Animal photography... Very comfortable cats

21, January, 2024

Hello, dear Steemit friend!❤️

When we talk about cats, comfort accompanies their name. So here I present you some photos of my beloved cats, for now, you will see only 3 of my 6 kittens.


This is Junior, one of my cat's sons, we chose his name because he is very similar to my older cat (which you will see soon).

This stone is the current scene. I don't know why, but they love to lie on it, it has some craters, it looks like a moon rock, so they take advantage of playing, "hiding", running towards it, lying down, and so on. I also take advantage of their hours of fun to take beautiful photos.

If I'm not mistaken, this shot was at 3 in the afternoon, the sun was seen in very beautiful yellow tones, which contrasted with the earth and stone.


Here we can see Carrot Head on a shoe. Your favorite play place. The black and white was ideal for this photo, I think it looks very good.

This shoe is always in the garden. They sit on it, run around it, and move it around.

If you have cats at home, you have surely noticed their love for shoes. Each of my little ones has a favorite.




Now some spam photos of my older cat, Misu, he looks a lot like Junior, however, Misu has a darker shade of black, green eyes, and is very calm.

In this last photo you can see it in his chair. Actually, one of the cats has a chair to himself. He really enjoys being there, the tranquility, as well as the freshness of the patio is the best for him.

Cats are very comfortable animals, they are always looking for their way to feel comfortable. Misu, for his part, when he feels very hot (something usual where we live because it is a coastal area), he lies down on the window, or goes to the patio.

While on cold days, my bed and being behind the refrigerator is the beloved routine to warm up.

These are the photos of my little ones, whom I love with all my heart.

So I invite my friends to veil, and participate:
@archerart @elider11 @mainuna

Thanks for reading, and may your day be beautiful. ❤️


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Zul Airan Mujica Frontado (@zulfrontado) | Venezuela

❤️Hecho con amor❤️

Texto e imágenes de mi autoria zulfrontado©.

(No puedes copiar las imágenes sin mi autorización.)

Fotografías tomadas con mi teléfono celular BLU Studio J1.

 8 months ago 

Estimada amiga. Encantado de tu invitación y de leer tu Publicación. No soy amante de los gatos pero no dejo de admirar a los felinos incluyendo los gatos. Ellos como dignos felinos cuentan con una tranquila y comodidad absoluta. Te deseo éxitos y bendiciones.

Son animales preciosos y una muy buena compañía, gracias :) Y gracias por leer. :)

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

 8 months ago 

Tienes una colección de lindos michis. Dondequiera que haya materiales blandos, allí se echan. Saludos.


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 8 months ago 

Cats love to sit high and that stone might be warm as well.
I love carrot head he looks so different!


 8 months ago 

Your three cats look so cute. Especially "Misu" looks very beautiful. And Misu's look style attracts more attention.
I have cats in my house. My cat looks almost like your white cat. And your cat pictures were very interesting.
Thanks for sharing such a beautiful blog with us. 💞

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