The Ruling Elite: The true hidden facts

in #aceoflords7 years ago


The Ruling Elite: a Study in Imperialism, Genocide and Emancipation

      Psychopaths climb the ranks of most social hierarchies, habitually lie without remorse, and always say whatever is necessary to acquire position. Power does not always corrupt. However, corrupt individuals seek power men and now women fight, kill and obliterate the local culture, the ubiquitous bankers and corporate moguls wait until the military has captured, arrested and tried the local political leaders and have adequately subdued the residents. Under the auspices of restoring order, the victors occupy the country, impose a central bank, build military

bases to protect the natural resources and assume control of the political apparatus. Well-connected corporate interests then mine the gold, silver, and minerals, extract the oil, coal, and other resources using available low-cost labor. People, shaped by the media, soon forget the initial reasons for the invasion as other circumstances develop that requires a continued occupation negligible exceptions, are self-serving, power-hungry, parasitical people who the money powers have recruited, coached, and installed based on their compliance to the international banker’s profit-producing agenda. Their candidates receive the media spotlight and seemingly, everything falls into place regardless of problematic qualifications. International bankers fund the industrialists who control consumer energy, communications, transportation, pharmaceutical companies, and resource production. Industrialists socially engineer the culture through their tax-exempt foundations, which influences our perceptions from kindergarten through graduate school.
Industrialists control the politicians, professional plunderers who, despite their rhetoric, only pretend to serve the public interests while lining their own pockets. Members of Congress enact legislation, based on what thousands of industrial lawyer/ lobbyists concoct, often without so much as a glance at what they are signing. One must carefully compare America’s actual history, not the one promoted in government schools, with his/her own value system. We cannot recognize where we are going or what we have become unless we know what the politicians have perpetrated against others in our name. The elite consider many of the world’s peoples expendable and categorize them as consumers, commodities, slaves, or useless eaters. To facilitate a nefarious worldwide hegemony, the elite purchase or seize domination
The Banking and Industrial Elite
In the seventeenth century, Sephardic Jews fleeing from Spain first went to Portugal and then ultimately to Amsterdam following the closure of Antwerp’s harbor in 1585, which became the commercial and financial center of Europe. In Amsterdam, they became part of the community’s economic class but, by choice, remained a separate ethnic minority to the Netherlands in 1610. In 1657, Menasseh Ben Israel and Fernandez Moses Carvajal, a Portuguese Marrano, purportedly financed Oliver Cromwell and his activities. Cromwell, one of the commanders of the New Model Army during the English Civil War, defeated the royalists, overthrew the monarchy, and executed King Charles I. Cromwell temporarily turned England into a republican Commonwealth Cromwell recognized the influence of the Jewish community in Holland’s economic success, which was, at the time, England’s principle commercial competitor. He had no particular loyalties to evangelical Puritanism so on March 24, 1655/56, he issued a petition to allow the Jews to return to England, over 350 years after Edward I had banished them in 1290.[3] Cromwell hoped that they would assist in the financial recovery of the country after the Civil Wars (1642–1651) between the Parliamentarians and Royalists.
In 1666, the British East India Company, a corporation owned by the goldsmiths and moneylenders, convinced Charles II to convey the privilege of coining money to them, which deprived the Crown of one of its revenue sources. Moneylenders then began altering and manipulating the financial systems of the world, creating economic catastrophes, a phenomenon then unknown. The King changed the law, and the mint then only received “large deposits of bullion and coin,” which it then dispatched to the Orient or India in exchange for gold.
Moneylenders in Amsterdam, with $2 million guilders, financed the coup of Prince William of Orange and his wife Mary, the daughter of James II. Prince William hired an army in order to depose James and seize control of the government. In 1694, William (1650-1702) chartered the Bank of England, through William Paterson, a front man for the Dutch bankers, which institutionalized the national debt and secured massive profits for the Jewish moneylenders through taxing the citizens of England. The bankers encouraged the King, their puppet, to borrow massive amounts of money from them, which inaugurated a national debt, national because it was now the people’s responsibility to repay it. The Bank exchanged their money for bonded debt. England’s
In 1702, there was a gold rush in Brazil, which prompted the opening of a mint in Rio de Janeiro where they made moedas de ouro, most of which, over a period of sixty years, they shipped to London.
When the English government needed quick gold manipulations, they approached Rothschild despite their long-term relationship with Mocatta & Goldsmid.
The moneylenders have always used warfare to garner massive profits. Before William and Mary commandeered the British throne, moneylenders lent money based on the Crown’s assurance and credit. However, with the advent of this conniving couple,
insolvent kings simply shifted their debts to the people. The unwary population, without their consent, was now accountable for the debts of the improvident, irresponsible government. The British East India Company had carefully conceived this transfer of responsibility to the people –the government could then squander the product of the people’s labor. They did not allow Jews (Hofjudens) to farm or own land but they could own the houses upon the land. Most of Frankfurt’s Jews were pawnbrokers, moneychangers or they operated second-hand shops. Ashkenazi Jews of the Germanic states, not legal citizens, with surnames, adopted names associated with their houses or shops. In 1757, relatives helped Mayer secure an apprenticeship under Wolf Jacob Oppenheimer, at the Jewish banking house started by Simon Wolf Oppenheimer in Hannover, a city a little more tolerant of Jews.
Mayer A. Rothschild, now part of the privileged world of the Oppenheimers, expanded his inherent monetary skills. He gained useful experience in foreign trade, currency exchange and augmented his knowledge of rare coins through the bank’s rare coin collection.
Rothschild persuaded Estorff to entice Prince Wilhelm to purchase a small quantity of his most precious coins and medals at a very special discount price. Discount pricing was/is a very shrewd Rothschild tactic. Even Prince Wilhelm could not withstand the temptation of a
good deal. Merchant banking practices actually originated in Genoa, Venice and Florence and by the fourteenth century, were highly developed. The Medici and Fugger families were early merchant bankers. Subsequently, merchant bankers began engaging in business in other areas of Europe.
