Hours spent researching information about Steemit

in #anhouraday6 years ago (edited)


The picture above is a picture of the area I live in. As you can see it's farm country. To the north north west of me is the small town I mention in a prior post.

Confused about payout. So am I . I wanted to find out what or how the breakdown of voting on comments work. The only thing I found out about commenting and voting is that you receive for it. On question is is there a 25%/75% split with the author. plus a couple more questions. I just spent three hours on the internet looking things up.

This is what I have understood so far about curation on posts. So I figured I just share this with you.

The author receives, guaranteed at least 75% and up to 25% of the curation is split between the curator (people who vote on the post).

Except in the first 10 min of the post where the curation is broken down using a linear fraction. Each moment that passes more curation goes to the curator, Which is broken down as follows.

If a post is upvoted when it is posted, 100% of the curation award goes to the author.
If a post is upvoted 3 minutes from posting 90% goes to the author and 10% to the curator
At 27 minutes, 10% goes to the author and 90% to the curator.
If a post is upvoted 30 min or later after posting, 100% of the curation award, goes to the curator.
Don't forget we are only talking about how the 25% curation reward is broken down in the first 30 minutes.

There are many more factors involved. It would be nice if that was all there was to it but there is much more. When you vote and who votes after you or before you matters. The number of voter count after all 25% will be split between all of them depending on there Steem Power , weight and when they voted. That is one reason that voting on posts in the trending page is not the best value for your vote if you are looking for a curation reward unless you voted before it hit trending and all the other votes that were were cast.

My opinion for newbies have not changed. I still feel the best approach is to make a good comment on a post when you get a reply give that reply a vote and make a good comment on their reply to you. I feel that this is the best way to make you vote visible giving it value. Your name is your brand get as much exposure to it as possible.

Plankton I

If you would like give me a review on the link below



Week 13 Pay it Forward curation contest
This is a good contest to build a good following and some SBI rewards, and the pifc Discord for information



This is good info took me a bit to figure out.

Its hard to get past the learning curve
I went and looked for your post again and will hit it now. but put the names just like I did on mine just above yours :)

Good post. Thanks for explaining that because I did have questions. It makes sense now why I see some whales, especially witnesses, say they don't upvote their own posts. They're telling their constituents that they're giving up those curation rewards to the crowd. Very good explanation.

If they vote their own post within the first couple minutes I don't think it affects the curation. But then I don't know and can't find information on how , the when and order of voting weight effects has on curation within the 1st 10 min.

Every little bit helps. We could all use a little more

You're spot on with that one.

I am rummaging through some old photos for possible scanning as we speak...

Namaste, JaiChai

LOl I know what you mean. I got lucky and had my tags in a catch all box

This was a very informative read, @wolfhart. Very useful!

I had the thing figured out about the first 3 minutes and so on, but I didn't realize it was only about the 25% curation.. alright.. I both like and dislike the confusion of it all on steemit - dislike because it is complicated as fuck, but I like the nerdy site of it, like most of us are pretty confused, but it's not just a user friendly app put out there where all the secret guys knows what's going on on the inside, but on the outside it's just a polished shell.. ;P thanks for sharing your research - that's also the cool part, that we learn about the platform via each other <3

There is an update coming and I haven't figured this part out yet. The best part is the interaction between the members here and the willingness that they help each other out is what I like. This is still in its infancy and I look forward to watching it grow

So, the best time to Upvote the post must be at least at 30 minutes old post. Coz, even though I do the upvote, the Curation reward I got probably just 0.001 SP, and I'd better take the last advice, add my comments instead of voting for the post😁, you'll got the comments benefactor, so am I and it's worthy to 0.009 SP, 0.004 steem, hehehe.

Thank you for this clear explanation 🤝

What is listed above is just the start of the way curation is done. Way to much depends on who votes before and after you do.

true that a the % is greater at the 30 min mark but if you vote at the 15 min mark and a large vote come after you your curation reward would be higher even though the % of the curation is only 12.5% of the 25%.

The best thing to do is get in before larger votes. And who knows or can predict that

Anything after the 3 min mark is fine, but then again I do vote on some posts at the 1 min mark

I set the Steem auto at 29 min on some posters, it's easier than viewing all the posts. Thank you for your explanation 🤝

With all the votes I give out and Pay it forward I had to turn off auto vote. but that is a way to go

I apply the Steem auto only on sbi, to get the bonuses 😁, haven't set it up to others yet, because I need to reach 500SP or more to be able to split the percentage, but now... Engaging is an option to grow.

I have them on GINA with others so I am notified when they post. I to do the vote on SBI for the bonus, it a good deal and one everyone should do along with @dustsweeper
I wish you all the speed in reaching 500 SP

You got a 30.51% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @wolfhart!

I can remember in the beginning when my comments garnered 20X or more than my posts!


And many times, those long comments turned into full blown articles themselves - making sure that props were duly given to the original inspiration for the post (including the link). It's a great way to spread the wealth among your Steemit friends.

So yes, I agree with you, commenting is very important.

Tidbit to Ponder:

It's wise to remember that Steemit is a SOCIAL platform. And every good, thoughtful comment is a powerful social interaction that honors the author of the post; while going a long way in building relationships.


Simply because it shows that you actually read the post and care enough to respond.

Caveat: The comment has to display authenticity. People can usually tell when someone is being fake and get turned off ricky-tick.

To reiterate, Steemit is a SOCIAL platform. So if you want to attract more recognition, exposure from resteems and support, the smart thing to do is to be genuinely SOCIAL.

Thanks for the solid post.

Namaste, JaiChai

My first couple of months if I made 2 posts a week I was lucky. Mostly just commented and got involved

howdy @wolfhart! got enough irrigation circles in your neighborhood? lol.
love the sight and sounds of those things but how is the aquifer holding up?

thanks for this great research and educational post!

You know I have been thinking about driving to Hutch and get some pictures of it. The road goes through it and the gate is massive. unusual site for the plains

yes sir @wolfhart and that would make a great post!

I don't get out much so dragging my arse up there is a challenge. But will do it one of these days

take the wife, have lunch at a nice restaurant and make a fun day out of it!
and do it before everything dries out or you won't have time, you'll be doing
yard work! lol

That would be the way to do it.

Thanks this helped a bunch

I am Glad it did
If it helps just one person my efforts were well spen