NaNoWriMo 2 - The Giant.

in #creativecoin5 years ago (edited)

I told you once but also twice and many times more before about giants.

Believe me, they exist and they have feelings too. It isn't easy to be huge and differently shaped like other creatures. Through the ages, giants are labeled as the bad guys and not only that, it is good to rob and kill them. No one will punish you for it. You can even be rewarded like that tailor.

Why take someone serious that does not fit into our society? Who says they have a right to live? Just stupid people are convinced you can all live together and the world is big enough to share and... we live happily ever after. Very tales teach us happily ever after does not exist if it comes to all of us.

Happily ever after?
Once upon a time, there was a couple who did although they had their share too, a share bigger as most of you can imagine but no one talks about that.
Why care, feeling sorry or pity for a giant be robbed, bullied, chased, molested and killed? It is just a giant, a no good creature.

No Hungarian cares about what happened to the giant Balaton.
They have fun and swim and sail in his grave and party as much as they can. Only at those rare times, someone drowns they might remember him. Was it Balaton's revenge or just a stupid tourist?

Big chance it wasn't Balaton but that other giant or his wife.
The good, friendly female that let that crook of a Little Thumb inside of her house. Fed the boy and his stupid brothers instead of frying them in her pan and make boy-fingers out of them. Imagine how happy that would have made her husband. Her daughters would still be alive and the problem of the stealing, lying intruders was solved. The parents did not care anyway.
No, they did not care. You don't if you dump all your children in the forest.
That was a common thing to do these days. An easy way to solve the high amount of children and make room for the next generation. The old fashioned way of child-control. (We do the same with our pets these days. If it comes to it nothing has changed.)

But hey, wait a minute, there are more giants on the road you might say.
You are right.
We grew up with them and the stories about them. They all told the same old story over and over again. Giants are stupid and giants are bad. They never tell you why but they are and therefore it is no crime if you steal their property (Puss in boots ate a giant and stole his property and so did Jack who planted a bean)!

Does that make sense? You do good, it is no crime if you steal from a "bad" person? What is going on with us people? How come we always feel for the thief, the criminal, a killer but never for the victim?

Are we as objective as we claim we claim to be?
Of course not. Just like the rest of the animals and creatures we like what looks like us most. It is instinct and we can not help it. We respond and act by the impulses given to us. Our brain is programmed that way. No one likes to be called that monster's best friend. What you want most of all is being seen and appreciated by your own kind. But what if that kind does no longer exists?
Balaton died of a broken heart after the death of his daughter. He was the last one living in the mountains. No one liked him. It was the same with all the other giants. They were hunted for, killed or abused by the cruelest creatures on earth, the humans.

If there is no happy ever after there is no chance to survive unless there is a place where no one knows about. Not even the other creatures that live and hide on earth on places you and I do not know about. Remember what the tyrants, those who keep hating alive and the Fight going on, always say: "Keep your enemy close, be always one step ahead and never share your deepest thoughts. They all lie, no one can be trusted."

Once upon... A Life Tale - The Giant.

"What if there is no more, this is all I ever get?"
The giant whined and felt incredibly sad.
Over were those days life was so good
and as time past by, he lost his nice mood
and... so did she.

She just talked about the enjoyable old days,
the once upon a time, there was no longer "we".
By now only the time existed she
had lived ages ago with her mom and dad.
How could she so easily forget?
All those years, the shredded tears,
the love they shared and the fun they had?
Who was that strange person he woke up next to
and day after day ended up with in bed?

"Oh gosh, she said, have you seen that?
My great, very strong so beloved dad...
He caught a bear on his way!
Back home he will be soon, I really hope he's okay."

She laughed for joy as she finally saw her beloved father appear.
He never saw what she painted. How could she see?
Her eyes were more dead as alive and her vision always unclear.

He frowned as he finally noticed she raised the question again.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my den!"