These people were merchants before they engaged in banking, a result of their lengthy trading in a huge assortment of merchandise throughout the world. It apparently impressed Gütle Schnapper’s father, Wolf Salomon Schnapper, also a Court Factor, who then arranged for the couple to marry on August 29, 1770. She came from a relatively well-to-do family
The Rothschild family, at that time, and perhaps to this day, was deeply entrenched in Talmudic teachings.
Europe’s royal families. Britain used his Hessians to maintain control in the colonies. His customers paid in foreign currency and the prince used several discounters to cash the foreign bills of exchange. Buderus allowed Rothschild, who charged lower discount prices, to cash a few of coins
By the mid-1700s, Jewish merchants were settling in London, including the Goldsmids, Salomans, Levys, Mocattas, Raphaels and the Cohens. They built and attended the Bevis Marks Synagogue and intermarried, a practice designed to avoid assimilation. Rothschild collaborated with Prince Karl Anselm of the House of Thurn and Taxis, headquartered in Frankfurt, and headed by the Prince who was the hereditary postmaster of the Holy Roman Empire as early as 1290. “The Thurn und Taxis family had the advantage of foreknowledge about politics and business that no other ruling house had ever had tracing back to the Roman Empire.
Adam Weishaupt probably also benefited from the postmaster’s unique position as he had told his cohorts to exploit those charged with supervising
This would function as a veritable “passport” throughout Germany.
Rothschild added a transport and forwarding agency (early-day Western Union) expanding his business into a wholesale commodities trading company.
The house had an underground passage leading from a secret cellar in their house to the cellar in the house next door. The “Green Shield” was the left half of the building and the Schiff family, probably headed by Joseph Moses Schiff (1740),owned the other half, composed of two little apartments.[60] His son, Jacob Hirsch Schiff (1762) had Moses Schiff (1810) who was the father of Jacob Henry Schiff, all of whom worked with and for the Rothschild family.[61]
Rothschild, now a military contractor, soon supplied the large Austrian army with wheat, uniforms, horses, and equipment, an undertaking requiring the use of sub-contractors and additional assistants to manage the paperwork. He also managed the payroll distribution to the soldiers.
He died on September 19, 1812 and they buried him next to his ancestor Izaak, son of Elchanan in the
ancient cemetery at the bottom of Judengasse. Mayer used to tell his customers, regarding the red shield that hung over his door, “One day this flag will rule the world.”. It would be the spin off of communism and Masonic infuriation Of Jacabites red terror. Nathan Rothschild, non-English speaking, initially worked for the London firm of Levi Saloman and Levi Barent Cohen (1740-1808). Cohen was the son of a prominent Amsterdam textile merchant who had moved to London in 1763, an era when many Jews left Holland –some to England and others to America. Ethnic groups tend to migrate together. Cohen was connected, by marriage, to Abraham and Benjamin Goldsmid, sons of another Amsterdam emigrant. By the end of the eighteenth century, the Goldsmid brothers had become England’s principal loan agents.
Napoleon justifiably believed that England was attempting to rule the world. He felt that anyone
who dealt in English goods was an accomplice and was subject to arrest.
On October 21, 1806, Levi Barent Cohen made a “Settlement” for his daughter and the “Solemnization” of her marriage. Nathan Rothschild, age twenty-nine and Hannah Cohen, age twenty-three were married on October 22, 1806. Levi Cohen transferred £3,248.14.06 in three percent Hannah’s father was the
richest Jew in England and was associated with the Goldsmids, Mocattas, Montefiores and other important Jewish financiers in the City.[101] Nathan Rothschild’s youngest sister, Henrietta (Jette) would marry Abraham Montefiore in 1815. Cohen’s brother, Salomon David Barent Cohen and his wife Sara Brandes were the great-grandparents of Karl Marx.
The British government selected Rothschild over Mocatta & Goldsmid and the Barings because Alexander Baring had loaned money to the U.S. to carry on what the British government called a “vindictive war” against them. Additionally, Rothschild had enough resources to satisfy the government’s needs. Because of his resources and England’s dependency upon Rothschild, he controlled the Bank of England and consequently the entire economy. Three years later, he orchestrated a cash-coup in France. Throughout the years, the Rothschilds and their agents have staged many worldwide catastrophic cash-coups. In addition to realigning the political borders of Europe at
the conclusion of the Napoleonic Wars in 1814, the Rothschilds attempted to set up an organization to facilitate world governance during the Congress of Vienna held from November 1, 1814,dividing the map among European merchants and establishing Switzerland a neutral banking zone of operations. and bounty’s. It organizes the division of colonial territories of the Third World among European merchants banker that used governments to fetch their spoils.Something still done with the NATO and SEATO TREATY today under United Nations charters.
Rothschild proposed that those world leaders perpetually designate Switzerland, in the heart of Europe, as a neutral war zone funding mutual opposition military conflicts
regardless of type of government as long as the Central Bankers controlled it financially,from it’s
sovereign territory. Geneva would also serve as the location of the four treaty conventions adjudicating international law regarding non-combatants and prisoners of war. Switzerland would provide the Rothschilds with a location from which to finance both sides of their population-depleting, debt-creating, orchestrated wars. Switzerland being a central region would never be bombed because it was center of operations that funded both opposing armies forces to creat a more central Hegelian Control state of both. When the Czar rejected the plan, Nathan Rothschild vowed eventual retribution against the entire Romanov family that would be the Bolshevik Revolution under the plank of Marxist deception to collectively control working class under Jewish bankers that control the State.
Financing Industry The Rothschilds financed Cecil Rhodes’ diamond and gold monopoly in South Africa under the firms, De Beers Consolidated Mines and Consolidated Gold Fields. Cecil Rhodes would later establish the Rhodes Round table that gave birth to the pilgram’s with agents in the United States as J.O Morgan, Astor’s, Schiff’s, Rockefeller’s and Cornel House to implement international banking hegemony. Fostering the Council Of Foreign Affairs as a appendage to the Royal Institute of International Affairs with offshore interest of international governance.
Baron Lionel de Rothschild underwrote the Crimean War Loan, loaned Britain £4 million to acquire Egypt’s shares in the Suez Canal Company, to protect Britain’s sea route to India.
