Racism is systemic in the USA. Media, Politicians, and Banksters are oppressive and broken.

in #blacklivesmatter6 years ago

Racism in the USA is becoming more blatant, the racists are gaining courage from the current fascists in government, and the media landscape reinforces these bigoted ideals. Whether it’s the NFL’s blacklisting of Kaepernick, or the outright whitewashing of movies and television where Native Americans are concerned, the public’s attitude towards intolerance is heavily weighted towards racism and white pride.


The outcome of this mass mind control effort is very evident in the prison population, it is also quite clear in the recent cop calling viral videos of white intolerant people calling the cops on people of color for doing everyday things like going to the coffee shop.

Sadly the judicial system is working as a part of this movement to disenfranchise people by handing down stiffer sentences to people of color, and protecting murderous police. In the USA today police are actually killing children in the park for playing with toys, and face zero accountability.

Another example of systemic racism is the education system. The institutions of education chew up people of color and spit them out. Using the athletic abilities of the talented youth to earn millions of dollars, then dropping them like a used tissue if they suffer an injury during their college career. In this landscape of higher education the use of talented athletes to win games is normalized, while addressing the student’s education seems to be an afterthought. Taking from a youth their abilities, and instilling in them a sense that their value to the world is not to do with their ability to think critically and rationally, but rather that the value they bring to the world is purely about winning games. This faulty value system is reinforced when universities abandon injured students.



Racism is systemic in the USA. The banking system still uses redlining to prevent integration of neighborhoods, giving loans only to white families in certain regions, and denying otherwise qualified people of color.

Redlining is considered a crime, in order to avoid potential liability for bigoted policy landowners create private membership associations which only admit certain members based on their own standards. Private membership associations are used throughout our society to filter out those who are not deemed worthy of success in this life.

Some private membership groups which you may be familiar with are the Freemasons, The Rotary, and The Elks club. These seemingly harmless groups of individuals meet monthly or bimonthly to discuss issues their clubs deem important. They often times host guest speakers and have public events to help raise funds for charities. We see groups like the Shriners creating hospitals, orphanages and institutions in which those who are marginalized and outcast by society can be reintegrated and helped through their philanthropy. What goes unseen in these groups is their ability to prevent development or growth outside of their peer group. The way this works is that the members will agree to only make loans to companies which further their collective goals. If you show up in a Freemasons town with a great idea, but are not a member of the private membership association, then the Freemason banker won’t loan to you, the Freemason real estate agent won’t sell to you, and the Freemason contractor won’t build for you. In essence these groups of monied elites decide which sort of growth happens in their towns and who gets to profit off of it. If you don’t play ball with them, they can have you drummed out of town by their Freemason police brothers.


It is uncomfortable to address racial inequity, to the point where we don’t want to address the issues that are clearly endangering our whole society. Police brutality is rampant, they are killing people of color with impunity.

Racism in the judicial branch is so prevalent that the same judge will sentence two people for the same crime, on the same day, differently based on their skin color. In the military racism means that soldiers who are putting their life on the line go unrecognized by white commanding officers, and face more draconian military law enforcement than their white counterparts. In education students of color are left in the cold and wind in black neighborhoods, while their counterparts in white neighborhoods are on trips to France and Spain.

From birth our systems in the USA work to force the poor further into poverty. Our tax system has been written by the ruling class and for the ruling class, while We The People are living in what has to be described as a Masonic Tax Farm. Between the use of the Social Security system to track every person’s earnings, to the ID system which forces everyone to carry a state issued ID card in order to participate in many aspects of daily life, existence in the USA is looking more and more like a ethnically high archical theocracy.


The Indigenous People of the land are being killed and raped in such dramatic numbers that there is an entire movement to raise awareness about Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, a movement which has been mostly ignored by mainstream media. Media which favors stories about what racist shit trump tweeted today, or some lies about foreign wars, over reporting on actual threats to the people of this country.

Because these issues of racism and bigotry are under reported in the media people are able to largely ignore the threat that these attitudes present to the people of the country. Normalizing racism and protecting the people who want to ethnically cleanse the USA is setting up a situation where the next civil war can be carried out by the fascist right with the help of military and law enforcement. People like myself on the side of humanity and all life on this planet are being cast as radicals for our beliefs in equality and a desire for a better world for all future generations. Meanwhile the oppressive mainstream media portrays people of color as thugs, rapists and criminals. The media acts as if Muslims and refugees are endangering the USA, while ignoring the bombing of suspects in middle east countries. We are told that our national security is being safeguarded by these military actions abroad. We are told that the bad guys hate us because of our freedom, when the facts on the ground reflect our nation’s war crimes in exploded school buses, prison torture, and the exploitation of natural resources for our elite class of banksters.


The idea that being anti-fascist is somehow a bad thing is a perfect example of how effective the brainwashing system in the USA is. We are currently living in a country where people of color are being openly killed by racists.

We are now living in a country where people who are fleeing ethnic cleansing in their homelands are cast as criminals, and are separated from their children. We live in a country that was stolen from Native people, where the genocide of native people is ignored and the ongoing land theft is justified. The people in power are represented by a small number of white men with enormous amounts of money, and little to no moral fiber. These wealthy elites know the history of empires, they know only too well what happens when empires fall, and they are acting in precisely the ways you would expect a group of robber barons to act when their serf class is on the verge of insurrection. If we want a livable planet for future generations of humanity we need to make the insurrection a reality, it’s that or face the ethnic cleansing and religious purification which the fascist right and neo-liberal politicians are pedaling.

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