#FeatheredFriday on a #SublimeSunday – Dreamy Crow Couple

in #photography5 years ago

Quick life update before I get to my Dreamy Crow Couple - it's been an interesting ten days since hubby had his shoulder surgery. As I mentioned in my latest Tarot Tuesday post, the procedure was problem-free, but the recovery has been pain-filled. However, last night we got, for the first time since the operation, a solid 8 hours of almost uninterrupted sleep (instead of the three to four hour naps we were getting in between his medication doses), and today his owieness is slightly less owie, so things are finally looking up! I even managed to get outside for a short time tonight to get some captures of the gorgeous Full Hunter's moon, and plan to share them tomorrow for my first Moon Monday in forever!

Now, for my crow couple - I'd actually planned to do this for last week's Sublime Sunday, since it was the day before our 30th wedding anniversary, and given that crows mate for life, I thought it would be an apropos subject. But better late than never, right? 😊

While I can't definitively say that these two crows are the same each time, I'm fairly certain they are. There was a period of time a few years back that one of the two (first nicknamed Biggs, then Angel) used to "talk" to me, and hung around a great deal. I still see him every now and again, but since I haven't been spending as much time wandering our yard with my camera, I haven't bumped into him as much.

And just like my last Dreamy post, I used the Deep Dream Generator to create these funky fun filters. If you're over on that site, be sure to shout out and say hi!

Last thing - be sure to check out the most recent posts from the Feathered Friday and Sublime Sunday tag hosts. @melinda010100's post is HERE (#FeatheredFriday) and @c0ff33a's post is HERE (#SublimeSunday).

Now here are my Dreamy Crow Couple shots!

  Dreamy Crow Couple
June 4 2017 - Biggs (aka Angel) and Smalls hanging out in a tree outside our bedroom window
  Dreamy Crow Couple
Just in case you couldn't spot them... 😊
And here they are, with the fairytale filter (but without the arrows).
  Dreamy Crow Couple
Also on June 4, Biggs/Angel keeping an eye on his lady love.
This time, with the Daniel Knight filter.
  Dreamy Crow Couple
Smalls, sitting pretty not too far from Angel
Smalls with the Abstract Nature filter
  Dreamy Crow Couple
The happy couple the day before Valentine's Day, 2016 (yes, those are snowflakes)
The happy snowy couple with the Cold Day filter
  Dreamy Crow Couple
Close to a year later, on January 12th, 2017
Finishing up with the Dark City filter

Happy #FeatheredFriday on a #SublimeSunday! Hope you enjoyed my Dreamy Crow Couple!

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Happy belated anniversary and I'm so glad that things are beginning to look up post surgery! Such dreamy crow images. I'm happy to see a #featheredfriday post from you. It has been a good week for crows and that makes me happy!
@tipu curate

Thanks so much, Melinda - both for the anniversary wishes, and for the TipU curation! And I meant to mention that earlier today when I started this post, I heard "my" crows hollering outside - crossing my fingers they'll come by for a visit soon, especially since I can share the photos with you. 😊

I would love to see more of your lovely crows! Hope you get a restful nights sleep tonight!

Same to you, lovely lady!

!giphy-sticker sweet+dreams

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Sorry to hear of your hubby's shoulder pain. Hopefully he is getting past that now.

These two are really cute! They remind me of my crow couple that are always around my house. Speaking of which, I expect the bulk of the clan here will be going off soon to wherever they spend the time they aren't here, and only the couple and maybe a couple of their latest family additions are around until spring.

Thanks so much, @free-reign! Yeah, it's slow going, but the pain is slightly better each day, so we're focusing on that.

I'm hoping I can reconnect with this lovelies over the winter, although we seem to change out the summer crowd (sparrows, bluebirds, finches) with the winter crowd (crows, bluejays, juncos). I've neglected all the birds for a bit, since life has been so hectic (and our landlady already spoils them at her feeder down the driveway...LOL!). Hope we can both get some good crow connections in the coming months! 😊

I'm slowly progressing in my relationship with the crows and the murder. I'm feeding them even better food, making crunchy peanut butter sandwiches on whole grain bread and cutting them up in small pieces for them. They love 'em!

I put that out with some grapes and cat food on the other side of the house to avoid the squirrels, and I throw some out for the Jays, grackles and squirrels in my yard near the patio area, and the crows come over there now too, even when I'm standing there. Getting closer, I hope!

Ooo, great way to bond with them! I'm pretty sure it was the raisin toast I gave them almost daily that got their attention in the beginning! 😊

Sending lots of good crow juju your way!

That pair is so sweet! I didn't know that crows mate for life. As do Egyptian geese. So glad to hear that hubby's pain is diminishing - that makes life so much easier for everyone. Here's to the continued good recovery!

I didn't realize it either, Fiona, until I started obsessing over these beauties reading up on them. And thanks so much - it's definitely helping! 😊

Crow lady I still think they are creepy 😉

LOL! Yeah, I know I'm in the minority, @brittandjosie but I think they're creepy cool! 😊

This post was curated by @theluvbug
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Oh...crows mate for life...wait, what? I actually never know that, lol.

The fairytale filter works pretty wonderfully with the picture there, and the best part is that the birds are still visible! And it feels a little bit of fascinating that I'm reading about a bird loving another...it's not something people here talk about every day, nobody bats an eye on the random birds flying around here. Maybe I'll also spot some if I put a lot of effort observing...haha.

Yep, @lilacse - I thought it was such a cool thing when I found out. 😊

And thank you - I'm having so much fun playing with these filters! I only started paying attention to the birds in my neighborhood four or five years ago, and now I'm hooked. In fact, my family calls me the crazy bird lady...LOL!

!giphy thanks

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