Saving Seeds: September 1 2018

in #actifit6 years ago (edited)

A quiet day pottering in the gardening, recovering from a busy week decorating and deep cleaning (that means you move all the furniture and take the curtains down). Later, the evening being so beautiful, I went for a turn round the Botanic Garden. The trees are just starting to change colour.

One of my tasks today was saving seeds from herb plants - coriander, fennel and rocket.


I bought just one coriander plant this year, a mistake as I like handfuls of leaves strewn over all sorts (not cereal, though). Next year, I need to grow at least a row and have some emergency supplies in pots by the back door.

I like the leafy fennel but I used the seeds copiously for the first time this year. They're very nice added to tomato sauce or in home made bread. These seeds might not make it to next year, they may all be eaten by then.


I'm not sure rocket seeds needed saving, I'm pretty certain little plantlets will be growing all over the show next year. I cut back the dried growth and discovered fresh leaves underneath and a marjoram plant also just coming into seed.


I used recycled materials to gather the seeds: paper bags from a trip to the local greengrocers and an envelope that contained yet another too good to refuse offer from one credit card or another. Or possibly Virgin Media.

I've put them in the airing cupboard just to ensure the last vestiges of moisture evaporate before storing.

Daily Activity, Walking


I really need to do that curtain cleaning too! Good job on the seed saving! I used to store them in plastic baggies but I just started reusing old seed packets and just writing over them with a Sharpie marker.

Thank you. I was inspired by @ecoinstant's amazing video. I can't live up to that video technique, but it did occur to me that I have been looking at those seeds every time I go to tend to the garden. It was a really pleasant experience collecting them in the early evening - I had forgotten how peaceful and absorbing so many of your contests are. I've stuffed the seeds in a Kilner jar for now. I have been recycling empty spice jars, but I'll start keeping them now.
It feels very good after the curtains have been cleaned, but a bit of an endurance test while you do them.

I'm so glad you had a good time doing it! ^_^ Thank you for saying that.
I don't think anyone can live up to @ecoinstant's Parkour Camera Technique! ;)

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