TribeSteemUp's Weekly Gems

Hello beautiful people

Last week was a big week for TribeSteemUp as we lost our delegation from @jamesc. We all understand that change needs to happen and at the end of the day it is his SP and it is up to him how he wishes to use it. We certainly are very grateful that he did support the tribe in such a huge way and I want to extend my thanks to him for believing in the Tribe and the content that we all were creating. But with change brings new opportunities and the Tribe is very committed towards moving forward.

Those of us who have been very active within the tribe, are very committed to creating change and finding ways in which we can be of better service to the earth and the tribe as a whole. We see this an opportunity to pull together more and be more supportive of one another.

@kennyskitchen who created the Tribe and brought all of us together has decided to step down and hand over the reins of the tribe to some of members. It has been quiet an undertaking on his part, making sure all of the members were rewarded for their content, so he really deserves to have some time out. I think I speak, for all of us within the tribe, when I say that we are very very grateful to him, for bringing us all together and creating a community of conscious and inspiring authors. For things to change within the world we need to be thinking in terms of 'We', this is the time for us to unite and come together, to empower one another, to create the world we wish to live in.

The TribeSteemUp community, was created by @kennyskitchen. It is a Community Abundance Generator which supports authors who write articles that look at ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.The authors that were chosen to become part of the TribeSteemUp community are all writing content of high quality, which are based on the following topics:

| Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness |
| Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism |
| Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |

The TribeSteemmUp community also has 8 Pillars/Principles that each member has agreed to adhere by and you can find The 8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp at the end of this post

Sit Back and take the time to Enjoy the following articles/posts and remember to show your appreciation by upvoting and commenting. You can go one step further by following the TribesteemUp Curation Trail, this way way you are supporting all the great authors who are creating quality content.

Help Ever - Hurt Never : The power of being a team player


What does this world need for all of us to be looked after, happy, and safe? We know we cant rely on our governments ... and these days many of us can't even rely on our family! Things will always go wrong, and sometimes it seems that we are unable to fix a problem... More often than not that is because we are trying to succeed alone!
How many people are SO busy trying to make their lives work that they just don’t have time to look around and see who else needs some help?

Does Cryptocurrency Really Have Value?


Skeptics of cryptocurrencies often say that these digital assets have no real-life value because you can't hold them in your hand, and they are not "backed by" any material object either. Others who are more friendly with the technology suggest that these currencies derive their value from the energy and resources that miners spend on securing the networks.
However, both of these perspectives overlook the fact that assets don't actually need to be "backed by" anything, aside from the faith and participation of the people who trade them.

Reality Check - Supplements Without Effort Are A Waste.


"I want whatever supplements SHE'S on!"
I heard this from a client in my morning class the other day as she admired the ripped, muscular, shapely physique of another participant, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it...
This was one of the many phrases to come out of this particular client's mouth as she cruised her way through our workout, talking the entire time and barely breaking a sweat, while she watched her fellow bootcamp classmate sucking wind, absolutely drenched, working to the point of failure - and yet, she still believed her success was due to some magical supplement.

Samhain-The Wheel Has Turned Again- Now is the Time To Let Go, To Travel Inwards, Now Is The Time To Celebrate A Goddess!XXXXX



Samhain marks the end of the Celtic Year, and the beginning. Everything in nature is withdrawing in to itself right now.The leaves have fallen from the trees, birds have migrated and some animals are now in hibernation. The energy within nature has been pulled back down into the earth, into the roots. It is the time of death and decay, but only so that everything can be reborn anew. Including ourselves.
Yes, it has got colder, there is now a definite bite in the air. But this is nature communicating with us, telling us, that now is the time for us to accept this end of the old year.

I Am Finding It Hard to Breathe: Freedom Friday Melancholy


When I learnt to surf as a teenager, we used to paddle out after school at Torquay Point and enjoy waves to ourselves. At most, there might be twenty of us out there, and that's talking an absolute crowd. Often times, we had it to ourselves, screaming songs into the sky and venting teen frustrations and craziness in salt water and huge skies. That was always the appeal to me - surfing was pure freeeeeedoooommmmmmmm, totally away from the pressures of the world.

New Tribal Instrumental by Totem For ELAmental's Revolutionary Conscious Hip-Hop Mix-Tape in Honor of #TibeVibes - Links to ALL Artist's Music, Detailed Project Explanation + Listen on Dsound


I have been semi-secretly coordinating a long tribal instrumental creation through a bad-ass producer out of Colorado know as Totem. I was originally attracted to his sounds through my study of @AlaisClay's new album Elevated Frequencies (a crucial, powerful album), and in particular the use of his native flutes in a song called We Will March, and also the unique sound frequencies he presented in Medicine Drum, both songs off that album.
I just received the final cut of Totem's manifestation of sound customized by my direction, and oooooohhhhhh man did he create quite the masterpiece.

Who are the Illuminati, and do they influence the bankers? [Dabbing with a Mage episode 185]


There seems to be a common thread that links the common understanding of the Illuminati and the fact that the original group was persecuted by the Catholic church. Many are fond to believe that the Illuminati are an all powerful group, lurking in the shadows, manipulating society through courses such as the banks and major corporations. However, in the research that I have done, this is exactly what the Illuminati fought against! Join me in today's episode as I discuss who the Illuminati were, and who they are now.

