It's Been Just Three Days

in #addiction7 years ago (edited)

... since I gave up alcohol, and already I'm starting to notice some fantastic changes.

I don't know if you can relate, but I feel as though I suddenly have more time to create.

You liked that bit of rhyme, didn't you?

I know I did.

Moving on: It's been just three days since I gave up alcohol, and the first exciting improvement I've seen is this burst of productivity. It's been a long time since I set about to draw, and longer still since I picked up a book for a leisurely pleasure read. Before my fall from grace, these two things were what ate up most of my time. 

I thought it would take at least a week or more before I would start to enjoy the positive effects of alcohol avoidance.

Of course, Omar and I have also altered our sleeping schedule in such a way as to wake when the sun rises, and sleep earlier, so this change has probably added to that sensation of vigor, but-

To me, this is actually quite amazing.

Yesterday I wrote about my decision to cleanse myself of alcohol, and the challenges that this decision poses. I want to thank all of you for your generous support, and I invite you to continue to leave comments as I provide updates on this commitment to a healthier, happier, and fuller life. I especially want to thank the individual who suggested I swap out my nightly beverage for a kombucha tea. If you haven't tried kombucha tea, you absolutely must go out right now to your local grocery store and buy one. Just remember that it is as beneficial to your health as it is pungent in flavor!

So, I didn't get the kombucha tea.

I said, no way, Jose, I'm gonna go for a regular iced tea instead.

And it was great. It turned out to be a fabulous substitute for that nightly feeling of boredom that tends to lead to drinking. So thank you so much for that suggestion.

My new addiction will be a commitment to health.

This photo of me was taken before I grew such an unhealthy interest in alcohol. There was an indoor climbing gym nearby that I used to love to frequent, before I found myself frequenting local bars instead.


Very Inspirational and relatable post. Personaly I struggle with a weed "addiction" (even though they say "you cant get addicted to weed"). for me I love it and have respect for it but its just no longer right for me, at least in the quantity or frequency I consume it. I've tried cutting back and everything but the only thing that works for me is Stopping all together. Also im tired of it interfering with my creativity, and self expression. Writing used to be a hobby of mine, and I struggle to pull my self to even write any Steemit articles, even though it is literally the dream platform for that. Thank you for the inspiration just at the right time. I look forward to more posts Mrs. Crypt0

Thank you so much! Your response is very sweet and it fuels me to keep on going. I can relate exactly to that inability to cut down. I can't cut down, I can only cut it out all together. Once you have that first drink (or puff, in your case), you start to feel like it's never enough and you just need a little more and before you know it, you've gone too far. Again, thank you so much for your kind words, and I am so grateful to have inspired you, and I'm glad I got this out there just in time for you.

Good job, i love wallclimbing also! Although my weight is not an advantage while doing this! I'm gonna start living more healthy also, again. Thanks for the inspiration and all the best of luck!

I am so happy to have inspired you! Thank you for sharing that. Climbing is certainly easier for those who carry less weight. Best of luck to you! I expect you'll climb to new heights! ;) Get it? Heights? lol

I get it, very clever one. Probably because of not drinking anymore ;)

I suggest you to workout and have a nice diet bro. There are some medicines available in the market which can get you out from the alcoholic addiction. Good luck for your life :-)

Thanks, man. I am in the process of getting back into a daily routine that I was quite fond of before I went astray. As far as my diet goes, that one has always been on track. I've always big on nutrition and fitness.

I stopped for over a year at one stage, best decision I ever made.
I think it's time to do it again.
And remember, one day at a time :)

They say that the first week is the hardest part and its all uphill from there, your body will literally begin to flourish in ways that you havent seen in a while

keep up the good work

Thank you. I look forward to it.

Congratulations! When I gave up alcohol for the final time I had a much harder go at it. Took me over a month to feel good. But in my case I had a 30 year history of alcoholic drinking to overcome. Been sober now for 10 years. Love to hear about newly sober people. Again, Congratulations!

Congratulations to you, as well! Thankfully, I haven't been struggling with it for more than a year. I recognized it for what it was right away, given my family's tendency toward alcoholism and my father's history with it. I saw it firsthand, and as soon as I realized that I was feeling terrible without a drink every night, I knew what had to be done.
Good to hear of your success!

This is the better path for you, in mind, body, and spirit.
Keep going strong, this is well within your ability!

Thank you, I appreciate your warm support.

I stopped over 30 years ago I didnt like the way it made me feel. Thats all it took for me. I surf much better with out a hangover. I found my passion surfing drinking doesn't compare to the rush I get from surfing a 20 ft wave!

That's just it! I have to seek out all the best climbing spots here in Cali, and maybe find an indoor gym. Thanks for your comment! Good ideas.

well three days is a start, i personally would not go COLD turkey on stuff just reduce the amount gradually until you don't even think about it, i try and do that with all things really, food and coffee mainly at the moment but i failed hard at that this morning when i had two coffees back to back at the co-working place because i had to salvage the day!

It is a little different with alcohol, I think. I have tried reducing the amount I drink, but to no avail. That first drink is like opening a gateway to eternal dissatisfaction. After having one, you feel like you won't be satisfied until you've had a second, but after the second, you feel like you still need a third in order to reach that. I have to avoid it entirely and completely cleanse my body of the ill effects before I can attempt to control how many drinks I have in one night. Plus, I want to get rid of the cravings. I want to consume alcohol for the occasional celebration, not to soothe a nightly craving as I have been.

fair. all the best with it! hope you find a path through!

Replace your love for drinking with another fullfilling hobby that will help you grow in a positive direction. Keep up the good if you ever need a support line please feel free to contact me.

I wouldn't say that drinking is necessarily a hobby. I have no lack for hobbies. I like to sing, draw, dance, read, clean, cook, research, and the list goes on. But you are certainly right on track with your suggestion! Replacement is key, which is why sipping on iced tea worked so well!
Except for when it came time to go to bed, and I was hopped up on caffeine because I made black tea instead of something herbal. lol!
Thank you for your generous support.

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