NaNoWriMo 18 - Hope

in #ccc5 years ago (edited)

Red light is the prompt if you freewrite with @mariannewest.
I am not sure what it means but I can tell you I saw some “red” early this morning. For a change, it was not my face. I felt like the ghost in my story... furious! Again I ask myself why I am so stupid to give each Steem I earn away to others, why I host contests, help communities. Why I try to be loyal and social although I am not social at all in daily life. I spent my life alone.
Just like the main character in my present story "Once upon a time... " it all started unwanted and I found out it is the best I can do for me. Staying alone, being alone, stay single. Listen to me and share only what I like to share, focus on myself, my goals.
It is easier for my main character to do so. He is the last man on earth, stays alone in a rocky area, a world of stones. No one tells him what to do. It is not said he is a free person but he is a driven one. As a young boy, he made a promise and he kept it. He found a way to create a new life. His children are giants and look better as dr. Frankenstein his creation but they might have the same character and good intentions. A new world, a better world, helping the fist living is this inventor's main goal.

Helping the first living?
Who is those first living? They are stones or rocks whatever you call them. They are the first living, born out of Mother Earth. They are the ones who save all wisdom. No matter if it is good or bad if it comes to our opinion, it is wisdom.

This morning I've been confronted with wisdom again. I already knew this would happen. It always happens if you reward people who not worked for it. They get lazy, lazy and greedy. And that is what Mr. Busy is. He found a way to fill his pockets over the back of others but this is not enough. No, he wants more. Wants others to give him more for doing nothing more as joining.
“I beg your pardon?” I am a writer. Why should I reward someone who cannot write? Why should I be happy with a text that is not worth my time reading, commenting and upvoting? Still, I do. I do it many hours a day and I encourage people to do it better. Many do better, they grow and I... I am one of them.

Why do I give my earnings to people who do not deserve it?

Just like the ghost in my story I am furious. I already told you and I wrote about it (see my post Mr. Greed is too busy
The ghost is angry on the inventor, I am angry at me. I am angry because I honestly thought this person was kind, willing to invest in Steemit and I let myself fooled again, again by an extremely lazy man.

While the ghost shrunk in the jar he is locked in and became pitiful, I grow and fight back.
How I spent my money and time only concerns me. In two days' time, I am two times disappointed in #newsteem (actually three times). Yesterday I wrote about the Commentcoin thieves and the restrictions made to protect the users, today I got confirmed what I already thought. I am angry at me because I keep believing all the bullshit people tell. How in need they are but what about me? I will consider Mr. Greed's words, who knows I better join him in his journey, start complaining how worse my life is, I cannot afford to pay for my connection, buy a computer, buy food for my children and the overwhelming sheep shit is an attack on my health plus the mud kills me... If I focus a bit more on it there is plenty to complain and there are always idiots willing to pay, feel pity. If you cannot earn via upvotes you can earn via complaining and sharing your pathetic life. Scam is a great way to make an income. It works better as the lottery Mr. Greed.

The ghost shrunk and to be honest I hope Mr. Greed will too.
There is no need or room for greed.
Is there a need for an inventor, a creator? The bus-kid would say “Yes!” It is the kid that dreams to be one but probably never will but finds its way. One way or the other.

Not all of us feel the need to create a new life. The creator did to help others and who knows to help himself. There was a time he wanted to be a king, reign over the world, the paradise he lived in was not good enough. He wanted more. If it comes to that there is no difference between Mr. Greed, the ghost – who's a goal it was to create new life too- and the creator.

The first living... they have always been stones.
How come after all these centuries they like to move on? I mean literally move? There is room created for that, the giants will be their way to move, see, visit the other world if that world exists.

Once upon a time, the world was great.
People were satisfied with what they had. Really? Did happiness fill their hearts if they heard birds sing, saw the sunrise and good food was at hand? Did they thank Mother Earth and each other for their help and good deeds?
It is not human to be grateful. Adam and Eve are a good example. They wanted more like the boring Paradise was given to them. The boy – who became an inventor – wanted more as the Paradise his mother left him. The couple was kicked out of Paradise after using their free will, the boy left it by own free will.

Can you feel happy if you are different from others?
That question cannot easily be answered. The giants are not aware they are different. What they know is normal to them. Their shapes have a lot in common with the area they live in and except for their father and the ghost they fear they are all the same. With the same I mean exactly the same. They look the same, walk at the same pace, their characters are the same. They are peaceful and always smile. The question arises how easily it is to abuse them.

Once in a while, a voice shows up.
The inventor hears it. Perhaps it is all imagination, his conscious plays tricks with him?

What happened so far?

A part you know if you read the text above if not read this.