The Rothschilds financed the Vanderbilt’s and Harriman’s Railroad, Rockefeller interests, and Carnegie’s steel industry.
They own Reuters, the Associated Press, Havas, and Wolff and have controlling interests in NBC, CBS, and ABC. They are still gold agents for Britain and control the London Bullion Market Association. In 2004, N. M. Rothschild & Sons relinquished their position with regard to fixing the price of gold. Barclays Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotia Mocatta) assumed the leadership role in the process of fixing the world price of gold. It is currently a telephone process.
The networks internationally operating Jewish bankers in the nineteenth century are an example to show how this worked in nineteenth century Europe.International Commercial Bank of Russia and the Russo-Chinese Bank in St. Petersburg at the time that James A. Stillman and numerous other bankers, J. Pierpont Morgan, E. H. Harriman, and Jacob H. Schiff, among others gave Rothstein an informal dinner party at the Metropolitan Club on June 20, 1900. They gathered, according to The New York Times, to discuss the Chinese question since they also funded Mao's Revolution.
Others, the so-called court Jews, functioned as the financial managers of kings and princes, especially in Germany. During the nineteenth century, the industrial revolution transformed the financial pursuits of many bankers who began financing railway lines throughout Western
Europe and America.Instead of financing government entities, they took on the responsibility of financing new industries. They also founded new banks, and writer, Alma Parra has documented the fact through the Rothschild Archives that N M Rothschild & Sons of London participated in the growth of mining activities in Mexico during the first half of the nineteenth century by their creation of business networks operating within Mexico. Spain, from Idria (in the Austro-Hungarian Empire) and from Huancavelica and other areas in Peru. Thereafter, they sent the extracted silver to the Mint where workers made coins.[136] Nathaniel Davidson, Lionel’s brother, had responsibility for several Rothschild businesses in South America, especially in Chile. Davidson informed his
Rothschild relatives. Additionally, he alerted them about the discovery of gold at Sutter’s Mill. By the
1870s, California mines produced two-thirds of the world’s output. Consequently, this new mine broke the Rothschild’s monopoly of mercury.
In 1780, people considered William Bingham (1752–1804), a Federalist, as the richest man in America. He made a veritable fortune in trading, shipping, corrupt currency exchanges and war profiteering. Robert Morris used Bingham’s ships as privateers in the Caribbean during the American Revolution. After the revolution, he and Alexander Hamilton amassed all the worthless Continental currency they could and redeemed it at par. He acquired two million acres of land in New York and Maine from William Duer and General Henry Knox, Washington’s first War Secretary, a Freemason and the first secretary of the Society of the Cincinnati. People referred to it as “Bingham’s Million Acres.” He willed it to his five daughters. In 1781, Bingham helped found the Bank of North America, the nation’s first private commercial bank. Morris, an associate of Hamilton, persuaded Congress to charter Bingham’s bank. The bank, located in Pennsylvania, operated from January 7, 1782 until 1785
Rothschild then financed August Schönberg and their
secret partner, George Peabody of London. Peabody went to England in 1837, during the panic, and co-founded a banking and brokerage house with fellow American, Junius S. Morgan, father of John Pierpont Morgan. The firm was called George Peabody and Co. J. P. Morgan was their New York agent. Frankfurt branch where he learned the banking business from the ground up –dusting, sweeping and running errands. He had a private tutor who instructed
him in French, English, composition and arithmetic. By 1834, he was a clerk and a courier. He became active in New York society and later became the de facto head of the Democratic Party (1860-1884). He was instrumental in preventing Europe’s recognition and funding of the Confederacy during Lincoln’s War.
The Rothschild’s agent now had influence where it really mattered. Belmont was the fiscal agent for the U.S. government
Social Engineering
Engels and Marx both studied Weishaupt and Illuminism. Before Marx, there was Roosevelt
In 1841, Clinton Roosevelt, son of Elbert Cornelius Roosevelt (1767-1857)[371] of the New York banking family, wrote The Science of Government Founded on Natural Law in an effort to implement the Illuminati plan for the U.S. advocated a network of highly structured,
regulated communities. Roosevelt integrated a conspiratorial framework to communize the U.S. population and gradually eliminate the U.S. Constitution. Marx, a Jew wrote A World without Jews in 1844 and in 1867, he wrote Das Kapital. He derived many of his ideas from Weishaupt,
Moses Hess, and Pierre Proudhon.[383] Author Nesta Webster wrote, “So identical are many of these theories with those of Weishaupt that it is impossible not to believe that, like Bakunin, he had fallen under the spell of Illuminism and was consciously working for the sect that had as its object the ‘universal revolution which should deal the deathblow to society.’
By 1836, a few radical German workers, living in Paris, organized a secret society called the League of the Just, financed by the Illuminati. In early 1847, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels agreed to join authorities charged him with “press offenses” that incited revolution. Marx urged people to resist paying taxes, public officials suppressed the newspaper and the police arrested him for sedition. During his trial, he delivered a passionate address to the jury on politics, history, and economics. Members of the jury were extremely impressed; they found him innocent of all charges. The British government allowed Marx and his family to immigrate. The London Rothschilds reputedly also contributed several thousand pounds to fund Marx’s efforts. Manifesto mandated a graduated income tax, the removal of all rights to inheritance, a central bank, centralized communication and transportation systems, the cultivation of wastelands, free public education, and abolition of child labor. Some of his directives appealed to the bourgeoisie who also wanted some of these reforms. Marx did not demand land nationalization, which would have alienated many wealthy landowners and farmers whose support he was seeking.
Friedrich Hegel, a Freemason and a political and social scientist at the University of Berlin (1817-1831), maintained that man could shape history and achieve ultimate peace only through repetitive episodes of controlled conflict between opposing forces.
Martin Luther who claimed that Christians should render complete obedience to an authoritative State. Luther taught, “According to Scripture, it is in no wise proper for anyone who would be a Christian to set himself against his government, whether it acts justly or unjustly, but a Christian ought to endure oppression and injustice, especially at the hands of his government. Agent provocateurs strategically positioned in the South promoted secession for more than three decades. The two opposing sides were ultimately reconciled into a strong centralized government. Communism and Fascism employ Hegel’s philosophy, the left and right, liberal and conservative and republican and democrat.
Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) In 1833, they constructed the first electromechanical In 1833, Gauss and Weber installed the first operational electromagnetic telegraph between the Paulinerkirche, the historic city center of Göttingen and the observatory. This invention is the foundation for electronic data transmission, which now encompasses fax, text messaging, and the Internet. In 1847, they left London and went to Berlin where he bought into a bookstore that Joseph
Stargardt and then began providing published materials in support of a socialist revolution, On October 10, 1851, he established a telegraph office near the London Stock Exchange. He transmitted market quotations between London and Paris using the new telegraph cable under the English Channel that opened on November 13, 1851.
By the late 1800s, the House of Rothschild controlled, not only Reuters, but also they had purchased the major news agencies
Reuters in England, Havas in France, and Wolff in Germany. Just three men controlled these newspapers, which he thought was “quite as
menacing as that of the governmental autocrats” of the previous ages.
Robespierre, a disciple of Weishaupt and Rousseau, reportedly belonged to one of the Illuminati lodges founded by Weishaupt. He embraced Weishaupt’s
objective of a widespread social revolution and considered anarchy as a means to restructure society according to a system known later as State Socialism. Robespierre, seeing so many unemployed with no available jobs, thought that depopulation was indispensable because calculations had indicated that the French population exceeded the available resources, which he said necessitated the sacrifice of
commoners, accomplished by the revolution.The depopulation advocate’s ideological foundation is the Machiavellian/Weishauptian edict that “the ends justify the means.” The original motto of the French Republic was Liberty, Equality, Fraternity or Death. Members later dropped the death part, associated with the bloody Reign of Terror.
Elitists and Secret Societies
Allegedly, one of the co-founders was Prince Wilhelm of Hesse-Kassel who had an economic association with Mayer Amschel Rothschild. Some people assert that Weishaupt and Rothschild organized the Illuminati.
the Rothschild’s main connection to the Illuminati seems to be through the House of Hesse. They accomplished the merging of Freemasonry and the Illuminati at the Congress of Wilhelmsbad, a luxurious retreat and spa created in 1777 by Prince Wilhelm.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a prominent figure of the French Enlightenment, wrote The Social Contract or Principles of Political Right in 1762.[471] He promoted the concept that people relinquish sovereignty to a
government or other power in order to obtain or maintain social order through the rule of law. He impregnated his young laundress at least five times. After the birth of his children, he forced the girl to place the newborn at the doorstep of the Hôpital des Enfants-Trouvés, a notorious orphanage that he had written about, stating that two-thirds of the babies placed there die within a year.
Emancipation, according to several dictionary definitions, is the act of freeing someone from the control of another. According to Dr. Day, he was relatively free to speak about what people had previously strictly withheld because “everything is in place and nobody can stop us now.”
He suggested that there could be negative repercussions against him if his remarks became widely publicized. In 1988, after years of compiling what he remembered, Dr. Dunegan recorded his recollections of the 1969 lecture on two tapes. Dr. Day said, insiders had developed to alter culture and decrease population, with a focus on the family, the basic unit of society.
* America’s early military aristocracy plotted a future conquest of America by creating a secret alliance of army officers whose membership was hereditary, from father to son, like the European nobility. This alliance, the Society of Cincinnati derived its name from Cincinnatus, the ancient Roman dictator. Their emblem was the fasces, the symbol of ancient Roman officialdom. They intended to control federal and state politics and
overthrow the newly won First Republic, a result of the war, and establish an oligarchy headed by General George Washington. Alexander Hamilton, one of Washington’s aides was a Society member. After resigning as general, Washington became the society’s first president with Major General Henry Knox, a Freemason, as secretary.
replace the civili dominated Republican form of government with either a military dictatorship or an absolute monarchy. Hamilton chaired the elite Society’s first meeting. Members of the Society of Cincinnati, an elite fellowship, served as board members for the American Philosophical Society.
members of the Philosophical Society include George Washington, John Adams, Owen Biddle, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Paine, David Rittenhouse, Benjamin Rush, James Madison, Michael Hillegas, and John Marshall. International members include Alexander von
Humboldt, the Marquis de Lafayette, Baron von Steuben, Tadeusz Kościuszko, and Yekaterina Romanovna Vorontsova-Dashkova. Later members include Charles Darwin, Robert Frost, Louis Pasteur, Elizabeth Cabot Agassiz, John James Audubon, Linus Pauling, Margaret Mead, Maria Mitchell, and Thomas Edison. Whatever ventures the elite Freemasons engaged in, from the slave trade to Asian opium smuggling, they prospered while the peons took all the risks and did all the dying. An “end justifies the means” mentality still pervades society today. Federalists triumphed and replaced the Articles with the U.S. Constitution on June 21, 1788. Territory into ten states that would be self-governing with a modicum of supervision from Congress. Jefferson’s plan also called for the emancipation of all slaves by 1800. However, the Society of Cincinnati opposed the plan as its leader, George Washington, insisted that the land was still part of his personal estate. The Cincinnati Society conspiracy to overthrow the First Republic would have a greater chance for success if Congress were unable to stabilize a legitimate U.S. currency.
Commoners wanted to counter the influence of the Society of Cincinnati. One such person wrote, “I am now fully persuaded that it (the Cincinnati) originated with Hamilton with a view to secure the influence of the military officers to seport (sic) an aristocratical faction of which he is the head in order to the Enterduction (sic) of Monarchy which I am much against.” plans for a highly centralized oligarchy, but instead a plan, which they ambiguously called a “more perfect union.” Andrew Carnegie’s foundation influenced and financed the construction of almost 1,700 libraries in the United States,
Slavery and Emancipation
“They were, and are, the wealth of that country. It is they who dig and produce bread and food for the
Christians. It is they who extract gold from the mines; and perform all other services, not only of men, but of beasts of burden.”
When Columbus arrived, there were between 70 and 100 million people living in the Americas, more than the population of Europe, which had only 60 or 65 million inhabitants.
