go places and see family but when she was off medication she was completely different and very angry. " she pushed me down the stairs in anger" " she picked up a rolled carpet and through it at me whist coming downstairs" " she kicked me in the head whilst driving a long the motorway because she had no juice left" This wasn't just for our safety it was for Jess's too, One day we found her on the windowsill hanging outside her window, all the windows and doors had to be locked all the time. If she got angry when she was eating she would end up throwing her knifes and forks at you. The medications helped her and us a lot.

Then she turned 14, I will tell you more in Part 3

Hi I am Karen, I am here to write about my life and read about yours.. If you like what you read please upvote and leave me a message so I can come visit youfollow me on Twitter

Eat vegan, don't feed them negative energy, and dont give them pharmaceutical drugs, at best its a placebo for all involved, at its worst it is poison.

Children are just reflections of their parents, so take responsibility for yourself, become fit and healthy, relaxed, balanced and at peace, then child will become the same.

I was diagnosed with ADHD and was prescribed Ritalin for a time. It does nothing. I liked nothing more than to wind my parents up. But it was my way of making fun of them because of how they treated me. Children should be treated with the same respect as adults, with the same actions.

ADHD is just something people on a low vibration call children who have a lot of energy, nothing more than that.

My child has always been respected, it has nothing to do with the parents the fact the cord was wrapped around her neck 3 times cutting off the air and a emergency section possibly did this. There's a massive difference between A child with ADHD, Possibly you were wrongly diagnosed. I have 2 children both brought up exactly the same way and she has no problems. ADHD does exist you have only got to talk and listen to a ADHD child too realise that. Thank you for your comment.

Listen. Its just a word and information to make parents feel better about their own negative perception of their child. ADHD is just a phrase. What exists in reality is a very energetic child, that is it, trust me. I 'had it'. At least while there was disrespectful 'adults' who just saw me in a negative light were labeling me as such. Do you follow me? You only see it from a negative side, as a problem, because you are the parent. I always thought, why do these crazy people keep getting angry with me? I have done nothing wrong!? I was expelled and in and out of special schools, for being too hyper and not listening, being disruptive. I didn't care to listen. I wouldn't sit still and just do what other people told me to because I knew it was a disrespect to my freedom. Its too easy for parents and teachers to be controlling and strict, and when the child doesn't obey their ego is hurt and it starts a whole snowball of tension and fighting that they cannot let go. The child doesn't care because she/he is free. They dont have problems. This is how it is. You have to see if from your child's point of view. Have they really done anything wrong enough to be labelled? Given poisons? How do you think it makes you child feel? It has no positive effect. I resisted it the more these crazy people around me tried to do their craziness. Looking back I can laugh and see how stupid and funny it all was. But at the time it was very tense for others around me.

So you don't believe in ADHD it must be true? You were badly parented you were wrongly diagnosed so every child must have been. Believe me I know about a bad childhood I was abused by a father who would rather beat me with a belt and a mother who didn't care it didn't turn me into a bad parent I was and still am more understanding. There's a massive difference between a naughty child and a child with ADHD, they can't focus on one thing they have so much going on the medication slows things slightly so they can focus they can learn and they can have a life, she's 24 nearly and knows herself she thinks differently she reacts differently. There's a lot More to ADHD than just being naughty.

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