Turning Shipping Containers Into Portable Hydroponic Farms


A growing number of people today are reportedly looking to consume organic, ethically-sourced, and sustainable products. And a great deal of folks are willing to pay more for their items if they feel confident that they are purchasing something that's a superior product.
This has given rise to a myriad of growing trends over the last several years, including a surge in interest surrounding aquaponics, hydroponics, underground greenhouses, and more. People are interested in making the most that they can with their space and with hydroponic farming, that allows people to grow vertically instead of needing to have many acres of land to farm.

What "protecting the American way of life" really means...


Politicians often try to make a case for something being "required" by trying claim they are "protecting" or "defending" the "American way of life". Is it really about defense? Or is that a newspeak term that means the opposite, whereby offensive actions need to be taken in order to preserve, protect and defend the status quo of what currently is?
The other phrase used, of "protecting US interests", is a little more obvious in what they are trying to do. Protecting interests means what? Well, the interests the U.S. in getting what they want, and keeping what they have. The "American way of life" is also about keeping things as they are.

What gives us the right to rule over the animal kingdom?


The primary reason we humans put ourselves on a pedestal and dictate a position of 'authority' over the animals is largely due to our apparent intellectual and technological superiority. But, if our intellect and technology is all the reason to enslave and kill lower-living beings, why not harbor the same attitude towards the disabled and mentally ill, many of whom are lower in intelligence than animals?

Coming Back To Life


Re-discovering creative freedom
Rules and regulations serve as useful boundaries to protect us from harm. But what about when those boundaries begin to impinge on one's capacity for their innate, natural expression to come forth? Delving back into the world of natural medicine helps me reflect on the nature of 'freedom' and its role in creative expression.
Whatever happened to
the life that we once knew?
Always made me feel so free
— The Beatles

Gardening With A Whole System Approach


The approach that I like to use for gardening is to look at things from a whole system perspective.
Instead of just creating an ideal environment for growing one specific kind of plant, I like to create a system that supports all life and all plants.
Because of this mindset, my main focus is to build healthy soil. In order to create this healthy soil I like to drop down a thick wood chip mulch, then step back, because its not really me who creates the soil but the soil microorganisms.

Enjoying Beautiful Life & Food


You know, I'm not a complicated person. I don't need much to be fulfilled.
For me, it is enough to have a mountain to climb and eat some living, natural foods up there... Nothing else do I need to be happy, to achieve bliss.
So I embarked on a journey of hiking the other day, with my friends some of whom were not physically in shape
Obviously, as expected, at some points of time they couldn't keep up the pace so I had to constantly wait for them... Move, stop - wait, start... That resulted in me constantly cooling down & warming up
But nevertheless, it was an amazing experience and all of us reached the top.
What I made sure to do, when I started changing my clothes, was picture myself topless while showing a big FUCK YOU TO THE SYSTEM. Lol

Feeling Light & Joyful! Worry/Concern Melting Away Into Curiosity & Openness


This past week has certainly brought a lot of change & upheaval... and I'm feeling GREAT!
Of course the loss of almost 1,000,000 SP delegation to @TribeSteemUp is quite difficult in some ways, and has affected a couple hundred people... but for me personally the biggest change has been the removal of a lot of work, responsibility, and feeling stuck.

Seasonal Eating and Local Abundance


Today I was reflecting on how my views and perspectives on diet have changed throughout the years.
As with the changing of seasons I too have changed what I choose to eat. In this vlog I highlight the nourishing soup I am preparing and talk about what it means to eat locally.

Today's food from the homestead and forest for our soup!

During my 8 years as a vegan, I have gained a great deal of perspective on what food means to me. Since living on the homestead and focusing more diligently at meeting my food needs I have allowed in a great amount of changes. I now respectfully raise, hunt or barter for the meat I eat.

3 Natural Medicine Survival Essentials For My Month In Burma


So. Here I am. Finally. This part of the world has called my heart for decades.
Where am I? In a wild part along the east coast of Burma, where the mountains meet the sea.
I'm here to spend a month alone, collecting and documenting wild healing plants and working with the indigenous Karen people who inhabit these wild jungles and mountains. What's it like? Sub-tropical, so damp, hot in the daytimes and very cool at nights, humid and utterly gorgeous.

A big thank you to @hungryhustle for creating the amazing infographic of the 8 Pillars Of TribeSteemUp and For @eco-alex for creating the tribesteemup banner and logo.




Despite the removal of the delegation comma I really enjoyed what came out of last week. It shows that we are truly a tribe and that many of us got together to support each other and find new ways forward. Thanks for putting this collection together, because there are even some in there that I haven't engaged with before and to be honest have never heard of these Folk. I guess with a tribe of 200 odd people it would be easy to miss some xx

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U just wrote my comment! Xxx steem on

Ha!! Psychic then!

yeah there are a lot even still, it is hard to keep track of everyone. Maybe things will change once we all decide what is the best way to move forward, but interacting more with one another is a great start xx

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