Numerous individuals, including many in the Jewish community, claim that his family was a Spanish-Jewish family that settled in Genoa,
Italy. His Spanish-Jewish friends arranged for him to meet with the Spanish Monarchs Zacuto’s calculated that there would be a solar eclipse. Columbus, with this knowledge, told the Jamaican natives that he would make the sun disappear if they harmed him or his crew.
Many of the Jews immigrated to Holland, where they established the Dutch West Indies Company to exploit the New World.
I gave the name of San Salvador, in commemoration of His Divine Majesty, who has wonderfully granted all this. The Indians call it Guanaham. Columbus was obviously aware of the Doctrine of Discovery and operated under its authority.
Taino is an Arawak word meaning peace. Genocide apparently functioned as an early eugenics program based on survival, not of the fittest, but the morally unfit that just happened to possess superior weapons.
Not only did the Spaniards kill Hatuey, they slaughtered all of the residents in a village of about 2,500 people. James and Samuel Perkins survived and returned home in 1792 where they organized a partnership with a couple
of relatives and then they began trading in slaves, opium and other profitable government institutions and Universities and banks.
New England, manned by northern crews. They built the first slave ship in America, Desire, Jews, of course, had participated in the development of the institution of slavery, as well as in the discussion of its merits, from the very first. Jewish merchants of Newport, Rhode Island, had been active, before the Revolution, in the well-known ‘triangle trade’ which brought African slaves to the colonies.” Lopez had become one of the most prominent slave traders during the years from 1761 to 1774. His business
accounted for more than 50% of all trading in the country and he became the wealthiest person in Newport, Rhode Island.
Nathan Rothschild participated in the slave trade and was part of the slave speculation associated with the Manchester Exchange and later on the London stock exchange. N. M. Rothschild permitted the use of slaves to collateralize slave.
By 1788, Astor was the Master of the Holland Lodge No. 8 in New York City, a lodge with ties to the Illuminati. Astor, a Freemason, apparently had some special connections with the Brits as he also made a fortune selling opium into China in association with Britain’s East India Company. Baring Brothers had adapted the company as a vehicle for the opium trade with Astor in New York and a network in Philadelphia, Boston and other cities. Astor leveraged his drug profits into real estate in Manhattan, which laid the foundation for one of America’s largest fortunes.
The American Colonization Society (ACS) helped found the colony of Liberia
He financed two trips to Africa, in 1811 and 1815-6, specifically to Sierra Leone, then under British domination.
The Founders, Economics and Warfare

The strength of the U.S. government. Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark among the tribes to impose the Doctrine of Discovery and to establish commercial authority, a license to exploit the resources in Indian lands.
The Virginia Company In June 1606, King James I chartered The London Company, also called the Charter of the Virginia Company of London, for a group of London entrepreneurs as a joint stock corporation charged with establishing an English settlement in the Chesapeake region of North America. On May 14, 1607. The corporation was empowered with the right to appoint the Council of Virginia, the Governor and other officials. The corporation also had the responsibility of providing settlers, supplies, and ships for the venture. the king revoked the charter in 1624, after what the settlers refer to as the Indian Massacre of 1622. The Virginia Company then became a Crown colony. The Albany Plan of Union was primarily the work of Benjamin Franklin and avidly supported by Thomas Hutchinson, the British royal governor of colonial Massachusetts (1771-1774) and a prominent Loyalist in the years before the American Revolution. Representatives from the Mohawks and other native groups attended the meetings. There is little, if any difference, between a Corporate Democracy and a Corporate Republic. They both manage the masses from the top down. A Republican form of government means
“Of, By, For, From, and To all Men (People).” The “flow” is plural and “plenary” wherein law prohibits corporate influences from influencing the natural Family and everyone is free. Further, the colonists described the instrumentality as The Supreme Law of the People, not the law of the Land (culture). The “Deputies,” responsible ethical individuals, performed “specific duties” for the People and were accountable to the People.
These elite traitors remained faithful to the British Crown and the European Royal Family. After the Revolutionary War, these traitors, many of them attorneys, reinitiated their efforts to seized control of the culture after the deputies presented the unseen royal
Interest of invisible college put in place by Francis Bacon's New Atlantis for Queen Elizabeth that many claim Bacon was her secret bastard son.
These traitors of commoner's, on behalf of the King, created the Articles of Confederation in order to undermine the Unanimous Declaration of the United Colonies and prevent the distribution and adoption of the ideals of a natural Republican Form and Style of government. If this style of government were successful in America, nations throughout the world would demand it. That would end royalty and elitism everywhere. Between 1776 and 1801, wealthy aristocrats, Henry Knox, a Freemason, Alexander Hamilton and Rufus King plotted to impose a monarchal government in America. Robert Morris, Hamilton and the others had the ideological and financial support from a little known
historical figure, a son of PortugIuese Jewish parents, Haym Solomon (1740-1785) who was born in Lesno, Poland. ultimately arrived in England, and similar to many of his associates, from there he went to New York in about 1775, where he became a broker for foreign trade, and joined the Sons of Liberty, a group of merchants and traders who reportedly opposed British rule. When Washington had
needed money to pay his soldiers, the international bankers loaned him money on the condition that he appoint Hamilton as the first Treasury Secretary. There is speculation that Solomon contributed $240,000 to the total amount of the loan. Hamilton and Washington agreed to establish a central bank at the end of the war.
Haym Solomon, highly
regarded as a hero, may have been a Rothschild agent, based solely on circumstantial evidence. If he was associated with Rothschild, then the House of Rothschild financed both sides of the American Revolution. Hamilton said, “A national debt, if it is not excessive, will be to us a national blessing.” He told Jefferson that while he was in New York in 1793, Sir John Temple showed him a letter from Sir Gregory Page Turner, a Member of Parliament, which confirmed that Britain considered Hamilton, King, and William L. Smith, of Charleston,
South Carolina, as the main supporters of British interests in America.
The Confederate Congress and University Company of New York mandates, through licensing and bureaucratic regulations, that all city, county and state governments, even churches, and other artificial entities, incorporate (become corporations). Accordingly, through legalistic machinations, they have created a corporate culture. The privately owned Confederate political state, the top corporation, controls all corporations and may then take over all corporate assets or resources. These individuals drafted the Articles of Royal Confederate Congress, which soon eradicated the original individual Colonial Declarations of the Republican government.
