Actifit Contest - 15 SBI units as prize

in #actifit5 years ago (edited)

Hey all , I have been a fan of both @actifit and @steembasicincome . That is why I decided to combine both and create a contest .




If you don't have an account yet , go here
In short , it is a Dapp which rewards you for being active .

You can read more about that here -> Click here


In short , it is a system where you can own shares / units . If you own units , it will upvote your posts for the rest of your life , upvote amount depends on number of units you own .

Basically , if you want to enroll , send 1 Steem to @steembasicincome and you can sponsor someone too . Just add their steemit id in the memo like @amr008 .

1 STEEM = 1 unit .

Both you and the person you sponsored will get units/shares.
Read more about it here

Contest Dates and Timings .

The contest starts from 4th February UTC 00:00 .
The contest ends at 11th February UTC 00:00.


Everyone has to comment in this post in the following format .

link to your actifit post < Your activity count>
Example- <13009>

I will personally cross check every comment and reply to you whether it is qualified or not .

At the end of the contest , I will ** SUM ** all the activity count of each actifitter and post the final count .

For example ,
If A has participated and has posted two links to his post ,
1 -> 10000
2 -> 6020

His final count will be 16020 .

If B has participated and has posted three links to his post ,
1 -> 5000
2 -> 6020
3 -> 10000

His final count will be 21020 .

In this case , B will be the winner .

Note : If you don't post the link in the comments then it won't be qualified . You have to post the links to actifit posts which are posted from 4th February till 10th February . 3rd Feb posts won't be counted .


There will be 5 winners

1st place - 5 SBI units
2nd place - 4 SBI units
3rd place - 3 SBI units
4th place - 2 SBI units
5th place - 1 SBI unit.

How can you help ?

You can either sponsor by sending STEEM to me with memo sponsoring for actifit contest . I will add that to prize pot , I won't take any cut .


You can just tag any actifitters you know here so that they can participate .

If you have any doubts you can ask , we still have 2 days for the contest to start so before that we can clear everything .
Hope this will be fun event :)


I will tag some of the actifitters I know so that they get to know about this and so that they can invite others .

@sundaymoon , @michealb , @actifit-peter , @wil.metcalfe , @crypt-skip , @practicaleric , @masoom , @amico , @roger5120 , @blueeyes8960 , @runridefly , @csharma , @j85063 , @paleotwist , @shashiprabha , @sharpshot , @strev , @mhm-philippines , @frankvvv , @ketcom , @jk6276 .

Finally tagging @actifit :)

Note that , prize is not for highest individual score , it is for total count throughout the contest for 1 week . You have to post links for your actifit posts from 4th to 10th in the comments .

Good luck all :)


This ads adds great incentive to post actifit starting today. I hope i had mine open LOL. Might start with a sad low count if i did not. Actifit is such a great dapp!

Yup it sure is. One of the best dapp

Posted using Partiko Android

That's great that you featured @actifit in this contest post! Good luck @amr008! And good luck to everyone doing this one! :D

Activity count : 10558
And it's day 1 right?

Welcome to the contest.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, thanks.

It's day 1 :-)

Got it :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Shout out to actifitters , the contest has
started , you can start posting links from now.
Good luck.

@michealb , @actifit-peter , @wil.metcalfe , @crypt-skip , @practicaleric , @masoom , @amico , @roger5120 , @blueeyes8960 , @runridefly , @csharma , @j85063 , @paleotwist , @shashiprabha , @sharpshot , @strev , @mhm-philippines , @frankvvv , @ketcom , @jk6276

Posted using Partiko Android

That's a great way to start.
Approved :) welcome.

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Posted using Partiko Android

Approving the second one :) good one.

Posted using Partiko Android

Activity count - 14038

Approved :) thanks for entering.

Posted using Partiko Android

Good luck everyone. I don't feel like doing this at the moment. I get too competitive and the weather here isn't good for doing crazy amounts of steps every day. I'd like to join in later in the year.

Health is important than anything else you are free to join anytime you like :)
Thanks for stopping by .

Posted using Partiko Android

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