NaNoWriMo 19 - Going home.

in #nanowrimo5 years ago (edited)

9:10 pm it is and I start writing later.

I had some things to do. I went to bed last night at 7:30 pm exactly and intended to catch up on sleep. It worked out differently I only slept for about 8 hours, woke up with pain.
Tomorrow is Saturday and I do not want to be ill again, spending the whole day in bed suffering.

I started ironing the bus kids' t-shirt for gymnastic. It is a plight to wear that one at school and there is only one and it still smells after sheepshit! We washed it last night. Of course, it wasn't dry so I dried it by ironing it.
I never iron, I see it as a waste of time plus the real 100% cotton from the old days hardly exist. This t-shirt is really badly sewed and I have doubts about its size.

This should be medium size? The shirt is as wide as long and huge. It must be the new standard for medium now people are gaining weight. The label says it is Belgium (Belgium people might have a strange body shape) but it is made in Bangladesh (I guess by people who don't care are not in the mood to make a decent shirt out of it.) Where the print is made (name school perhaps they are afraid the kids get brain damage after sport and cannot find their way back to the school?) we don't know.
Okay, this shirt is white, these shirts children wear for the daily sport lessons. They sweat and the older they get (teenagers stink) the more smelly that shirt gets. How come it can only be washed at 40° Celsius? It is the same with the underwear.

We all are really dirty people and getting dirtier if time passes by.
We wear synthetic clothes, underwear, and shoes and we sweat, our skin can not breathe (if you think you only use your longs for breathing you are wrong), we have acné till the end of our days and all kinds of allergies and skin diseases. How great modern life is.

Why not wearing a garbage bag? I noticed these days they are not grey anymore. There are green ones, pink, yellow, white and who knows what more. You can be really fashioned and it is plastic too but cheaper and in most cases recycled and better for the environment as the clothes we wear. If you live in a warm country, easily sweat or are in your warm home you can wear that. By the way, it was one of the first shoots made of my eldest... clothes made out of plastic bags. It looked cute but so did the kid and long (very long) hair and a sweet face helps a lot too.

I only have some grey garbage bags which I do not use and green. The green ones are provided by the city. The idea is you fill it with plastic, cans, and tetra-packages. Every two weeks the city picks it up. Those green bags are nog strong but recycled or at least that is printed on it. If they stay too long in (sun)light the color disappears and those bags look ugly.
We had that experience a few months ago as they did not collect the garbage. The heaps on the street were growing and it was not invited to see. I sent a message via WhatsApp to the city and told them we had a smelly area by now. Within 10 minutes they answered and told me the date they gave to collect it was wrong (at the end of each year you receive a calendar with the dates which garbage is collected when I don't use it I subscribed to their option to send me an e-mail instead). If I would be so kind to take the garbage away and tell the neighbors to do the same. I said I would not take my garbage bag back since it became a dirty, smelly heap and it was hard to find. Personally, I don't like to dig in heaps like these. She understood, doubt she would have done it but you can always give it a try. You never know which idiot you speak and is willing to clean up the streets.

People do not like to clean up.
I am one of them still I do. Dirty laundry goes straight into the washing machine and it ran again this morning. I hung it outside and hope it will dry without nasty smells. I told the bus-kid to wash it's t-shirt again this weekend. I smell the shit but my nose is still better, way better (Sjögren Syndrome did not take all of it away yet). My nose has always been good, for some reason my children can not smell well. Perhaps it is because they are a mix. I mean a mix of races and it did not work out well. My cousin had the same been operated and it did not work out well. No smell and a hard time breathing.

9:34 am
Before I started writing I was outside feeding the wolves I tried to remember what I wrote yesterday. Believe it or not but I can hardly remember it. So I have to read a bit back also because I did not post everything and you need an update if you read this.

What happened?
The inventor (the one without a name) aka father aka creator waits for the moment his youngest creations (aka newborns) are grown up. That goes fast and even faster as his firstborns.
Yesterday was the day he invited the firstborns to meet their little brothers (yes they are all male). That was quite an adventure but not the only one.
Father still did not tell his sons he intends to leave and it is about time. They went for a walk and the son who found the left-over corpse in a ridiculous suit (the mushroom suit) showed him the way. It was in a canyon. Since they all had to kill some time till the little ones grew up the creator will spend it to search for the road, the road that leads to the other world.
That will be a hard one since there is a chance that road does not exist and the other world is made up by the ghost.

Ghost? Yes, there is a ghost. It turns out he did not die and is still alive. He heard one of the first living say it wanted to come along, be part of the mission. These words gave the ghost hope, hope to get out of that damned jar that it is put in by the creator.

It is good to know the ghost is still there. Who knows he turns out to be a great help. If not... he is a part of the story and we don't have a bad guy except for this one. At least so far we don't have a bad guy. You never know how it all develops if it comes to humans. A sweet baby can easily change into a tyrant. It is hard to believe tyrants had moms and dads, been little helpless babies. Perhaps they had too much love or too little but it is as I read in a dpoll question about how people develop... it is all DNA/character mixed with how you are raised by the society/school/government.

Back to the father.
One of his sons showed the way and they all stood at the edge of a ravine. The boy pointed into the direction where he found the suited body, a sign of the other world. At least that is what the creator hopes for and... he expects it is the road that leads to the other world.

You never know.
A Big Bang says nothing. It may destroy humans, different kinds of life but garbage stays. It will be there forever and Mother Nature can not clean it up just cover it up and that is what she does. Same with the graves on the photo I once made. One day some archeologist shows up and discovers these graves, break them open and study what is left inside. Who knows it is one of you (it cannot be me since I will not be buried) and they wonder about the strange suit and the mushrooms growing all over it (although mushrooms should not grow underground they might at that time times changed too).