These “federal agents,” actually British agents, referred to themselves as “The United States,” seemingly a benign designation, still extant today.
The King’s agents skillfully transformed the People’s government into a corporation in such an ingenious way that “hundreds of millions of people” exist under an illusion commercial freedom from outside influences. It put in place the spooks that established The District of Columbia to be manipulated by the unseen hand of barrister and world barons.
They called their deceptive
charter a constitution adopted by the sons of privileged liberty contrary to freedom of rights.
By the War of 1812, many of the founding fathers were elderly, feeble or dead. The British torched Washington DC and burned the American Colonial Archives Depositories in Arlington and Richmond. Librarians. Thereafter, the people ignorantly adopted the American “Constitution and Federal Appendages” without knowing that it was not an accurate copy of the original documents but rather the product of the Confederate Congress and University Company. Hickey’s new Constitution, with Articles of Confederate Appendages, and Index set a standard for the new state constitutions. The Confederate University B.A.R. Representatives managed the American
that it was still the government of the people. Members of the Confederate Congress and University Publishing Company altered the laws, formulated educational and media materials, debased the laws of grammar to modify the laws. American citizens currently live under a Confederate system of government wherein certain people have violated our liberties through the “enumerated code” of a Constitution that William Hickey and his collaborators created in 1846 to take the place of the original declarative non-enumerated.
They established Federal jurisdiction into State affairs ever more with encroaching on States and its residents. Additionally, schemers, with the Reconstruction Amendments, altered the legal status of blacks from “property” to what author
Ricardo Johansson calls “free property” with the Fourteenth Amendment on July 9, 1868. Union after 1847 devised the same type of corporate contract.
America, the winner of the Revolutionary War (1775–1783), agreed to pay reparations of £600,000 sterling to King George III, more than a decade after the war. The Senate, perhaps bribed by the British-serving Federalists, ratified the Jay Treaty during a secret session. Congress passed the Alien and Sedition Acts (1798) so that federal judges could prosecute editors and publishers for exposing corruption within the government.
President George Washington, in his support of the Senate and their ratification of the Jay Treaty, exercised Executive privilege, a practice that people can trace back to the English Crown. Privilege.Professor John Kozy wrote, “Executive privilege, deliberative process privilege, state secrets privilege, and public interest immunity are forms of English crown privilege. They are attributes of monarchial systems. However, George Washington and John Jay supported Hamilton’s newly created Federalist Party, which strongly supported the treaty. The Federalists, with Washington’s prestige, mobilized public opinion in favor of the treaty. This incident, which people refer to as the Whiskey Rebellion, revealed that the national government was prepared, willing and capable of using physical force to suppress violent opposition to its laws.
that the government was sovereign because the people had established it. Therefore, protest actions, like those during the American Revolution, were now illegitimate. Early 1983, David Dodge, an archival research expert, and Tom Dunn, a former Baltimore police investigator were searching among the public records Unexpectedly, they found the “library’s oldest authentic copy” of the U.S. Constitution, printed in 1825. The document included a Thirteenth Original Amendment, no longer a part of the current Constitution, which prohibited lawyers from functioning in a government office esquire to Temporal Royal barrister registered in
In City of London. Dodge and Dunn found at least eighteen other copies in separate sources from ten different states and territories disclosing the “missing” Thirteenth Amendment covering a period from 1822 to 1860.
In June 1991, Dodge discovered that the state of Virginia had ratified the Thirteenth Amendment, which made it a legal amendment to the Constitution. King George III, who reigned from 1760 to 1820, allegedly established the International Bar Association (IBA) and granted authorization to the
IBA to permit all of its members to use the title of Esquire. However, in violation to the nobility in the Constitution, the British Crown has awarded titles to numerous Americans including the following, Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Bill Gates, Rudi Giuliani, Billy Graham, Alan Greenspan, J. Edgar Hoover, Bob Hope, Henry Kissinger, Andre Previn, and Steven Spielberg. These men have been lifted up the economic social scales along with many others as cohort of world central government.
March 28, 2000, administrators awarded Wesley Clark, U.S. General and NATO Supreme Allied Commander in Europe the position of Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British
Empire. Queen Elizabeth appointed Norman Schwarzkopf and Colin Powell, U.S. Military Generals, as Knights Commander of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath (Honorary). H.M. Queen Elizabeth awarded George Bush, former U.S. President the Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath. Queen Elizabeth also appointed Ronald Reagan, former U.S. President, as Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath. H.M. Queen Elizabeth appointed John Paul Getty II, U.S. a billionaire businessman and Caspar Weinberger, former U.S. Secretary of Defense, as Knights Grand Cross of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. He apparently had some special connections with the Brits as he also made a fortune selling opium into China in association with Britain’s East India Company.
Philadelphia resident Stephen Girard made his fortune trading slaves and opium. He was a pilot, the individual on a ship who was in charge of trading. When China banned the British from smuggling opium into the country, Girard and other Americans took over the trade. Baring Brothers initially financed Girard and he became one of America’s richest men. After two bank presidents, officials appointed Nicholas Biddle as president. “The United States,” complete with a “private constitution” has collaborated with a network of hundreds of other corporations while pretending to function as the original legitimate government. European powers, allegedly to create international cooperation, established the Quadruple or Holy Alliance on November 20, 1815 at the conclusion of the Congress of Vienna, an earlier model for the League of Nations and the United Nations. This was nothing more the to consolidate powers among the elite bloodline to dominate the Masonic chessboard of man's worldly goods, resources and productivity.
The seat of government shifted from Washington to Wall Street while ethical principles shifted from safeguarding individual liberties to protecting the industrialists and their profitable ventures. Fillmore approved the initial Congressional land grant to the Illinois Central Railroad backed by Abraham Lincoln, Stephen Douglas and others. This landmark grant opened the floodgates of corruption with lavish land grants directly to railroads.