That damned woman of him how could her brain forget
all those days of their lives and the children she had?
The one who married the dwarf and gave birth to the creepy child,
it impressed her at that time and she nearly went wild
as she discovered the secret of the newborn one
a heartless creature arrived into the world long before dawn.

"Have you seen my crocodile sir," she liked to know.
She didn't dare to look the stranger into his eyes and kept her head low
as if she searched for the pet she once had.
It was so hard to remember how long it had been,
she had seen, her favorite friend present.

"No my dear, I am so sorry to hear
you lost something so precious to you.
You know what we can do?
We make a drawing, please come over here and sit,
once we're finished you own a great picture of it.
What do you think about this idea?
My love, let us finish first our tea."

"Sorry sir I but I cannot stay.
I need to be back home in time. You should know it's a long way.
Downhill first, next following the riverside
all the way to its end but you might
keep me company if I do the laundry?
Dad will be home before I know
he always does if the tide is getting low."

"It is my pleasure, you can do your laundry first.
I keep you company but please drink your tea. It helps against the thirst."

She nodded and thought
"How friendly he is. What a pity he is sooo old. I hope and wish once I am older, 16 or more,
a younger version of him will knock on my door.

She smiled at him just for a second but he saw
the young girl he once met, loved and adored above all.

Till eternity...
It is a long time to spend
with a person that left you and went
back into history,
someone who lost the present,
the feeling of "we".

"It only gets worse and she will hate.
Hate you soon!
At that time you are too late!" a voice from outside shouted and warned him.

He didn't feel the need to invite its owner in.
Why did they not leave them alone?
A window broke as a stone
wrapped in some paper hit his head
he was familiar with what the message said.

"You fool. Act at least once in your life wise. Get rid of that madwoman, what makes you think twice!"

He realized the nightmare stood at his front door.
After all these years he was needed again.
Like usually it was mainly for
wiping footsteps and traces, reducing the shame.
The immense disgrace that was brought by and came
over the giants and their households as his wife went insane.

What made him think twice being so lame?
Was it because he was the one to blame
for all the misery that came
from the moment he gave Merry away?

The dwarf and his family were different for sure.
The mixed marriage occurred a curse to both species and meant at that time not more
as a way to keep the peace and harmony.
But the chaos and bitterness was the only aspect he could see.
The daughter hated him and his sons all died.
It happened long ago in a pointless fight.
And the tyrants? They celebrated their victory.

"How can you live and stay alive," he asked his crazy wife.
She didn't answer was lost again
in time and space and he never knew when
she would show herself.
It was on rare occasions he met his better mate, it felt like an unsure date.

The fight would go on that was a fact and clear.
None of his children would show up ever here
to give him a hand or take care of their mom.

"Thanks for taking me home," she said. "Where are you from?"

"A country far, far away.
It was not easy to leave but I did anyway.
I once loved to travel and see a bit more of the world around me.
It was someone special I stayed here for... Can you keep a secret?"

"Of course!"

"I rose from the sea riding my white, majestic horse.
Nonentity knows, I actually,
belong under sea-level... except you and me."

She looked at him, was surprised to hear
he came from a land that was very near
where she lived.

"This is for you," he said with a smile, "please accept my small gift."

Out of his pocket, he took the tiny thing.
Once, a long time ago, he gave it to her instead of a ring.
Her eyes shone and that alone made him decide he was right, it was high tide.
A good moment to leave this life,
with or without his precious wife.

"Wow, it is really a long time ago.
I had no idea you saved this year after year.
Do you mind if I try it and wear
it with the dress you asked me back then?
No matter what happens to us or this world,
there is something you should know
I am proud of you and happy you are my man."

She smiled the smile of centuries ago.
A time so dear to him.
She was his heartbeat and made him grow.
Proud he felt and lucky above all.
He had found his dream wife, knew he could never fall
in love with someone better as she.
She had recognized him and spoke about "we".

Slowly she drank her next cup of tea.

And as the golden hour was gone all that needed to be said was said and what had to be done was done.
They waited hand in hand till
the night was near
and the huge, grey horse would appear.
It was not as young as ages ago but still tough and that was enough.
It carried both giants back overland to the place where this tale finds a happy end.

