[AAR]Hearts of Iron IV: Trotsky's USSR #1!

in #aar6 years ago (edited)

USSR Parallel Play!.jpg

This is my first time playing as the Soviet Union and I'm already going for an alt-history outcome! I've never considered playing as Russia because its just too big and resourceful and in the hands of a player it might be too OP, there should be no challenge in stomping all my enemies... at least thats my theory... Lets see how it goes!

The Soviet Union is so big and full of resources, you might think its imposible to defeat but its biggest advantage its also its biggest weakness, its so big that its almost imposible to defend properly! Thats why instead of conquering new lands we should focus on setting up buffer states to protect ourselves from the evil invaders!


The Japanese seem to have abandoned their fascist ways... this is a pretty nice turn of event for us because this means that while they will probably still declare war on China, there is no longer danger of them joining the axis, they'll probably go ahead and create their own Asian Co-prosperity sphere faction instead!


Already preparing my forces for the eventual invasion of Finland! They won't stand a chance with my properly equipped units!

I'm influencing Mexico so that they eventually turn into communism, this is as a safety mechanism in case I get into a war with the USA... This will keep them busy in their southern border for a while instead of attacking me :^)


Since the goal is to spread revolution across the world, I've decided to focus a considerable amount of my resources in growing the navy to eventually challenge the United Kingdom and the United States!


Our brothers in Spain have risen up against fascist and it is our duty to support them! We have sent troops to Spain to help the workers defeat the oppressive fascist regime!

Sadly the support we sent to our brothers in Spain was not enough and they got crushed by the fascist forces! Fear not! For the revolution will reach every corner of the world and you will be saved!

I decided to change my strategy in how I'm going to create my troops, usually the soviet union forgoes good equipped and well prepared units because they have the manpower advantage, I will be doing the opposite of this, I will have highly trained, well equipped and balanced units! This includes using a logistics battalion to ensure our soldiers manage to scavenge equipment from the enemy so that we can maintain a good equipment storage to prevent having to use our men as cannon fodder, the revolution won't sacrifice its soldiers!


Well Germany got itself into a terrible position, Czechoslovakia refused to give them Sudetenland and Germany declared war on them and the allies decided to back up Germany, this might be game over for them since its way too early for a Axis-Allies war...

Well that escalated pretty quickly! Hitler got assassinated and a civil war started in Germany! Not only are they in war with the allies, they are now at war with a democratic faction in Germany that joined the allies too! The Reich is under control of Herman Goring now!

The German Reich has fallen to the Republic and Poland joined the allies... This is going to be an interesting game to say the least.... I guess it was a good thing that early in the game I decided to focus on growing my navy because I will certainly need it...

With all these possible enemies rising up in the world, I will need an ally and I've decided to also influence France to try and turn them communist, They are already pretty far to the left so it shouldn't take much for them to turn communist and backstab the allies in favor of joining me!


Trotsky seeks to return to the Soviet Union and of course we will accept him back! Sadly a Civil War has to happen anyways but the event says it will be small... Hopefully it is!


I will be stopping here to not get too ahead of @isnochys since I got a bit ahead waiting for the Trotsky event to pop up :^) hopefully he doesn't get mad! But so far, 3 years in, our worlds already look completely different! Looking forward to what the next few years will bring to us, hopefully a successful global revolution for the proletariat? maybe? The odds are pretty stacked against me right now, I need some allies to face this overpowered capitalist alliance.

Also if you play grand strategy games check out this contest for a chance to win some SBI shares! talk about putting the means of production into the peoples hand right? (lol)


WOW, what year is this?
I think you are at least one year ahead.

Japan is in my game democratic.
But Germany crumbling, this is a rare event.
Well, we will see, when how and why I will play.
I have bad internet the next 2 weeks.
Maybe I will just record and upload it, no live streaming.
But AARs you can expect.

And of course we should click on "We need Trotsky" :)

Yeah I played until late 1938! Of course Trotsky is all we need :^) Japan turned non-aligned in my game! I guess we are having wildly different games lol

that's why we need to define more parameters :))

Well most of the changes in my game where due to randomness and me not deciding to go on early wars yet :^)

In road to 56 we could be more specific.
It would also help me, as I have not played that mod in the last year or longer. :)

This looks like a damn cool game. Is it available for Mac? Then again, I'd probably lose hours of my life to it. That's why I stopped playing Civ: I could get sucked in that and stay up all night for weeks.

Its a pretty cool game, especially if you are into history and alt history! I checked on Steem and it is available to Mac! I used to play civ a lot too for hours upon hours! Just one more turn turned into 5 extra hours of game lol!

At least with Paradox's games you have a shorter timeframe so you can actually know how much time you are going to invest playing, HoI IV is world war 2 focused and the game starts in 1936 and ends in 1948 for example! but other paradox's games have longer timeframes of around 100 to 600 hundred years depending on the game!

haha I was the same way. It's a wonder I was able to graduate from university when I think of how much time I put into that game.

I love history, so this game is right up my alley. I will have to be tempted now. Thank you ;)

Seems to be available for Mac, check the bottom of this page:



Thank you for checking :)


They are on sale right now.

No, they so don't suck up time..

461 hours in HoI4 and 3300 in EU4

Only a small time investment, eh? ;) Thanks for the link!

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