After he gave his word to the “first living” he left home and ended up in an abandoned part of the world. It is here he lived before and after the Big Bang and his creations were born.
With the help of his “rocky” friend, he was able to create a new life.
“All fine boys”, like he says and he is proud of them.
These giants are created to help the “first living” to move, see the world.
His friend turns out to be an inventor too and turned into a ghost and possessed a stone. Envy eats the ghost if that what he wanted most is fulfilled by someone else. A body is what a ghost needs to be part of life again. After he tried to enter one of the giants ends up in a jar.
The creator waits till his newborns are grown up. He wishes to find out if he is not the last man on earth. About twenty-first living can come along and join his journey. His sons will carry them, be their body, feet, and eyes. One giant found a sign of life. Is there hope?

1346 words

Slowly he opened his eyes.

He felt rested and waited for his father to tell him it was time to get up. His brothers were still asleep. A vague memory of a little girl stayed in his memory. He tried to remember what she had said. “Sweet dreams... I can give you one of mine.” Was that what she had done? Had she given him one of her dreams? He tried to remember what it was but except for the voice in his head, it stayed blank. He lifted his right hand and studied it. It looked the same way as always. Next, he lifted his left hand. Nothing different from that one. He closed his eyes and tried to bring back the memory. There was something... his father had told him he had done a good thing. He talked to him and stroke his hand. What was it he had found? He took it because it was different from what he knew. For some reason, he didn't like to touch all of it. He had picked it with two fingers and dragged it behind him. It was a relief as his father told him he could drop it.

The cold... what was the cold he had felt? His brothers felt it too and the only thing they all did was waving at it, trying to get rid of it. The ice-cold hand in his chest. Where was it, what happened to it? Carefully he stood up and looked around him. Except for his brothers, no one was there. The room felt warm and safe. It was a nice place he liked it. Hesitantly he looked around him, perhaps it was better to go back to bed again.

The newborns grew fast. He was not sure if it was too early but his healing hands caressed each of them. Their skins were soft and although they were born with a smile on their face he noticed it made them feel better.

“How about meeting your big brothers?”

The little one did not answer it kept its eyes closed but he took it for a yes.

1572 words
Total words written for today's NaNoWriMo: 2918

I wrote more, much more...

NaNoWriMo 17 - Tearing apart. - 2095 words

NaNoWriMo 16 - The first living - 2565 words

NaNoWriMo - 15 - Update - only 346 words will be used for the story

NaNoWriMo 14 - Dreaming about - 2876 words

NaNoWriMo 13 - Alain - 3005 words

NaNoWriMo 12 - Testing - 2855 words

NaNoWriMo 11 - Daddy's favorite. - 2443 words

NaNoWriMo 10 - Great catch - 2355 words

NaNoWriMo 9 - True or not? - 2455 words

NaNoWriMo 8 - The voice is back - 2046 words

NaNOWriMo 7 - Sons of the father - 2590 words

NaNoWriMo 6 - King John - 1523 words

NaNoWriMo 5 - All Dutch (history) - 2318 words

NaNoWriMo 4 - the Eldest - 2023 words

NaNoWriMo 3 - Saints - 2232 words

NaNoWriMo 2 - The Giant - 2026 words)

NaNoWriMo starts - 2738 words


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I have to read your story about Mr. Greed.....

That would be kind. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I wish you a great day. 💕

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@c-squared I need to think about it if I like to join the Discord group. It means extra work and I slow down. I host a contest and work for two communities. Thank you for the message and sharing. I wish you a great day. ❤️

The pursuit of happiness is fraught with roadblocks. You are both creative and hard working. I admire how much you are doing and I hope you ignore the critic. Who ever that is. I wish I had more reading time but migraines are keeping me down this week. Keep writing, my friend.

@wandrnrose7 I am doing less and less, at periods more if I feel better plus try to multitask. Last night I went to bed at 7:30 pm it was still too late for me but I have a huge lack of sleep plus I wake up early. In most cases because of some pain. I don't have really time to clean up, I do the basics and am fortunate my children help.
Those migraine attacks don't sound good, like a burden. There is no solution for it? I hope you have some good times to enjoy the left. At times I think we all here suffer from something and I learned those people are if it comes to it, most active. We multitask and try to compensate for the time or things we missed. That might be a reason too for the next attack.
I wish you strength, my friend. Know you are in my mind and I appreciate each word from you. You are talented for sure and I will read you. Big hug for your kind words and taking the time to respond. Happy day 💕

saludos amiga. Buena y extensa la publicación de tu escritura hoy.