The giant and his wife are safe.
They live their lives thanks to a precious memory which gave both a new destiny. Without hate and anger or the help of a good fairy.
And the daughter and grandchild? They are both history.
You can take my word for it, their life is peaceful and good in the land under the level of the sea it is where they can truly be.

2026 words

I wrote more, much more...

NaNoWriMo - All Dutch (history)

NaNoWriMo - the Eldest

NaNoWriMo - Saints

NaNoWriMo - The Giant

Day one of NaNoWriMo

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Quite an effort..the longest I've seen from you. Well done and I liled it.

I am not so great in writing long stories. about writing 50,000 words in November.
In March this year I joined too. Still.need to edit 8 days and make on big file out of that. This time I will do it differently. Don't know yet what I w ill write abiut in a few hours. 🤔

Thank you for stoppoo ing by. Hoe you are doing well. 💕

The giant is an amazing story! Thank you for using our tag and the invitation. We gave you an upvote @team-ccc. 👍🏻

Thank you. 😁

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El tiempo que pasas acostada, con lo mal que sientes tu cuerpo, en verdad lo aprovechas, con estos escritos que haces. Muy creativa. Un abrazo

Es mi forma de matar el tiempo. En la cama escribí más y mis mejores historias. Creo que mi cerebro funciona mejor de esa manera. Bien, no tengo un comouter. Ahora necesito pensar mientras duermo sobre qué escribir mañana. Tengo tres días de retraso. Abrazos. 💕

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yay for doing NaNoWriMo

Thank you and what about my story... the one on rime?

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Not sure what you mean - but all your NaNo posts got a 100 % upvote so far. Not that we are promising to upvote every one, but we might be able to... Keep them coming :)

Sorry, I can not read back what I wrote so I too have no idea what I mean. My connection is really low now. Happy writing. Upvote or not, I do not care about that in the first place. It would be nice to receive a comment once in a while about what I wrote. For example if it comes to my second day. I wrote a story about a giant, a poem of 1300 words a no one responded on it. I guess what I wrote in my 3rd entry is true: on Steemit readers are rare and the rest doesn't care. Happy writing. 💕

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i hope that is not true. I know that I read a lot of different posts but there are days when I can't. We partly have the encouragers that people do get a comment on what they wrote. I know that you are a prolific writer and I have enjoyed many of your stories.

I don't blame you for not reading/commenting on everything. I have a very hard time to do so myself. I like writing now again thanks to you. You came in time with it to give me that extra push.

I just wish some more (not freewriters or writers only) took the time to leave a comment. I comment for many hours a day and hardly get any in return from all those people. The few I have are the first I miss if they are busy, sick or their power is shut off.

Have to go now. School plus new fight about my connection. Still need to write 250 words for today. 💕

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2000 words? Wow my dear.
You are so awesome.

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You can do it too. No need to write it in one piece. Stick all your posts together. Any idea how many you write and commen?

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My time hinder my way. I can easily create a post but it will be in a very quick wise move. Thank you, dear.

@olivia08 sorry to hear. You should save all of your posts next post one long one, kind of diary. always slow plus I.write in notes first. Happy day my friend.❤️

Having a boss is not easy but I did magic my time.

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@olivia08 There was a time I did too. I still wonder how I managed it. Now I only feel stress if something unexpected needs to be done.
This morning I found out the youngest needs to visit schools now so she can choose one next year. She didn't mentioned and some "open days/informative days)/are already over. 😥😭

A giant story about giants :p

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LOL yes it is what came out of it. This part fits to my first writing in March. Thanks for stopping by. 💕

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You are quite correct that there is an odd thing about fairy tales — they are made to create a certain view of life, that does have nothing in common with a humain or natural behavior. I’ll try my angle once, @wakeupkitty :)

The first one's where very cruel. Real life lessons and seldom a happy end. Thanks for stopping by. 💕

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