Industrialists and globalists view countries as commercial opportunities, not as sovereign nations inhabited by people with inherent rights. Crocker’s solution for a cheap workforce during the construction of the Central Pacific Railroad was Chinese laborers. During a period of four years, 3,000 Irishmen
and more than 10,000 Chinese coolies labored in the oppressively sizzling desert and the freezing Sierra Mountains. Huntington especially appreciated the Chinese, who labored, seemingly tireless, for only $1 a day, much less then what he paid for white men. Thus, he was a big advocate of unrestricted Chinese immigration.
Jacob Henry Schiff originally came to the U.S. after Lincoln’s War, arriving in New York City on August 6, 1865, as an agent of the European moneylenders to seize control of U.S. railroads. He ultimately sat on the boards of numerous corporations, including the National City Bank New York, Equitable Life Assurance Society, Wells Fargo & Company, and the Union Pacific Railroad.
Following the U.S. Steel merger, Carnegie and J. P. Morgan persuaded (or instructed) McKinley to appoint Philander Knox as his Attorney General. Anti-trust forces strongly opposed the appointment. Knox was required to prosecute anti-trust violations but those former clients had made him extremely wealthy. He ignored public pressure to investigate the huge conglomerate that he had recently created.
The Southern Scoundrels
On March 11, 1824, War Secretary John C. Calhoun, under James Monroe, created the Office of Indian Affairs without congressional authorization.
Department of the Interior in 1849. The government directed agency officials to negotiate treaties, which were documents concocted to seize prime property, a process initiated by the British in colonial America in order to facilitate westward land seizure for settlement.
Samuel A. Worcester, a missionary living peacefully among the Cherokee when he refused to swear to abide by the laws of the state of Georgia. He believed, along with the Cherokees, that state officials could not legally dictate law to the Cherokee Nation, which was sovereign. He took the case to the United States Supreme Court, which agreed with him and the Cherokees. However, Georgia officials repudiated the court’s decision and declined to release Worcester. President Jackson reportedly responded, “John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it.” U.S. seized about 100,000,000 acres of Indian land for about $68 million in exchange for 32,000,000 acres west of the Mississippi River. Approximately 46,000 Indians emigrated to the West. Choctaw relocation set a pattern for the removal of all other tribes. In what people refer to as the “Trail of Tears,” the Seminole were removed in 1832, the Creek in 1834, the Chickasaw in 1837, and the Cherokee in 1838. John Ross, the main tribal chief, protested this injustice but his pleas were ineffective. U.S. troops herded about 17,000 Cherokees and force-marched them for about 1,500 miles to Indian Territory, now Oklahoma.
Henry Dobyns concludes that there were as many as 18.5 million natives living in North America before the Europeans arrived. Therefore, people have assumed for decades that Jackson was courageous in his veto of the bank. However, he seized the depositor’s money, along with federal funds, from one privately owned bank and placed the funds in other privately owned banks.
all government deposits from the Second Bank of the United States to the Bank of Girard. Stephen Girard had purchased the assets of the First Bank of the United States when its charter was not renewed. He helped finance the War of 1812 and was a stockholder of the Second Bank. Many good, trusting people deposited their life’s savings in Evan Poultney’s Bank of Maryland and other banks during the
Jacksonian era and lost everything when those banks collapsed. Jackson withdrew all the federal funds and put them into banks owned by his wealthy friends who then speculated on western lands. Despite his claims of being the man of the common people, religiously sustained by establishment historians, Jackson and his friends were all wealthy. His policies ignored the plight of the working people. His banking policies enabled his friends to make money while the poor Jackson, “the man of the common people,” in an Executive Order, with Congress then passed the Specie Circular Act, implemented by President Martin Van Buren, making it nearly impossible for small farmers to purchase land. Prior to this legislation, bank notes were acceptable payment for seized Indian land. Now, only gold or silver were acceptable. Small banks across the country failed. Officials auctioned off southern farms. Many small farmers had little more than a garden plot to eke out a living. Some middle class slave owners, unable to pay their loans, lost their land and slaves at the auction block –to the elite monopolists.
“Rothschild interest in the US dates from the early 1830s, when an opportunity arose to arrange the payment of a million pounds owing to the Treasury in Washington from France. This coup led to the Rothschilds replacing the Barings as the federal government’s London agents. The Rothschilds actively pursued business interests in the U.S. They were able to manipulate and influence economics, land development, gold discovery and even act, for a time, as fiscal agents for the U.S. government with the assent of a president who claimed to hate all bankers. The planter exemption excused men who owned twenty or more slaves. Then, like now, those who write the laws include self-interest loopholes. Jackson sent a message to Congress denouncing the actions of some of the people in South Carolina. He requested a “confirmation” of his right to use “state militias and federal forces” against the “dissidents. ”He said that nullification “will dissolve the Union.” What he might have been saying is nullification would restrict the federal government from imposing unjust laws on the people.
Preparing for the Revolution
Morgan Jr. (1837-1913), future industrialist, left for Germany to study at the University of Göttingen. Simultaneously, Karl Marx was advocating Communism. Author Ralph Epperson suggests that it is quite conceivable that the two met because Marx, financed by the bankers, made regular visits to that area of Germany. Lincoln, an experienced lawyer, would have known that secession was a viable option. Marx and Engels were adamantly pro-Union and anti-Southern and their followers echoed their sentiments. Marx congratulated Lincoln on his presidential reelection. He reiterated the Communist
conviction that the war was as essential to the advancement of the working class.
The Carbonari or Young Italy thrived in Italy and the Tugenbund or Burschenschaft emerged in
Germany. He covered his actions under the Act of Congress of 1795, February 28, 1795, which allowed the President to use military force to put down an insurrection or foreign invasion within a state. Thus, he bypassed Congress, the only body that can constitutionally declare war (Article 1, Section 8). However, there was neither a foreign invasion nor an insurrection. He may have been aware that his actions were illegal and unconstitutional.
America’s Socialist Revolution
The Homestead Act, signed into law by President Lincoln on May 20, 1862, managed the distribution of land. They allocated an abundance of land to private mining, railroad, and timber corporations, making the Republican Party and its leaders very popular. Northern businessmen were not interested in interfering with Southern slavery; it financially benefited them.
