A daily commute (Callous - 5 minute freewrite)

in #writing7 years ago

Fucking bus, why is it never on time?

He squirmed through the indistinguishable body parts of his fellow commuters, indifferent to the feet he was stepping on, and any reaction to his pushes and his shoves. He hoped someone would make a fuss, he wanted nothing more than to let out his rage on someone who taunted him.


His body felt like it was in a withdrawal of some form. It craved something so desperately but he couldn’t put his finger on it.
Oh right, sleep...

The bus hit more traffic than usual.

Seriously, fuck this, I’m going to be late.

By the time he reached his station, he had resigned himself to being late. His salary would be reduced as it was the third time this month.

If they want me to be on time, they should pay for a taxi, motherfuckers.

As he stepped off the bus, he knocked into a women with some bags in her hand. The bags dropped to the floor.

“Watch where you’re going, idiot!” He shouted.

He wasn’t always this callous. He used to be kind hearted. He never really “changed”, per se, the lack of freedom just chipped away at him and created a dark cloud over his soul. Eventually he forgot where he began and the compromise began. All he knew was that he deserved more than this. He would attain it by any means necessary. Who was to blame for the ruthlessness boiling in his heart? Was it he, or those who had subjected him to this life?

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To join these freewrites, check @mariannewest’s posts, here is her freewrite on the topic


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Confessions of the Damaged - a collection of short stories

by @skyleap

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