The father (he is human) climbs in the ravine, the boys stay behind and watch him fall.
And the ghost? He seems to like the world with rocks and stones in all kinds of shapes and colors. Pity he is still in that pot and there is less to enjoy for him.

I wrote I could not remember my story, what I wrote yesterday, I had to read it back but I didn't. I started writing and it came all back to me. Somewhere it is stored in my brain.

1517 words

The ghost was not the most careful person around.

His personality, the big mouth and mood swings, took him into trouble. Not only in his life as a ghost but in his former life as a human too. It was one of the main reasons why he never succeeded, achieved his goal. He was the one people dislike and proved people do not change. “You are who you are,” he always said, “you just think I once was a kind and friendly person ask my mother she knows better.”

Asking his mother was a hard thing to do. He killed her as she tried to raise him into a good person, someone with norms and values. “The woman stood in my way,” he said as he was questioned about the deed, “it is survival of the fittest.”
He turned out to be the fittest at that time and a tyrant many feared. As a tyrant he had room to work on his inventions and he practised a lot. It did him good but it was less good for the people around him, the nation. At times some warned him but he didn't care. They could leave or live by his rules. Many left and even more became a victim of his cruel deeds, his experiments. Dr. Frankenstein, Frankenweenie, Leonardo da Vinci, were his masters, they gave useful information of how to create new life. A nation created by himself was the plan. Not a nation of fools of all kind of races with their own opinion and all kinds of needs, whishes, plans and not to forget their greed and waste.
His army of fools was a big help to clean up most idiots and take over more areas. It had always surprised him most were not able to think by themselves and how easy it was to brainwash them, make them fight for him and his goal.

He promissed them land and food, especially meat. It was what most longed for, needed, and was hard to get. The swines catched ended up in the gaschambers and were automatically chopped into pieces and fried in oil. They made a good meal and kept his army satisfied. It was like his mother always said “the love of a man goes through his stomach.” She did teach him some wise lessons but it was a pity she refused to follow him, believe in him. “Only women are always question what you are doing,” he grumbled, “it was a good thing to clean her up before people started to believe her.”
The authorities never knocked on his door again after he took care of them. They all knew him, feared him, in the good, old days. He had the days of his life. Not that it was so bad to be a ghost but a body would be easier for him to achieve his goal.

“Once a tyrant always a tyrant,” a voice said.
“You have any problem with that? I am good in what I do and that is what counts. Without people like me life is too easy and people do not appreciate what they have.”

2074 words

I wrote more, much more...

NaNoWriMo 18 - Hope - 2918 words

NaNoWriMo 17 - Tearing apart. - 2095 words

NaNoWriMo 16 - The first living - 2565 words

NaNoWriMo - 15 - Update - only 346 words will be used for the story

NaNoWriMo 14 - Dreaming about - 2876 words

NaNoWriMo 13 - Alain - 3005 words

NaNoWriMo 12 - Testing - 2855 words

NaNoWriMo 11 - Daddy's favorite. - 2443 words

NaNoWriMo 10 - Great catch - 2355 words

NaNoWriMo 9 - True or not? - 2455 words

NaNoWriMo 8 - The voice is back - 2046 words

NaNOWriMo 7 - Sons of the father - 2590 words

NaNoWriMo 6 - King John - 1523 words

NaNoWriMo 5 - All Dutch (history) - 2318 words

NaNoWriMo 4 - the Eldest - 2023 words

NaNoWriMo 3 - Saints - 2232 words

NaNoWriMo 2 - The Giant - 2026 words)

NaNoWriMo starts - 2738 words


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I agree with you about ironing, it's like making your bed, a real waste of time.
As to garbage sacks, I believe when I was a punk in the long distant past I may actually have worn one. As I remember it, it wasn't too comfy at all.

I believe the youngest once made a dress out of it too. It was some school project. Theme: recycling garbage. I think we would freeze to death here.

I.once bought the iron for another reason. My daughter needed it to make shirts with her drawings on it.

Thank you for commenting. I wish you a great day/weekend. 💕

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@trufflepig. Thank you I see you more frequently theses days. What triggered it. It is good to see a writing post be liked. ❤️

Huh? Seems like I already voted on this post, thanks for calling anyway!

@trufflepigYou are welcome. I see bubble posts too and comments I already answered plus votes disappear. ❤️

Todo el día de ayer la pasé en la cocina horneando. Mientras tu planchas, lavas, escribes, recuerdas, remontas y retomas. Ufff es mucho.

@gertu Tú también eres una abeja ocupada. Empacar es un trabajo duro además de limpiar. Mi hijo horneó este fin de semana. El horno estropea una parte del resto que comimos. El más joven lavaba los platos una vez que el resto es mío. Ufff de hecho. Feliz día y un abrazo para ti. Espero que tengas un buen negocio y no te duela la espalda. 💕

You are a busy bee too. Baling is hard work plus cleaning up. My son baked this weekend. The oven spoild a part the rest we ate. The youngest did the dishes once the rest is mine. Ufff indeed. Happy day and a hug for you. I hope you have a good business and no painfull back. 💕

Es buen negocio. Pero el dolor de espalda es inevitable.
Me alegra que los niños sean tan buenos ayudantes. Yo también tengo mi aliado.
Un abrazo.

@gertu Genial, te ayuda y tú también tienes ayuda. Un abrazo y buen día.

Si, es fino. Todos nos ayudamos. Eso es hacer un equipo.

@ctime and @tagflagger thanks for the downvote!

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