Wednesday Talk - And A Simple Chat...Its never simple is it

in #anhouraday6 years ago (edited)

Do not click on any link in a comment. Phishing has started up again.
What you need to do is : DO NOT CLICK ON ANY LINK IN A COMMENT


There is a new league starting by @paulag for redfish. (SP under 500) the purpose of the league is three fold.
Keep track on a weekly basis any power ups
Help with engaging creating more curation opertunity
Being part of a supporting community

I hope you take a look at it. Here is the link to her post.

@paulag is part ot the @steemcommunty witness project along with @abh12345 (my witness)

I put the link out in the open so you could see it. Do you see the first part ( always check this before clicking. if it is misspelled or you don't see a , (.com) you are being phishing. We seem to click on links without checking this one small item. Then were are in trouble.

Today is Wednesday and I am here waiting patiently for the fist. The first of every month is my payday. I am hoping that this day becomes a special day. I am 160 SP shy of 500 SP. I have spoken many times about 500 SP and not going to go into the why's. 160 SP at the current price of $1.24 is $198.40 plus $2.00 for transfer of fiat into coin is $200.40 . That is if the price does not go up between now and then I should be able to cover it.

Over the past couple of months I have been very frugal with spending. That has allowed me to invest in SP next month that amount. Since starting Steemit it was a goal I wanted to achieve for many reasons. It has not been easy. Sacrifices were made. Any success on Steemit first comes with reaching that goal first. It is one I wish all of you to achieve and I have been talking about redfish for months.

I have never or ever will say or tell someone to do something that I have not done or in the process of doing.

Do not click on any link in a comment. Phishing has started up again.
What you need to do is : DO NOT CLICK ON ANY LINK IN A COMMENT

Plankton I

This post was supposed to be about contests. The person to blame for it not being so is @abh12345 ,because of his comments on a post about snakes. It through me all off because I wanted to respond to it "You get out and they pull you right back in" Godfather

If you would like give me a review on the link below



Week 13 Pay it Forward curation contest
This is a good contest to build a good following and some SBI rewards, and the pifc Discord for information



hahaha just because you can't keep your mind out of the gutter, doesn't mean it's all @abh12345's fault!! Stroke your own snake and leave him out of it :)

Thanks for the information about @paulag's post; I missed that one altogether! And congratulations on nearing the 500 SP mark too; I'm personally only at 300, but thanks to 4 different delegations, I'm over 500. I'd like for it to be my own and that is what I'm working towards.

Nice message here buddy! Thanks :)

I think @paulag's redfish league is a great thing and should help them. The platform just keep getting better . The newer witness are running with the ball and doing awesome.
asher and @paulag make a great team so it's only half his fault.

Hopefully I will not get a suprise or kids calling messing up my plan

Hi just wanted to pop in and say congrats. That is a major achievement I know how excited I would be. Hopefully the price will stay down long enough for us all to pick up a bit of SP. Mine won't be 500 but every bit helps.
Thanks for the info on the new league. Will defiantly check that out. I have some lost time to make up for.

the league should be a good thing
I hope it works out and I didn't jinks it. 4 days and counting to 500 SP

Wish we could find a work around on the waiting. I keep saying I am going to leave some in coinbase for when steem drops, but always get impatient. I guess either way a few bucks here and there add up.
Seems like anything I buy drops after I put in. Maybe I am the jinxy one lol

@headchange!! you're back! you disappeared.
was wondering what you been up to. talk.

Well just now I was over reading your post when you gina tagged me lol
Papa Bill has been sick. I have been up on the mountain helping him out.
Not quiet as off grid as those Amish but not very good internet service either.
Did I miss anything good?

well I headed over to Asher's League because of you, came in 3rd place the first week, the last 2 weeks I won it. But, that's with glen not being in it, he's been in it but not taking any prices so as to give others a chance because he's so awesome, a writing machine, not human really.

I'm sorry to hear about Papa Bill, who is that?
and where is the mountain?
I've been wondering what happened to you, good to hear from
you again.

That is so awesome!! Congrats to you. Maybe I can get to posting again and get back on the list. I once threatened to stalk Glen and try to match him word for word. Maybe I should change the target.
Papa Bill is the father inlaw. The one who gave me the bee suit. He managed a heart attack and stroke in the same week.
I should write a post and at least put an update at the bottom. I am so quiet I didn't think anyone would notice much.

oh man, you have more friends on here than you realize.
I've been debating if I should contact you but I figured that if you wanted
contact with people that you'd show up eventually. seems like you were gone forever, it was just a couple of weeks?
hey if you get back into it I'll make sure you get back on the list. I only have about a million questions for you!

Your words @wolfhart is an eye opener. Thank you for yhe information

howdy there @wolfhart and congratulations for almost getting to 500 SP.
good advice. I don't think I'll be clicking on any links in comments.
did the rain stop yet?

Hey buddy, watch for any funny ones in your wallet too. Just an fyi for a friend :)

funny ones? like my leather wallet? no ..funny SPs in my steemit wallet?
who's talking here? am I listening?
where am I?
I think I have Steemit Brain Fog.

I replied but lost electricity again so it didn't transmite
Been raining every night. had bad one last night spun some tornado's further west

every day and lost power , flickered, three times in last 30 min so have to shut down until this stops

is the weather worse in KS?
I know we lived through some SERIOUS storms.

I don't know about worse. But it can get bad.
Hail was only marble size and it didn't last long
further west seem to get it worse but it all depends on the jet streem

yes sir. you're never gonna get the place mowed before it gets 3 or 4 ft high!

mighty mo can handle anything under 6 ft. LOL

It is starting to get high in the back pasture

howdy today @wolhart..."starting to get high in the back pasture."
time to unleash the goats then!

Either that or get away from the keyboard and get some work done

Hey @wolfhart good to read you're reaching the goals you have set, this gives us minnows more motivation to try harder on steemit. Thanks

Steem on !!

hay @wolfhart thank you so much for the shout out and mentioning the new league. Lets hope that it adds values, that people make new friends and we can all grow together.

And thank you for the warning on phishing. Have resteemed for extra visibility

Thanks a lot for the warning, dear friend @wolfhart ...
It is very useful for newbies like me ...
This warning is certainly good for us all the Steemians ...

Have a lovely day ... ☕❤

you too
nothing worse than having your account hacked.

This is interesting. As I am investing is SBD and using bid bots to try to turn that into SP not sure I should take part but I like the idea.

It cant hurt