Reality Check - Supplements Without Effort Are A Waste.
"I want whatever supplements SHE'S on!"
I heard this from a client in my morning class the other day as she admired the ripped, muscular, shapely physique of another participant, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it...
This was one of the many phrases to come out of this particular client's mouth as she cruised her way through our workout, talking the entire time and barely breaking a sweat, while she watched her fellow bootcamp classmate sucking wind, absolutely drenched, working to the point of failure - and yet, she still believed her success was due to some magical supplement.
Point. Missed.
Needless to say, as a fitness coach this frustrated the living shit out of me.
It might seem like a benign, silly comment uttered in passing, but this is actually a pretty widespread and annoyingly common mindset. The desire for results and aversion to actually working for them is the problem - so many people are constantly on the lookout for the easy way out!
In this age of instant gratification, many people out there are on the hunt for the fastest, most effortless, and most convenient way to get what they want, and that often involves buying the item in question or a paying for a service that supposedly creates the desired effect - usually removing as much actual effort by themselves as possible.
This is totally fine, and there's nothing wrong with taking advantage of technology, innovation or help, but it doesn't really work when it comes to fitness - at least not in the "magic bullet," don't-have-to-try kind of way.
The thing is, you can buy and take supplements until you're blue in the face and totally broke, but without putting in the work you'll never get the results you really want. It's just not possible, because bodies don't work that way. No stimulus, no breakdown, no challenge - NO ADAPTATION.
Even with the more powerful drugs like steroids, you can't just pump them into your bloodstream and continue to eat like shit and lounge around and expect to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger in a few weeks... Drugs and supplements may assist you along the way, but they're not the only answer and flat out do not work without putting in the effort.
The most hilariously ironic part of this whole thing, to me, was the fact that the woman whose body was the envy of my other client doesn't take any supplements at all. None.
The best supplements out there are a good diet and consistent, challenging exercise - the only two items on our fittest client's list. And boy, did I love delivering that news!
Sure, there are some helpful things you can take to promote recovery, to facilitate muscle growth, reduce inflammation, etc., but at the end of the day there's just no substitute or way to get around good ol' diet and exercise.
Don't listen to the claims made by companies trying to sell you their products - of course they're telling you exactly what you want to hear, they want your money! Be a sleuth, not a sucker for a sales pitch.
Ask yourself - if it were really that easy, wouldn't everyone be fit?
I hate to be the bearer of tough news, but I'd rather save you the time, money, and disappointment you'll inevitably feel after dropping your hard earned dollars on supplements hoping for a miracle that's never going to come.
The take-away? Just work hard, friends! Be disciplined, challenge yourself every day, learn and adapt as you go. Everyone who is successful in maintaining their health and fitness does these things. It's not easy, but it's not supposed to be!
I hope you all don't mind me shedding a little light on this truth today... I want you to be successful and to be playing with a full deck. I always try to put the best tools I know of in your tool kit, and take away the ones that don't work, so I hope this helps!
What are your favorite ways to stay healthy and fit?
Please feel free to comment, upvote, or resteem if you'd like! :)
Coincidentally, my wife was at the gym last week and she was admiring "the ripped, muscular, shapely physique of another participant (the goddess)". She asked her trainer if she even wanted to know what routine/regimen the goddess was on.
Similar to what you just mentioned in your post, the trainer explained that "the goddess" was in the gym before work, and then after. She eats a pescatarian diet and was currently striving to prepare for a competition.
It turned out that "the goddess" was a friend of my wife's trainer so she was able to provide the complete rundown. No supplements or steroids involved. - but a lot of exercise and a diets packed full of vegetables and lean proteins.
To top it off, her career was in programming, so, 9-5 was spent sitting at a desk like everyone else.
Wow, what a perfect example! I love it! Thank you so much for sharing :)
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I think modern fitness has sold us on instant results and gratification and that products are the short cut!
The problem is modern life is hella easy you don’t have to walk much and you An abundance of food around you at any given time you’re only a card swipe away from calories
We just trying to be too clever and wanting to try any and everything that doesn’t involve sacrifice and hard work lol
Posted using Partiko iOS
Hahaha TOTALLY! So true :) "modern life is hella easy" haha - couldn't have put it better myself!!!
Hello Annemarie,
Excellent post, with some really excellent points made!
Fruit and vegetables do indeed provide vitamins and nutrients in a bio-available form - unlike many supplement pills which mostly cannot be usefully absorbed. There are some exceptions where supplements are useful... but I would always look for a natural alternative wherever possible.
Upvoted and resteemed :D
Hi @icedrum! Thank you so much!! So glad we're on the same wavelength :) I so appreciate your support, thanks again!!! Hope you're having a great week!