@gertu Siempre estoy feliz de verte. Disfruta tu fin de semana. Abrazos

No pude leer tu publicación. Al día siguiente, o sea hoy, todo el día sin internet. Este país es cosa de paciencia ante todo. Pero ahora si puedo leer.
Algo que me llama la atención, es que dices que siempre caes ante los malos. Los golpes de la vida, hacen a la persona más fuerte. Pero su parte humana, permanece dentro. Hacemos murallas internas, para que no nos puedan encontrar tal fácilmente. Pero sigue allí, nuestro yo. Es por eso que confías en las personas.
Adan y Eva, no fué por ser malagradecidos. Es otro tema este. Fue la tentación. Ese gusanito que llevamos dentro. Es un aviso para no dejarnos tentar por las malas acciones, pero lo malo, es que siempre escogemos la maldad.
No cambies amiga. Mantén tu espíritu en alto. Siempre alerta, pero siendo tu misma.
Dios te bendiga a ti y a tus hijos. Un abrazo.

@gertu ¿Quizás la traducción no es correcta? No dije que me enamorara del malo. Digo que fácilmente creí lo que la gente dice. Delgados / creen que dicen la verdad, pero en realidad tienen una buena vida rogando y manipulando a las personas. Estos no son solo hombres sino también mujeres. Te manipulan diciendo "no sabes cómo se siente ser pobre", "mis hijos tienen hambre", "necesito atención médica", "nos acabamos de casar y mi esposa tiene un respirador", etc. Todas las mentiras son como decir Están dispuestos a invertir en esta plataforma. Ahora sabes de dónde viene mi nombre "despertar". Es desde el despertar / abrir los ojos / no ser tan ingenuo que todas las personas mienten. Ese gusano es interesante ... No lo veo como una historia sobre la tentación, pero puede que tengas razón. Aún así, Adán culpó a Eva y no muestra ningún carácter. No hay respeto por las personas con ese comportamiento. Sé responsable de tus propios actos.

@felixgarciap organizará su "Concurso de poesía lírica" ​​como un concurso ccc y @marblely también usa commentcoin con su concurso.

Si, tienes razón. La traducción fue muy mala. No dije "enamorar".

I could not read your post. The next day, that is today, all day without internet. This country is a matter of patience above all. But now I can read.

Something that catches my attention is that you say, "you always fall before the bad guys". The blows of life make the person stronger. But its human part remains inside. We make internal walls, so they can't find us easily. But still there, our self. That is why you trust people.
Adan and Eva, it wasn't because they were ungrateful. It is another issue this. It was the temptation. That little worm that we carry inside. It is a warning not to be tempted by bad actions, but the bad thing is that we always choose evil.
Do not change friend. Keep your spirit up. Always alert, but being yourself.
God bless you and your children. A hug.

@gertu Thank you very much. ❤️

No soy muy buena escribiendo poesía. Y ya vi a @marblely hoy, que se unió a commentcoin. Que bueno todo esto.
La evolución continúa.

@gertu Sí, ella también usa Commentcoin. Le pedí a @felixgarciap que lo hiciera también. El ya lo usa. Puedes probar la poesía. Todo depende de lo que veas como poesía. Se trata del sentimiento detrás de las palabras. Eso es difícil de sentir si está escrito en un idioma que no es el suyo. pero ... La letra no es poesía ... el texto de una canción = letra. Puedes probar un Haiku también.

Yes, she uses Commentcoin too. I asked @felixgarciap to do so too. He already uses it. You can give poetry a try. It all depends on what you see as poetry. It is about the feeling behind the words. That is hard to feel if written in a language that is not yours. but... Lyric is not poetry... the text of a song = lyric. You can try a Haiku too.

Creo que aquí, voy a remontar un pasado olvidado. Cuando joven, me gustó escribir poesía, canciones y luego todo pasó al olvido. Tengo en algún lugar, un escrito y está perdido, la historia de mi enfermedad hace 8 o 9 años.

@gertu Eso es interesante, así que escribiste antes. Qué pena que se pierda tu escritura. A veces los recuerdos vuelven mientras escribimos. Escribí para cada niño diarios cuando eran más jóvenes. Para los dos más pequeños por computadora. Eso también se pierde, no lo que escribí a mano.

That is interesting so you wrote earlier. What a pity your writing is lost. At times memories come back while we write. I wrote for each child diaries as they were younger. For the youngest two by computer. That is lost too, not what I wrote by hand.

Si, escribí. Incluso pensé editar mi escritura, sobre lo vivido en mi enfermedad y, luego pasó el tiempo. Lo olvidé.
Escribí mis poemas de adolescencia, se quedó en un libro que alguien plagió.

@gertu ¡Te robaron tus poemas! ¡Qué persona tan barata! Puedes probar Haiku como yo.

They stole your poems! What a cheap person! You can try Haiku like me.

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