Raising a child with ADHD (Part 1)

in #adhd8 years ago (edited)

I am going back 23 years.

Having my 1st child was new to us, it was hard really hard but thinking she was our first it would be, we battled on family saying things "does she ever stop" "isn't it time she calmed down" plus many more , family wouldn't look after her as they couldn't handle her, she hardly slept, she was on the go all the time it was exhausting.

We joined the local mother & toddlers as soon as we could as I thought it would help her being amongst other children her age plus then I could see how those children reacted to things. Straight away there was a difference, she was straight in without thinking, throwing things around, climbing on things and people , thankfully everyone there were pretty understanding and helped me with her by giving me a break. Jess was one of the youngest there so when the other children started getting tired Jess was still going strong. She didn't sleep through the day she only slept a few hours through the night so you can imagine me and hubby were shattered.

My local nursery started taking children in from 3 years old, I enrolled her thinking starting school and getting into a routine would help calm her... NOT A CHANCE Every single day I was asked to come through as they needed to talk about her actions, She wouldn't settle for reading time, she wouldn't play with the others, she got angry really quickly, There was always something, thankfully the nursery teacher was amazing she gave me something to read, she wasn't too clued up on it as she had never seen it like this. The paper was headed ADHD, Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder.

I searched the internet, I read as much as I could, I joined clubs online anything to give me some information on this and something to tell me my child does NOT have a problem but everything I read said she did.

When we took her to the Doctors they referred us straight away, took a few months to get seen and the Doctor was a good 45 minute drive away but my daughter came first.

We were with the Doctor for a good 2 hours, he observed Jessica and everything she did, climbing on the furniture, trying to climb onto the nurses head, throwing things , she never stopped the whole time. It took a couple of visits before we got the result, ADHD with the chance of Co-Morbids meaning there could be other problems probably masked by the ADHD.

We where advised on 2 options medication (Ritalin) or diet, of course we opted for the diet


Don't want to bore you so will leave it there for the time being, I'll post Part 2 tomorrow :)

Hi I am Karen, I am here to write about my life and read about yours.. If you like what you read please upvote and leave me a message so I can come visit youfollow me on Twitter

Its a difficult jurney for sure.Try to be strong.As she is growing up she will be more and more calm and aware of her 'behavior' and actions.I will follow you.I hope to see the tommorow post too!

She's 23 now and such a strong person, thank you

:0 oups.haha.really happy for her

Hi, I am writing to you using an old posting to suggest a possible project.

I think your a good presenter and like how you put stories together so since you mentioned lacking inspiration I would like to suggest a collaboration.

Frankly I lack the technical skills at this stage and have I feel an awesome idea; but no clue how to put the thing together.

If you have a ditch email account ( a ditch email is an extra unused normally ignored email account ) I could send you details of this potential Post.

You could craft it and we could split the gold : )

Just an idea, but I think you could make it great; whereas I would lack the skills to make it entertaining and informative : )

/ hugz ; )

I will look here occasionally for a potential replay . . .

Of course there is no requirement for you to participate, if you are not interested.

Found it. I haven't got a ditch email account i have 2 emails that I use quite regularly. I am flattered that you think that of me :)

omg truly I am so sorry ; I really thought all this would be easy lol, again sorry...

lol enough, if someone sees this and decides to steal my idea then if they have tracked me this far they deserve to get 3 Whales votes lol...

Anyways you know those dancing pacific islander birds. they are really crazy colorful and do the huge romance dancing to attract a mate???

well I think you could do a great story with pictures and short videos and we split the proceeds lol . . .

Since I am not experienced enough for imagery yet, why not a cooperation work output ?

[email protected] is a spare ditch email account btw : )

/hugz ; )

Haha I am still lost. I will email you for more information

here is our joint work topic lol . . .



you write a great story and pay me 10% of the royalties : )

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