Leading Freemasons directed the slave trade, owned the plantations, and managed the cotton industry. They, with their wealth, controlled U.S. politics and installed compliant politicians in both the North and the South. Slavery and states’ rights were the justifications used to execute the horrific war.
When the Union Army finally inducted blacks, the military issued them inferior weapons. The whites regularly used the black forces as slave labor and referred to them as “damned niggers.” They received harsher punishments than the white soldiers did for the same infractions. They comprised about 10% of the total number of troops but received about 80% of the court Martials and executions. The military summarily executed many of the blacks without the formality of a trial. For an army that was supposedly fighting for the freedom of the blacks, the Union soldiers committed numerous acts of plunder, rape and other brutalities against the blacks. Northerners, who had initiated the slave trade in the mid-1600s, continued to seize and sell Africans. Slave owners in Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland and Missouri, loyal to the Union, were allowed to keep their slaves. The Confederates were aware that the Emancipation Proclamation did not apply to northern slaves.“The principle asserted is not that a human being cannot justly own another, but that he cannot own him unless he is loyal to the United
States. ” Dr. Franz (Francis) Lieber, a native of Berlin, and Columbia University law professor drafted the Instructions for the Government of Armies of the United States in the Field, General Order #100, also known as Lieber Code, dated April 24, 1863.

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel would have been made proud as a believer of the authority of the State. He fought on the Union side in the war and saw action at Bull Run. He was with General
Frémont’s army in the Shenandoah Valley. Lincoln sent for him on March 13, 1863 and assigned him to serve in Washington. In 1884, Lincoln appointed him as consul at Yokohama, Japan and at Shanghai, China. He was awarded a Medal of Honor on November 4, 1893, for leading his division after he was severely wounded. He was a member of the Pilgrims Society in 1903.
Marx and Engels were European correspondents for The Tribune in the early 1850s.
Congress enacted a bill to issue $150 million, full legal tender for
every debt in the U.S. It passed the House of Representatives on February 25, 1862. There was one stipulation; the Congressmen who actually represented the bank’s interests permitted the issue of greenbacks only if individuals could convert the bills into bonds. This convertibility feature would allow the bankers and their agents to enact legislation, which would authorize the redemption of the bonds into specie. raise money, Congress, “under the instructions of the Treasury Department,” imposed a 3% federal income tax, beginning in January 1862.vIt was “An Act to provide Internal. Revenue to support the Government and to pay Interest on the Public Debt.” The act also established the Office of Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
Chase’s actions were critical in instituting a national bank and putting it into private hands.
John Thompson, founder of Chase National Bank, memorialized him. The government printed his photo on $10,000 U.S. Treasury
The Fourteenth Amendment created corporate personhood, which is a legal fiction. The choice of the word “person” arises from the way that the drafters worded the Fourteenth Amendment. Eric Foner wrote:?The Fourteenth Amendment made every citizen a federal citizen and accordingly, the federal government maintains all of our birth certificates in the District of Columbia. We are essentially commodities in a giant hedge fund.
Because corporations dominated U.S. business, they soon began to dominate the politicians, lawyers and the courts. The Order of the Rag is a secret society within the YMCA, an allegedly Christian
institute. The Pilgrims Society and Masonic offshoots like the YMCA, Elks and Rotary Clubs are philosophically integrated sects within the Masonic framework.
The U.S. government purchased St. Thomas, St. John and St. Croix
for $25 million, as a defensive strategy for control over the Caribbean and the Panama Canal during World War emancipation; they were forcing blacks into “labor contracts” and whites into “debt slavery” at the point of a bayonet. Such actions obliterated any
pretense of freedom. It was still slavery, camouflaged under a softer name. People ingrain American exceptionalism, a stepsister of arrogance and self-righteousness, through symbolism and songs that promote our self-importance and idolatry Symbolism such as flag pirate merchants of 21 century..
The state, in the beginning of the twentieth century, without violence or bloodshed, had seized jurisdiction over all industrial enterprises and had combined them into one gigantic trust, which the government managed for the benefit of Federal integration of controlling the States and revenues.
Because of the contemporary Department of Education, officials consider all public schools as authorize federal institutions. All under a common core curriculum that serves the Federalized central government under the yoke of the
United Nations Charters of New World Orders Agenda 21/30
Booth who allegedly had connections to several secret societies including the Carbonari, an Illuminati group headquartered in Italy also referred to as the Alta Vendita. Mary Todd Lincoln, in a letter to a friend, implicated Johnson in her husband’s death.
Ethnic Cleansing in America
They sailed from Cuba during a raging epidemic of smallpox. Narváez took a smallpox-infected African slave with him who was “unaware that he was to be the instrument that would bring about the Aztecs ‘near annihilation.” He infected numerous natives with whom he interacted. African-born Onesimus, a slave belonging to Cotton Mather, told his master about the inoculation practices used in Africa against smallpox, a highly contagious disease that had broken out in epidemic proportions in Boston.The doctor would extract material from the pustule of the infected person; place the material on a thorn, then scratch the skin of the unaffected person with the thorn. Allegedly, this provided immunity to the unaffected person.
In an early experimentation of biological warfare, Sir Jeffrey Amherst, commander-in-chief and a Freemason, willfully introduced blankets laden with smallpox to Pontiac’s Confederacy, In the eighteenth century, there were at least six other epidemics afflicting the indigenous population –measles, three of influenza, one of plague, one of typhoid, two of typhus, two of diphtheria, and two epidemics of scarlet fever. Tuberculosis and syphilis, as well as other sexually transmitted diseases decimated the native population.
John Sutter. Marshall needed a millrace, a fast-moving stream of water that drives a mill wheel, at an Indian village at Coloma. On January 24, 1848, in their digging, the Indians found gold nuggets and showed them to the whites. The Indians had seen gold before but placed no inordinate value on it. However, white men viewed gold differently. whites considered Indians as subhuman and called them “diggers,” an offensive word similar to “nigger.”
Harvard-educated attorney, Theodore Roosevelt saw American history as a history of expansion.
he frequently used negative racial epithets. He referred to Latin Americans as Dagoes, Chinese as Chinks, Spanish as Dons, Japanese as Japs, and Indians as savages.


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